Cheat days?? Seriously people???



  • JohnnyNull
    JohnnyNull Posts: 294 Member
    There are reasons for a cheat day. It helps mentally, and can do a little reset on your metabolism. A cheat day is not an excuse, nor should there be guilt involved with it. There's enough people that go through emotional eating. If you feel good without a cheat day, and you've not hit a plateau, then it's working for you. But , I'd say you're in the minority.
  • sarahlauren18
    sarahlauren18 Posts: 128 Member
    I dont agree either... this is a life style change so to completely deny yourself something for me doesnt work. I think moderation is key .
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    There are reasons for a cheat day. It helps mentally, and can do a little reset on your metabolism. A cheat day is not an excuse, nor should there be guilt involved with it. There's enough people that go through emotional eating. If you feel good without a cheat day, and you've not hit a plateau, then it's working for you. But , I'd say you're in the minority.

    Likewise one could argue that if you still need to see your "cheat day" as the light at the end of the tunnel, and need to utilise junk food as a "feel good factor" than you may still be losing weight that way, but you have clearly not addressed your disordered eating... and sooner or later it'll catch up with you, because what you haven't done is addressed the root cause of your problem, you merely try to control the symptoms.
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I dont agree either... this is a life style change so to completely deny yourself something for me doesnt work. I think moderation is key .

    You're missing the point. It's not about denying yourself, it's about not wanting it in the first place?
  • busub
    busub Posts: 58
    I think people are getting hung up about what a cheat meal entails. For me, it means going out to eat without having to think about the calories, not necessarily gorging on pizza, burgers and fries. If the seared duck breast and polentqa with sauteed veggies sounds good, by all means have it.

    Some people put a higher priority on good food and I'm one of them. I appreciate fine wine, cheeses and the such. The only difference is now I'm choosing to have them sparingly.

    I'm already planning next month with lamb, lentils and chocolate dipped strawberries for v-day.
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I'm referring to people who think they can just pig out for a day. I just feel that is self-defeating. We can eat whatever we want if we allot for it and don't overdo it. That's what I mean. Everyone does things their own way. I just find it interesting that people are looking for approval to do it. I am absolutely not depriving myself of ever having goodies, it's just that you can plan for them that's all I'm saying. But I think it's self-defeating if you work your butt off all week just to go overboard !!!

    I have not seen one person "just pigging out for a day" when they say they were having a cheat day. Usually, they mean one meal, not the whole day.

    I do it. Once a week. I have a meal out with my family. I work around my other meals that day so I can afford the calories. Besides, having one "unhealthy" meal is NOT gonna make a difference. Like a pp said, it keeps your body guessing and you can actually lose more weight having a cheat meal once in a while.
  • jennifer3998
    jennifer3998 Posts: 144 Member
    I'm kind of confused as to why this keeps coming up over and over again. If it works for you, GREAT. If it doesn't, then don't do it. But it seems really self-righteous to tell me not to do something that is clearly working for me.

    I like the person who described it as a "free" day instead. I don't log on Saturdays usually, don't pig out, but usually have some drinks and eat more freely. It seems to shake up my metabolism every time, in a good way.

    Just like exercise plans, there are many many eating plans that work for people! Do what works for your body!!!
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    You are either a person who can do a "cheat day...or treat day" or you are not. Often times a person discovers that the things they once desired are no longer that a cheat day can be good for learning more about the new you. A cheat day can help you feel human.....sometimes I need to be just like everyone else....but I am really good about being able to eat one cookie...I have always been very good about being able to get back on the wagon so to say...if I were a person who ate one cookie then the rest of the cookies and was the kind of person who ate something fried one day and thus again for the rest of time then an occassional "treat day" would be very it is...I happen to be a person who can splurge a tiny bit on occassion and it not affect my resolve and fortitude toward the end goal. is my journey...yours is yours...enjoy it and let others figure their own way through it...
    I do however agree that if you have a "cheat day" you don't get to bellyache when the results are slowed a bit or if you have a binge week or two that you don't deserve some tough love that says...stop cheating and get back to good choices...but once in a while...I say savor every moment
  • melaka
    melaka Posts: 18
    I save my 'cheat day" for special occasions. I was invited to three parties yesterday - all three which had a potluck, and one party in particular where the whole purpose was to eat food! (Chinese New year). I just enjoyed myself, ate until I felt full, and stopped there. I had a good time, and it was a nice day off from tracking my calories. I am now back on MFP today and going back to my normal routine this week.

    I don't think there's anything wrong with those days as long as they're sporadic, and for me, with a specific reason. I'm going to be in mexico for three days in a about a month. I don't plan to track calories, but I do plan to eat healthy as possible.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I have cheat days and Ive lost 40 pounds.
  • emchamberlain
    emchamberlain Posts: 133 Member
    I'm surprised so many people assume "cheating" means processed/junk food! When I think of meals that I want to have, I think of homemade cookies or nice restaurant meals.

    It's really down to what your definition of cheating is. I don't think any of us are never planning on going to another restaurant or wedding or vacation again. If I go out to a nice dinner with my husband, I'm not going to be wracking my brains to count every calorie. But I don't consider that a "cheat." It's just life.
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    I TOTALLY disagree. I have one cheat meal a week - meal, not day. When I have been keeping a very strict diet, I find that a cheat meal will actually rev my metobolism. I will do extra cardio the day I plan to cheat. But I lost 40 pounds doing this the last time.
  • I don't consider anything "cheating" ... I allow myself treats, just in moderation. By denying yourself EVERYTHING it makes you want it more. This isn't supposed to be a DIET ... but for lack of better phrase ... a lifestyle change. You're making changes that will make you healthier, and in the process lose weight. Don't cut everything out and try to do anything major drastic ... because it's not realistic, and in the long run not maintainable... My goal is to get to where when I crave a snack, my first choice is something healthy ... instead of wanting that twinkie and choosing carrots instead. It's a small step opting for the healthy snack when what you really wanted was the "junk".

    well said!
  • juli7373
    juli7373 Posts: 6 Member
    I agree with no such a good idea to cheat.......unfortunately i do well until i have a cookie or cake...i binge eat.....i dont just have 1, it usually ends up eating 5 cookies or 3 pieces of cake....and then i beat myself up over the rest of the day...this has ben an issue with me for ok with where i am with weight..its just the muffin top when i sit down.......what to do to get rid of it...??
  • kammy92
    kammy92 Posts: 408 Member
    I think it is a matter of how you see your cheat day..for example my cheat day is Sunday! I wouldn't dare gobble down a piece of Chocolate cake or a bowl of ice cream. But I do allow myself to eat a few things that I normally wouldn't. Just this morning I had an egg with fat free cheese and a slice of turkey bacon..that is a Cheat to me. And it helps me lose More weight...It keeps my body guessing...adds fuel to the fire. :)

    I agree! It doesn't have to be something chocolate and very fattening!!!
  • I agree with Jen. Cheat days are not an option for me, one day turns into two and then the weekends and before I know it I off on a binge that is sooo hard to get back on track. I will stick with maybe something on a smaller scale. Smooches-Diva:love:
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    I personally think all this CHEAT stuff has gone out of hand.

    Not everyone is the same way, one diet will not work for everyone, a change in YOUR lifestyle won't work for someone else's lifestyle. Maybe YOU can't have a 'free' day, but someone else can and it won't hurt what they have done. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean you have to say that they are NEVER good. Everyone is intitled to their opinion about it, and it is their lifestyle they are changing.

    Maybe someone has more control to have a free day, maybe others don't. To me having a free day can work for some, but not all. For ME, it helps me to tell myself I'm not torturing myself. The way I see it, this IS a lifestyle change. You're choosing healthier items, making better choices, actually eating the recommended portion. So what's it matter if one day you have a piece of cake, or you eat something you wouldn't normally eat? That helps me to fit it into my lifestyle. At some point in my life (since I'm only 21) I will come across a birthday party with nothing healthy, a family dinner with nothing healthy, a restaurant with nothing healthy, BUT if YOU control your portions then YOU can control how many calories, fat, carbs, etc. go into your body!

    To me 'free' days aren't to gorge and eat anything in sight. It's just another day in your new lifestyle, just a less strict one. You're strict allll week, but this one day you can do something extra. Once you actually learn what portion sizes look like it will be easier. The biggest problem with people overweight (and myself) is that we don't KNOW the actual portion size. If you actually eat the correct portion size you will save yourself a LOT of calories
    As I said, for some this works, for others it doesn't. Some that are more disciplined may find it easier to have one 'free' meal, others who aren't able to control it as much may not.
    It's not right to say it's bad for everyone. What's bad, or doesn't work, for one person, may work for the other. There is no need to go about saying no one needs to do it.
    Before I end this terribly long post, I have one thing that I remember when it comes to days like this, If you deprive yourself of something you enjoy (candy bar, pizza, ice cream) then you will just end up hunting it down and eating the entire thing.

    Okay, I think that is all I needed to say. I'm sorry it was so long.
  • 305muscle
    305muscle Posts: 97 Member
    There seems to be some wide disagreement on this board about what the cheat day means. Personally I think "cheat day" is a bad name with a bad connotation; it should be called "free day". Here's why - the free day is not a day that you screw up, feel guilty, and then use the concept of "cheat day" to stop feeling sorry for yourself. That's just called a screw up. On the other hand, a free day, is a day that you've PLANNED IN ADVANCE, where you eat whatever you want. It's factored into your program; it's not an accident. Some people take it once a week, some take it once a month, others do it as just as a splurge meal here or there. Some people reject the concept and eat clean 100% of the time. To each their own.

    I don't go around telling everyone they *should* take a free day, but I do recommend it. Please don't go around telling people they *shouldn't*. It's a valid strategy and it works.

    Here's an example of what someone who takes a free day may look like:

    Edit: the above is a picture of Bill Phillips, author of Body For Life. That book is where I first learned of the concept of the free day, and he explains it in there a lot better than I can.

    C'mon now. It seems as though people are looking for approval to cheat. Don't do it. You don't have to cheat if you allow yourself the calories. But is it really worth it?? I think not. If I'm tempted, I always think to myself: "how will I feel about myself 5 min after I eat this?" SO not worth the guilt. It's not that we can never have goodies ever again....just plan for it. It's really not that hard if you're serious. I was a snackoholic, but I'm determined NOT to be....good luck everyone and don't sell yourself short....YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!!! :wink:
    BILL PHILLIPS?!! come on this guy its the biggest steroid user and supplier to athletes like jose canseco and actor silvester stallone
  • Nightdust
    Nightdust Posts: 171 Member
    I feel it's best to allow yourself treats in moderation. I give myself free days on special occasions such as birthdays, Christmas, etc. I don't feel like I am "selling myself short" but maybe a little bad and that I need to work harder the next day or get back on routine.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    BILL PHILLIPS?!! come on this guy its the biggest steroid user and supplier to athletes like jose canseco and actor silvester stallone

    Yep, same guy! He was indeed a big advocate of anabolic steroids back in the day. He has supposedly since stopped using and advocating steroids.

    You want to discredit him because of his past, fine, here are several pages worth of other people who have gone through the program:

    Edit: heck, on that note, here's me after the first 12 weeks. I'm not anywhere near these champions, but the program works, period.
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