Cheat days?? Seriously people???



  • AMSull19
    AMSull19 Posts: 37 Member
    i think allowing yourself an entire day of no counting carefree eating is a bad idea. I do, however, think its important to have one meal a week that you aren't calorie concious...but even then its important to keep portions under control. If you deprive yourself all together, you will wear yourself down mentally and increase your chances of failing. If you dont learn healthy eating as a lifestyle and learn to incorporate moderation, any weight lost will slowly creep back up on you.

    Also feel like, there are healthier subsitutes for the "bad" things you love.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I'm honest with myself. Cheating got me to 324 lbs. It also cause me to yo-yo in the past. I refuse to put that junk in my body again. If I want a good cheese burger I will make a healthier one at home with real lean beef or turkey meat and not that junk they sell at restaurants. If I want some pizza I will make one at home with sauce thats low in sugar and sodium and not that mess that pizza hut & dominos sell.

    Their are healthier ways to make any thing you might want. You just have to put forth the effort to do so. I had to stop being lazy and remember that convience and fast is not always good. It doesn't take much time to make these things and I think you would definitely enjoy it more because it was your own creation.
  • djnelson1024
    I don't consider anything "cheating" ... I allow myself treats, just in moderation. By denying yourself EVERYTHING it makes you want it more. This isn't supposed to be a DIET ... but for lack of better phrase ... a lifestyle change. You're making changes that will make you healthier, and in the process lose weight. Don't cut everything out and try to do anything major drastic ... because it's not realistic, and in the long run not maintainable... My goal is to get to where when I crave a snack, my first choice is something healthy ... instead of wanting that twinkie and choosing carrots instead. It's a small step opting for the healthy snack when what you really wanted was the "junk".

    I completely agree with this post I have had a few "so called cheat meals" Granted I am not at the extreme of the weight I need to lose but ultimately it makes it possible for you to get that food out of your system and not crave it again. So it is important to feed a craving occasionally like earliuer stated this is not a diet but a lifestyle change. People learn to eat right and exercise daily that give you a bit more room to indulge ocassionally. I think it is important to have a moment to take a break it helps drastically.
  • johnnya2
    Calling something a cheat day gives it an unhealthy relationship to the food instead of the AMOUNT of food. I eat basically anything I want in moderation 7 days a week. If I want to have a beer, I have one. If I want ice cream I have ice cream, but not a heaping bowl full. If I want French fries, I have them. I never feel deprived or longing for certain foods. The only thing I have given up to lose 52 pounds since August has realistically been Mountain Dew. I did not give that up based on my weight, but more on needing to be off caffeine for sleeping.
    Once I hit my goal weight, I will need to up my calories count to avoid losing more weight than I want, but I will still be eating the same foods I have always enjoyed.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    You know I am seeing more and more of these posts and I dont think I have the same definition as others .... I personally do not think I have a "cheat day" because i stay within all of my limits everyday and i work out everyday but I did "cheat" earlier this week when I indulged in 2 slices of cheese pizza during a work party ... so is indulging every now and then but staying under calories, sodium, fat, protein, sugar etc etc considered a "cheat day"

    No, that is not a cheat day. You worked your indulgence into your plan and if that works for you, then Great!!!

    The problem I see a lot is those people that say I am going to eat xxxx when I lose yyy pounds.

    I don't understand the logic of treating with food that got us over weight in the first place.

    My treats when I reach certain goals or milestones are NON food treats.
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    To each their own. Whatever works for a person - we're all different. :wink:
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I'm honest with myself. Cheating got me to 324 lbs. It also cause me to yo-yo in the past. I refuse to put that junk in my body again. If I want a good cheese burger I will make a healthier one at home with real lean beef or turkey meat and not that junk they sell at restaurants. If I want some pizza I will make one at home with sauce thats low in sugar and sodium and not that mess that pizza hut & dominos sell.

    Their are healthier ways to make any thing you might want. You just have to put forth the effort to do so. I had to stop being lazy and remember that convience and fast is not always good. It doesn't take much time to make these things and I think you would definitely enjoy it more because it was your own creation.

    Great post!!!
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    'weighing in' on the whole 'cheat day topic *L*

    I don't have cheat days.. cause I don't consider myself to be on a diet.
    I've simply chosen to be kinder to my body and my health by making smarter food choices overall.

    I truly don't intend to never again have a piece of chocolate cake .. ever... but.. in making healthier choices more consistently 'now' while i am retraining my body to expect those healthier choices, I just am less likely to give in and choose a piece of chocolate cake 'now' *L*

    IMHO.. saying I was having a 'cheat day' is like giving myself permission to eat anything I wanted for that whole day, and feeling like I was justified in doing so, or 'deserved' the treat.
    Thing is.. I know I would feel like I'd let myself down (been there, tried it that way in the past, and ... all that really happened was I never really managed to retrain my body to 'crave' healthy foods cause I kept 'rewarding' it with not so healthy ones once a week before I ever broke the habit of craving the naughty stuff *L*).. it just didn't work so well for me personally cause I spent most of each week eagerly anticipating what I would eat on that 'cheat' day instead of paying attention to what I was trying to learn the other 6 days.

    Am not passing judgement by any means.. just saying that for 'me'... I am trying to establish the way I will eat for the rest of my life.. cause I deserve to feel good, and so, if I want a piece of cake, now, I will have one, and then continue right on with eating wisely all the rest of that day as if nothing happened.. cause.. I am learning to eat for life now... not just for a period of time while I am wanting to lose weight.

    Hmm..not sure that really makes sense in words though I know what I mean in my head anyway .. maybe someone will understand what I mean *L* maybe I need another coffee to wake up a lil more. *LOL*
  • columbiasmiles
    columbiasmiles Posts: 54 Member
    I cheat every night. Because I watch what I eat and drink only my water (only water and occasional an herbal tea w/out sugar) a during the day and burn 300+ calories a day. Some days I may go over, usually less that a 100 calories. Which I think is okay I am not in no extreme rush to lose weight. My treat is the 4oz of coke and 1 oz of spiced rum, I 'Treat' myself every night. It makes everything I do all day worth it.
  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    This issue is a personal one, I guess whatever gets you through...

    For me I love pizza, and have found a thin crust one that is wonderful and makes me feel like I have indulged. I pair it with a salad, before it was all pizza and a whole one to myself. I always stay within my calories. If I know I am going to be out and don't have too much control over the food then I make sure I get in an extra workout that day and make good choices. I still log it. It can only
    For me I don't cheat because in the end I cheat myself and this is a journey of incorporating all foods that I enjoy, just making good choices.

    Beautifully said.
  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    I have one cheat day a week and it is the BEST thing I could ever do for myself. During the week if I am craving something it goes on my list for cheat day, then I have something to look forward to. I have lost Almost 15lbs since 1/6, my starting weight was 173. I was unable to exercise do to an injury...My cheat day has not hindered my weight loss. Your body needs a shock to the system once a week. I guarantee you, if you do not have at least one cheat meal a week or day a week, you will eventually fall off the wagon. This is not a diet for me, this is a lifestyle change...I will be eating healthy for the rest of my life. One day a week cheating, makes the rest of the week worth it.

    I've stuck with losing weight for a year without cheating and no longer crave unhealthy foods. I have lost 90 pounds and am continuing to lose steadily. Your guarantee is meaningless.
  • ser0630
    ser0630 Posts: 223
    I allow myself a couple of "cheat meals" a week. For example, last night when I was out for a friend's birthday party, I ordered a mushroom swiss burger and fries. I didn't eat it all I left several bites of the burger and half of the fries, I allow myself to have those once in a while and I adjust exercise and the rest of my meals accordingly. I don't feel guilty for doing so either. If I'm at home and I want a "cheat meal," I try to make it healthy. For example, if I want spaghetti, I'll use whole wheat pasta. If I want pizza, I'll make it myself and add veggies such as mushrooms, onions, and diced tomato.

    I don't do cheat days because I feel extremely lousy afterwards.
  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    MY OWN opinion: Cheat days/meals, treats...whatever you want to call it...

    I was diagnosed with Diabetes in March of 2010. I had to take classes. The one thing we were told: "You can eat anything you want. There are no restrictions." That being said, we were taught to work it into the calories allowed for the day.

    I've taken a REALISTIC view on things and what works for ME! Will it work for you? Who knows? Everyone is different. One thing I do know, I didn't end up gaining a ton of weight by "cheating" one day. I gained by cheating EVERY day! I'm not going to deprive myself of a cookie, a slice of cake or whatever the item might be, on my day. That treat won't make me gain back the pounds I've lost. I'm not binging, purging or doing anything unrealistic or unhealthy.
    In fact, my Diabetes doctor agreed with how I'm going about things. He even said, you're "going about this aggressively, doing a great job and I'm staying out of your way." My family doctor, ob/gyn, dietician...all of them are in agreement with how I have gone about this.
    I'll keep my treat day and stay realistic, because in the end, the only one I have to face is myself.
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    C'mon now. It seems as though people are looking for approval to cheat. Don't do it. You don't have to cheat if you allow yourself the calories. But is it really worth it?? I think not. If I'm tempted, I always think to myself: "how will I feel about myself 5 min after I eat this?" SO not worth the guilt. It's not that we can never have goodies ever again....just plan for it. It's really not that hard if you're serious. I was a snackoholic, but I'm determined NOT to be....good luck everyone and don't sell yourself short....YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!!! :wink:
    I only allow a "cheat meal" once a month or longer....I want to live longer!
  • denisem23
  • firmbug
    firmbug Posts: 57 Member
    My first thought is aways "Cheat WHO?"

    It is cheating me, my body, my weigtloss, my health, my mental stability (yes-it gets my mind off the healthy track!)

    I do incorporate not so good foods into my diet when needed, but mostly I try to make a healthier version of the yummy foods. Burgers can be made at home and be just as good, tacos, fried chicken, healthy wraps and pizzas are awesome with no guilt.

    And if I want to go to dinner with my friends, I go! I order 'better' but enjoy my meal and friends. I lost 36 pounds and kept it off for almost 2 yrs with this theory. (gained back some through illness and excuse making!!!)

    :flowerforyou: You can do this!!

    Great Attitude!!!
  • secostley
    secostley Posts: 409 Member
    Have to disagree with you on this one. Although I'm sure there's research on both sides to show that cheat days are good or bad, I find I can still have a cheat day and lose weight--provided that one doesn't go overboard on the cheating. If you still can't push away from the table like you should, a cheat day probably isn't a bad idea. However, if your dieting is clean and your seeing results, having a slice of cheesecake once a week isn't going to kill you.

    Same applies to people having hangups about eating on Thanksgiving or Christmas. It's two days out of 365! It's not a big deal.

  • StarletteS
    StarletteS Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Everybody! This is my first post but I have been on MFP for about 3 months. I have noticed with me that if I avoid the pizza (which is my absolute favorite food ever) I am better off. The last couple of weeks I have been giving myself cheat meals with pizza but I have no self control over pizza at all!! I fit in two pieces of pizza into my calorie goal but once I start eating I can't stop at 2 slices. I need to cut it out completely..... I usually have my cheat meal on Thursday's but there is always left over and I will eat it until it's gone. My weigh in day is on Friday and I am just not losing hardly any weight and sometimes I gain and work super hard the next week to take it back off.

    This is just what is or is not working for me. Granted I only have 18 pounds to lose so it will be harder. Thanks for reading! :bigsmile:

  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    There seems to be some wide disagreement on this board about what the cheat day means. Personally I think "cheat day" is a bad name with a bad connotation; it should be called "free day". Here's why - the free day is not a day that you screw up, feel guilty, and then use the concept of "cheat day" to stop feeling sorry for yourself. That's just called a screw up. On the other hand, a free day, is a day that you've PLANNED IN ADVANCE, where you eat whatever you want. It's factored into your program; it's not an accident. Some people take it once a week, some take it once a month, others do it as just as a splurge meal here or there. Some people reject the concept and eat clean 100% of the time. To each their own.

    I don't go around telling everyone they *should* take a free day, but I do recommend it. Please don't go around telling people they *shouldn't*. It's a valid strategy and it works.

    Here's an example of what someone who takes a free day may look like:

    Edit: the above is a picture of Bill Phillips, author of Body For Life. That book is where I first learned of the concept of the free day, and he explains it in there a lot better than I can.

    C'mon now. It seems as though people are looking for approval to cheat. Don't do it. You don't have to cheat if you allow yourself the calories. But is it really worth it?? I think not. If I'm tempted, I always think to myself: "how will I feel about myself 5 min after I eat this?" SO not worth the guilt. It's not that we can never have goodies ever again....just plan for it. It's really not that hard if you're serious. I was a snackoholic, but I'm determined NOT to be....good luck everyone and don't sell yourself short....YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!!! :wink:
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    As with many debates in life and on the internet, i think this argument is really about definitions rather than concepts.