Eating your exercise calories??



  • btrflyflutter
    btrflyflutter Posts: 68 Member
    Copy and Pasted (for the second time today) answer I just wrote on another thread asking almost the exact same question.... Its probably the most common question asked on the forums :)

    Short answer: Try Searching this topic, as it has been discussed ad nausea here on the site.

    Longer (but not nearly long enough) answer:
    Your body requires a certain number of calories in order for you to simply exist. In order for you eyes to blink, your heart to keep beating, your hair to keep growing, your organs to keep functioning, you have to feed it a certain number of calories. This number is caleld your BMR. (Use the tool on this site to check your BMR...) For example, my BMR is about 1490 calories. So say Ilay in bed allllll day, motionless. I would require 1490 calories just to keep my body alive.
    The second I get out of bed, walk across the room, open the door to the bathroom, brush my teeth, pee, weigh myself, turn on the hot water,and hop in the shower...I have burned calories. Minimal...but still enough to start cutting into the 1490 my body needs in order to fuel its most basic functions.
    So if I eat my BMR of 1490 a day, I am only giving my body enough to do its basic functions.
    MFP gave me a number of calories based on my desire to lose 2 lbs a week. At my height and current weight, losing 2 lbs per week is not reasonable, but the lowest MFP will set someone's calories is 1200 (For many good reasons). 1200 is sort of an arbtrary number at this point but no one should really eat LESS than 1200, and there are likely very few people who could eat 1200 calories for the res tof their lives and maintain weight or stay satisfied. (opinion...sorry) I lost 20+ lbs eating 1200 cals a day. But the second I started eating "normal" again, I gained all 20+ lbs back, PLUS MORE. It might "work" in the short term, but for many here, 1200 calories isnt the lifestyle change needed to STAY healthy and thin.

    OK, back to the exercise thing. If I eat my 1500 (1490) cals today, my body will already be at a deficit for weight loss since I got out of bed, functioned, walked, lifted my toddler countless times, etc. So if I were to workout and burn 500 calories this afternoon, my body would be at an even greater deficit, and risk pushing my body to panic. Once your body panics and your metabolism worries that you are not feeding it enough, you will start to store fat at a faster rate. Your body and metabolism will try to hang onto any extra store of fat in preparation for an upcoming "famine".

    Another way to look at it: If you eat 1200 calories and then exercise 500 calories away, you are only holding onto 700 calories for your body to draw from for energy, organ function, eye blinking, etc etc. Its just not enough for your body to exist on withut causing longterm troubles.

    It took me a looooong time to "get" this. I still have to consciously remind myself to eat my calories in order to lose weight. It seems counter-intuitive...but it WORKS. When I eat my BMR and at LEAST half my exercise calories, I lose weight. When I only eat 1200 calories, I am miserable, hungry, and i might lsoe some weight initially...but i gain it alllll back with a few extra for fluffiness.

    Bottom line: eat more, lose more.
    BMR + exercise calories = success
    (i eat at least half of my exercise calories)

    Hope that helped!

    That helped me extremely...I had just posted on this topic this morning and talked to a trainer I know about it....I was so confused on if I should continue the 1200 or do the 1480 that my BMR suggest!
    Thank you soooooo much for the post....written so I could understand! LOL

  • melaka
    melaka Posts: 18
    Ignore this one!
  • melaka
    melaka Posts: 18
    Okay, I get what you all are saying, really I do. I'm not going to argue with that. Of course we do need a minimal amount of fuel to run our bodies. The thing I can't understand is why it is a good idea to eat when you're not hungry - we should not be forcing ourselves to eat when we don't want to. For someone like myself who gained weight because I just like to EAT and am very bad at identifying if I am hungry as opposed to craving, I need to learn to listen to my body. Right now, my body is telling me not to eat my exercise calories. My focus is breaking my old habits (such as eating ice cream at night just because I want to). I eat what I am allowed everyday and feel just fine. Although, trust me, I still eat what I want. I just eat it in moderation! I budgeted a donut the other day into my day and it tasted just great! I do plan to visit a nutritionist later on this month, so I'll ask them to clarify this. :)
  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    I guess I didnt see/read anyone stating "You have to eat even when you arent hungry."
    I am with you on the "learning to pay attention to your body" concept. I honestly got to the point where I thought my body didnt have an "Im-full! Stop-eating!" button. I could eat and eat and eat and eat and then look for MORE to eat. But now Ive learned to really pay attention to "hunger" vs boredom or anxiety or stress. And drinking a glass of water helps a LOT...when I think im hungry, I drink a bottle of water before choosing what Im going to eat. Usually, I end up skipping the food since the water is satisfying enough.
    Good luck in your journey!
  • btrflyflutter
    btrflyflutter Posts: 68 Member
    Melaka...I don't think anyone is saying to eat those calories if your just not hungry....I am finding myself to be really hungry the last 3 days on a 1200 cal diet when my BMR says to eat 1480 cals.
    If you eat your eating healthy and exercising and your just not hungry then I don't think that's a problem...I imagine your body would tell you if you were...I know mine has been!!!
  • I eat half of them!!! Good luck! :glasses:
  • melaka
    melaka Posts: 18
    Okay, thanks everybody. Sorry, I was just getting the impression that you SHOULD eat them and if you're not, you doing it wrong! Um.

    And I eat the max allowed every day. I don't want to go too low, either! :)

    Good luck!
  • javamom
    javamom Posts: 309
    I eat every last one of mine! I don't want to dip below 1200 calories eaten (when you take exercise calories into account).
  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    Okay, thanks everybody. Sorry, I was just getting the impression that you SHOULD eat them and if you're not, you doing it wrong! Um.

    And I eat the max allowed every day. I don't want to go too low, either! :)

    Good luck!

    :) SHOULD eat at least SOME of them :) Even just a small yogurt is 80-100 calories. You can do it! (Look at me cheering you to eat more!! :))
  • I do, but not always all of them. If I want a little something for dessert after dinner, then I'll have something. If not, I don't. I haven't been hungry since I started this program, aside from at the beginning, and I'm losing weight, so it seems to be working. I've noticed that when I don't make the calorie goal, I get a message telling me that I'm short. Eating too few calories can push your body into starvation mode, and can also lead to not sticking with a healthy eating routine. My goal when I got here was to lose weight slowly, learn how to eat the right way, and keep the weight off.
  • I DO eat my exercise calories. I am looking for gradual, safe weight loss. I've lost 11 pounds and down a sizesince Sept. 21 and managed NOT to gain over the holidays. When I first started using myfitnesspal, I didn't know I could enter exercise. i stuck to my 1200 calories and lost four pounds the first week -- that's not really healthy. 163 down to 152 is in 3 1/2 months is a good rate.
    (My husband has lost 50 pounds since August 1st. He started at 300 and is allowed 1500 calories, so he doesn't really need to eat his exercise calories.)
  • agibsonky
    agibsonky Posts: 124 Member
    I didn't eat my exercise calories for the first 8-10 months and lost pretty steadily, then started eating my exercise calories 3 weeks ago b/c I 'm pretty close to goal and have GAINED 4 pounds. I haven't always been eating all of them, but have been more lax and allowing myself to eat more on the days I exercise. This past Monday, I started NOT eating the exercise calores again...we'll see where this goes over the next couple of weeks. Only 15-20 more pounds and I'll be THERE!!!
  • EHuntRN
    EHuntRN Posts: 320 Member
    After excercise I still try and eat to get to my calorie goal, which is not usually happening. I am sticking to my healthy eating habits and that makes me fall below on days that I excercise. I do know that to much of a caloric deficit will send your body into starvation whether you feel hungry or not....then your body starts to hold onto fat as it starts to go into panic mode. So I would say that it is important to try and reach your caloric goal to maintain a slow, constant weight loss, especially if you are strength training.
  • brandygburke
    brandygburke Posts: 48 Member
    I usually don't burn more than a couple hundred (many health issues) - but I tend to not eat them, I think it's something psychological that keeps me from it, because I just can't stand to eat them!
  • Katz85340
    Katz85340 Posts: 206 Member
    So, I'm super proud when I burn off a bunch of calories at the now what? Do you eat those extra calories you burned off or just let them be?? Help :(??

    I read if you want to lose body fat why eat the kcalories (energy) that you have used? If you eat those kcalories, your body won't take off the body fat, so eat your kcalorie allowance for the day and carry on burning some off." So, unless you are severely restricting yourself on calories, do not eat back what you burn.
  • I almost always eat at least HALF of mine. Some days, like today, have been super busy for me and I am having trouble getting the other calories in because I honestly just want to go to bed! lol I guess I have a spoonful of peanut butter or a handful of nuts in my immediate future.
  • candycana
    candycana Posts: 92 Member WHEN should you eat them. In other words, my schedule's so hectic that I'm never sure if I'll be able to fit my exercise in, so usually it's in the evening, sometimes before dinner, sometimes after. So then I feel like I'm gorging myself just to get in those extra calories AND I'm eating them later than I understand you should eat, like after 8. So do they have to be eaten the same day? If so, is it okay to be eating later to get them in? I'm losing, but still trying to figure it all out.
  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member WHEN should you eat them. In other words, my schedule's so hectic that I'm never sure if I'll be able to fit my exercise in, so usually it's in the evening, sometimes before dinner, sometimes after. So then I feel like I'm gorging myself just to get in those extra calories AND I'm eating them later than I understand you should eat, like after 8. So do they have to be eaten the same day? If so, is it okay to be eating later to get them in? I'm losing, but still trying to figure it all out.

    That can depend on your day, your mood, etc. Somedays I eat more with the intentions of working out hard FORCES me to get on the treadmill/pop the DVD in/etc. Other days, I work out harder because I know I will want to eat more later in the day. I think its an individual battle, but I know I struggle with eating at 9pm, too. I also tend to look at MFP as a daily activity. Once the day is over, its over. That way, if I go over my calories one day, I know that tomorrow is a new day. And if Im under for the day, then I know I have a tiny bit of leeway for the next day(s).
    Good luck and keep up the great work! You will see results! Just stick to it :)
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    Usually I eat half or less but I won't eat all of them. Tonight was an exception because I ate most of them BUT I ate then in a lot of broccoli with one slice of cheese on top. I ate it mostly healthy (the broccoli) so it doesn't bother me.
  • Not all on the day I burn them. I wind up with some plusses and minus that sort of offset over a week or so.:wink:
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