

  • I am virtually doing it, i keep getting reoccurring yeast infections so need to cut out sugar, white breads, potatoes and restore my gut to its original balance, during my research i have read quite a bit about detox/colon cleanse, i decided against it and have cut down to very min amounts, my reasoning is that if i cut it…
  • bloodbank i am going to do that this evening
  • Can you tell me something, i have to cut down on my yeast so why is it ok for me to eat yeast in brown bread but not white, surely yeast is yeast???
  • Drosera now that sounds lush and a brilliant way to make cottage cheese much tastier as well as the rest of my food Good call
  • I love lamb, very naughty but the slow cooker is the best way to cook it and reduce all the fats from it. Stick the lamb in the slow cooker, add a very very week gravy covering 2" from the bottom then add to the gravy 2 whole garlic cloves crushed with a knife, add 1 tablespoon of mint sauce, black pepper and pour roughly…
  • Ginger tea will stop gas! either fresh ginger cut into boiling water or buy the twinnings ginger and lemon tea
  • I cant believe it, i have just been to waitrose and all the tinned soups have got yeast in them as well as sugar and potatoes :( i went for a soup out of the chiller cabinet which has no yeast but still has sugar, i think its going to have to be home made from now on Does anyone know why it says that i can eat brown bread…
  • Pepper, chilli, garlic yes, salt i have never liked, i have never put salt on my food only in my food
  • Wow you ladies are fab! its not so much the calories im concerned with more just jazzing up the food because of all the other things i have to cut out, love the sound of all of the above :D
  • Thanks Flossy i will have a look, don't have my lunch yet and have thought about making my own soups, i will check out those big soups today when i head down to waitrose. Wow so many helpful people on here, this is a great website :)
  • Thank you for your response, it does seem like a whole new world and seems pretty scary, i have done so much research on how to fight candida so i know exactly what i need to do its just implementing it. I started taking garlic gel tablets, drinking pro biotic drinks and that's good until i run out and then the thrush…
  • I have recently found out that coffee isn't that great for you. it helps feed yeast so its just another thing to put your gut out of balance with the bad bacteria, even worse if you have sugar in it too. :( i have to give up coffee, starting now
  • When researching new recipes yesterday to help cure me of my yeast infection i read in several places that you should use virgin coconut oil not just any old coconut oil