Yeast free food

shellef30 Posts: 15
edited September 22 in Food and Nutrition

I am a newbie here and i have joined because i need an overhaul on my diet due to a reoccurring yeast infection.

Does anyone else suffer from this, i have to cut sugar, bread, pasta, potatoes and loads of other stuff, im wondering how im going to survive?


  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    I'm allergic to yeast. Trying to find foods that I could eat was very difficult in the begining. Have you tried soda bread? The brown ones can be very sweet so I avoid those, but if you can find white farles (or even make your own) they are a really good substitue for ordinary bread.

    I have a book called Beating candida through diet, I'm not sure who the author is but I'll look it up for you when I get home. I found it very helpful.
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    I'm not sure where in the world you are. I'm in the UK and this is a link to the book from .uk. But I'm sure you'll be able to find a copy (or at least get one delivered) whereever you are. Hope this helps.
  • Thank you for your response, it does seem like a whole new world and seems pretty scary, i have done so much research on how to fight candida so i know exactly what i need to do its just implementing it.

    I started taking garlic gel tablets, drinking pro biotic drinks and that's good until i run out and then the thrush comes back with a vengeance, im hoping that giving up smoking will help but struggling to find things to eat, i never thought cutting out bread and potatoes would be so hard, its the lunch meals that leave me wondering, raw salads and vegetables are a good help but it all seems to boring and i will find it hard to stick to
  • Hi S

    Perhaps you could have soups or small portions of protein-rich foods for lunch?

    I find Heinz Big Soup, the really big cans, as good as a full meal for under 400 cals- although most do have some potato content, there are a few flavours without and they're all yummy! And sometimes I will make up a low fat chilli at home using turkey mince, kidney beans etc, and bring a portion to work to heat up with some soured cream. How are you fixed for rice? If this is also off your list then perhaps you could mop it up with soda bread. You can also do this with casseroles and other stews, especially while the weather's still cold.

    It's also worth looking up the GI diet or websites which offer GI recipes- all lower in carbs and yeast products.

    Good luck x
  • Thanks Flossy i will have a look, don't have my lunch yet and have thought about making my own soups, i will check out those big soups today when i head down to waitrose.

    Wow so many helpful people on here, this is a great website :)
  • I cant believe it, i have just been to waitrose and all the tinned soups have got yeast in them as well as sugar and potatoes :( i went for a soup out of the chiller cabinet which has no yeast but still has sugar, i think its going to have to be home made from now on

    Does anyone know why it says that i can eat brown bread yet it still contains yeast?

    This is really difficult
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