Detox and Meal Replacements

So for starters, I've never done a detox. I've never done a colon cleanse or anything of that nature. I'm toying with the idea of doing a blood cleaning and full detox just to start the new year off. I will be seeing a doctor next week and I'll be getting his advice as well as to if it helps or not.. I'm just curious as to if anyone here has done one and what it was and any suggestions..

I'm also toying with the idea of doing meal replacement shakes on days I'm not hitting the gyms to try and cut out some of the need and want of eating anything unneccessary. But I'd only do this for a week or so. I'm just bouncing ideas right now. Are there any suggestions for this as well?


  • shellef30
    I am virtually doing it, i keep getting reoccurring yeast infections so need to cut out sugar, white breads, potatoes and restore my gut to its original balance, during my research i have read quite a bit about detox/colon cleanse, i decided against it and have cut down to very min amounts, my reasoning is that if i cut it all out then you could end up with a complete intolerance.

    There are lots of other stuff that will help achieve the same goal. look up red clover tea, i did this for one month and felt a real benefit to using it, i know take garlic capsuals, pro-biotics and maintain a good sugar and as yeast free as possible diet.

    Im not in it to lose weight but bad body functions can lead to all sorts of problems