kbeech06 Member


  • Hmmm, hard to say. If it seems worse than ordinary aches and pains from exercising, and it doesn't seem to be getting better, then I would probably go to the doctor. I only say that because I was only a bit older than you when I started having bad pain in my feet and ankles and it turned out to be Rheumatoid Arthritis when…
  • Mine is already set at sedentary. :tongue:
  • Me too. If you are comfortable telling them then that's up to you. I was in the same situation a few years back. I was comfortable telling my boss as he is a sweetheart and my best friend is his assistant. I've worked in places where I never would have told ANYONE though...so its up to you. Not disclosing the reason...is…
  • WOW! Thank you so much for posting! Its pictures and stories like yours that keep me going every day! You are AMAZING!!!!!
  • OMG, I just spit my coffee out laughing!
  • I'm not a veggie, but I eat a lot of veggies and legumes and grains and I often get bloated. I've started taking a gas pill regularly until my body adjusts...plus my poor hubby couldn't stand being in the same room with me! I would think its just your body trying to adjust to your new way of eating.
  • Rosemary and garlic :) :) I may need to do some roast veggies soon...I love them.
  • That's hard in the UK...its the center of a lot of UK socializing. Even if you don't drink. We live in a small village and there are THREE pubs all within walking distance and several more you could drive to in less than 5 minutes. I never understood the pub culture until I moved to the UK. OP, I have cut way back on…
  • Awwww, he's (and you) have me smiling too! That is wonderful!
  • You look FANTASTIC!!!
  • Hmm, well I can't judge others because hubby comes shopping with me. So with all my healthy stuff, there is also, crisps, chips, beer, brandy, chocolates, and other assorted crap. Not like I can tell him...NO you can't buy it.
  • You look great! Its taken me over 13 years and I still have 36 more pounds to go :laugh: Good for you not waiting till your child is almost in high school to take care of it.
  • My daughter loves easy cheese...and misses it now that we live in the UK. That cracks me up because the cheese here is AMAZING!
  • I had that happen...changed the battery in my scale and they magically came back :laugh:
    in Problem! Comment by kbeech06 April 2013
  • Mine is two fold...to lose weight and by that end, being healthier. I have RA so any extra weight on my body means more pain in my joints. More pain in my joints means I don't move as much, which leads to more weight...which leads to depression, and eating more...and its a vicious cycle. I've just decided to break that…
  • I drove a school bus when I was living in the US. We all suffered from what we lovingly called "bus driver butt". Was our driving a school bus the problem?? No...it was sitting around the terminal eating doughnuts and pastries between shifts. When I go back to the US within the next several months and go back to driving…
  • Hi Dani! Its so great that you've decided to come back! You've made a decision that we've all made. Its hard...I know I struggle every day! But, you've made the first step and that's what matters!! I would love to be your friend to help encourage you along the way!!! :flowerforyou:
  • My husband was a beanpole as a teen. Long lanky legs...skinny as anything.When he left school at 16 (UK schools) he started working on the farm doing manual labor. His appetite increased and he filled right out. I wouldn't worry too much...he's growing and changing. If you're concerned then take him to the doctor. BTW,…
  • If you want to weigh yourself everyday...pick the same time every day. Even then you will have fluctuations day to day. I weigh every day, mostly to see how certain foods, medicines, and my monthly cycle cause my weight to go up and down. But, I expect the fluctuations and don't let them bother me because I'm in this for…
  • Great attitude!!!:flowerforyou: We all (ok maybe not ALL, but most) have days where we wish we could have a do over. But letting it get to you and throwing in the towel is the failure...not having a bay day with calories! :flowerforyou:
    in Ooops.... Comment by kbeech06 April 2013
  • I always find time to work out too..as does his wife, just maybe not as much as he does. What I was saying was...he manages to go to the Y 6x a week, maybe she doesn't have that option??? We all need to make WHATEVER time we can, but we can't ALL get to the gym everyday. I'm more sidelined for other reasons (health) but I…
  • Ouch! It really made matters worse huh? I'm not surprised :huh: ...I would have been pretty upset had my hubby said something like that to me! My hubby can work out when he gets home from work...but I'm busy cooking dinner, washing dishes, folding laundry, etc to work out that long every day.
  • Well, its not sweets for me. I like sweets enough, but I don't HAVE to have them if they're in the house. I just like food. I like the taste of rich cheeses, sauces, gravies. Crusty bread, a nice grilled steak with some ripe red tomato on the side will set my mouth drooling. My stomach can tell me its full....but my mouth…
  • I'm the same way! I look back at pictures of myself and think, damn I looked good! But I can clearly remember thinking I was fat. I've lost 23 pounds, and I can see a difference now...and I've had people tell me they can see it too. I still have just under 40 pounds more to lose to get down to 155. The big difference this…
  • Hmm, well I was listening to BBC Radio 4 one night a couple of weeks back, and they had on a few "experts". Two said that the 5:2 diet didn't work and had no PROVEN benefits, and the third said there wasn't enough evidence yet to make a call as to whether this way of eating is worth it or not. Seeing as every few years…
  • Hi Mike! Congrats on deciding to make some changes! That's a great loss already. I have no advice on the Atkins diet...I did it ages ago and lost 30 pounds but I ended up going right back to eating carbs and gained it all back. I hope it works for you. Keep moving! Keep coming here for encouragement and check out the…
  • I haven't given up any food or drink. The last thing I gave up and haven't touched since was cigarettes, because unfortunately using them in moderation wasn't possible. Everything else is fair game though!
  • Little gem lettuce??
  • That's weird, I lost 10 pounds in one day...but then I figured out that the battery on my scale needed replacing. Chill, its water weight! Get back on track!