can where you work contribute to weight gain?

Can anyone help me please, I saw a post on here maybe last week, and it was around where you work possibly contributing to weight gain - I'm sure the OP said they worked in a call centre and saw the weight drip on over several month.

My computer crashed as I opened the post and I've not been able to find it since - can anyone send me the link or advise where it is please?

Thanks in advance :D


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    where you work is just an excuse.... unless you have a medical condition the only thing that causes weight gain is too much FOOD!
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Only if your job is to overeat.
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    If OP's description of the thread in question is correct, then it wasn't worth reading and isn't worth searching for.
  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    where you work is just an excuse.... unless you have a medical condition the only thing that causes weight gain is too much FOOD!

    um no, if you have a job you don't move much that is boring and or stressfull that leads to emotional overeating but it's not just the eating that cause it. It's the overeating plus the lack of moving and the over-stress.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    where you work is just an excuse.... unless you have a medical condition the only thing that causes weight gain is too much FOOD!

    um no, if you have a job you don't move much that is boring and or stressfull that leads to emotional overeating but it's not just the eating that cause it. It's the overeating plus the lack of moving and the over-stress.

    its the overeating that causes it. if you are sedentary for 12 hours a day, and eat at TDEE you will not gain weight.

    if you eat over your TDEE you will gain weight.
  • lozadee
    lozadee Posts: 89 Member
    Thanks for adding the link :D thats exactly what I was looking for

    Thats all I was asking for - I didnt say I agree or diasagree but I'm certainly open to reading and giving everyone their own oportunity to be heard/taken seriously/vent their thoughts!
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    where you work is just an excuse.... unless you have a medical condition the only thing that causes weight gain is too much FOOD!

    um no, if you have a job you don't move much that is boring and or stressfull that leads to emotional overeating but it's not just the eating that cause it. It's the overeating plus the lack of moving and the over-stress.

    Oh please, give me a break. Your job might have contributed to your laziness, but it did not contribute to your weight gain. That was all you. You used your boredom and stress as an excuse to eat more. Did you exercise after or before work? Did you use your lunches to go for a walk? No? Those where all choices that you chose not to do.

    I work 12 hours in a call center, and not once will I blame my job. It was all me. It was I that didn't track, it was I that didn't exercise and it was I who kept bringing up excuses until I finally faced reality.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    When people say this it's bc they tend to think others are trying to sabotage them by eating junk around them, always brining in bad stuff, having work functions etc. When in fact it's always your choice whether or not to eat the junk. No one forces food in anyone's mouth and everyone has the right to make decisions for them self. So does the work place make you gain weight? No, you do.
  • madrose0715
    madrose0715 Posts: 463 Member
    I had a desk job for 15 years which contributed to my lack of motivation around managing my weight in a healthy manner. I made a huge lifestyle change in that I changed careers - intentionally choosing a new career that would eliminate the desk job. It is a career that has me outdoors every day for 7 months - lifting heavy stuff, on my feet at a very hectic pace (at 5'9", 185 lbs, my TDEE -20% is still 2200 kcals!). Obviously, I wouldn't say that my new career is the only factor contributing to my 60 pound weight loss over the last 14 months...but it was certainly a mindful decision in creating an environment for myself that would help me succeed.
  • HealthyVitamins
    HealthyVitamins Posts: 432 Member
    where you work is just an excuse.... unless you have a medical condition the only thing that causes weight gain is too much FOOD!

  • shutupandlift13
    shutupandlift13 Posts: 727 Member
    Where you work, while it can cause a less than optimal situation due to sitting all day, stress, etc, is not the cause for weightgain... ultimately if you accurately estimate your TDEE to sedentary and eat less than that everyday you will lose.

    Nothing like some good ol' fork put downs and table push backs to start shedding some pounds. Moving more helps too. Don't blame your environment, blame the sedentary, overeating lifestyle you've chosen.
  • kbeech06
    kbeech06 Posts: 328 Member
    I drove a school bus when I was living in the US. We all suffered from what we lovingly called "bus driver butt". Was our driving a school bus the problem?? was sitting around the terminal eating doughnuts and pastries between shifts. When I go back to the US within the next several months and go back to driving the bus...I will be taking my down time as an opportunity to walk. I'm hoping to get some of my co-workers involved and get us all moving.
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I'd say there are factors about your job that could possibly open you up to situations that are less than desirable, but you have to make the right decisions. For example, I work in an office in a large building. There are constantly lunch sales (fried chicken, pulled pork, etc) along with bake sales, pizza parties, and of course the sharable goodies like a box of donuts or the banana bread so-and-so's wife made. Working in food service obviously makes it hard. UGH I also used to work at the mall right across from aunti anne's pretzels. I could smell them constantly. Anyway, as everyone pretty much already alluded to, you just gotta make the right decisions. Get up and walk around. drink lots of water, get to the gym. :)
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    If OP's description of the thread in question is correct, then it wasn't worth reading and isn't worth searching for.

    Condescending much?

    The OP just wanted to read a thread. Who knows what kind of useful tips and information might have been in it.

    To all those saying it's all food...well that's helpful and NOT TRUE. Exercise and sleep both play important roles in weight loss and your work certainly affects both. For example someone who works in a manual labouring job obviously has a weight loss advantage over someone who works in a sedentary job that involves lots of formal dinners and drinking with clients. Can you lose weight anyway? Of course but to pretend your job plays no role at all in how easy/hard you find it to lose weight is just silly and there's certainly nothing wrong with wanting to discuss how your job impacts on your weight loss efforts.
  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,171 Member
    my work place only serves burgers and chips for lunch. So when i forget to take my lunch (cos i have to get up super early) I have to make do with their chips but then im on my feet for like 8 hours so its not too bad
  • SimplyDenyse
    SimplyDenyse Posts: 124 Member
    Well I worked in a command center for 3 years doing 12 hr rotating shifts. I saw alot of people gain weight just cause food was always brought in, you work crazy hours and most don't get out and walk when you get a chance to take breaks. Luckily for me at that time in my life I was walking with partner during lunch breaks and stair climbing during short breaks.. Then on my days offs i fit in workouts at home.

    I can see where you can get caught up in it all and gain weight from eating all the time, sitting behind a desk all day, sleeping and then repeating that day in and day out... You got to make yourself get up and move.

    My weight gain came after that period in my life with my kids.. but it was my own fault.. I let lack of sleep and trying to manage everything else get in the way and be an excuse. Now instead of sitting on the couch and watching movies during my free times. Im watching my shows behind a treadmill or out riding bikes with my kids and Im more contious of my calories that I take in.. Slowly the weight is coming off.
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    where you work is just an excuse.... unless you have a medical condition the only thing that causes weight gain is too much FOOD!


    Years ago I worked a job where I walked for a few hours a day. I got promoted to a wonderful job but it was mainly a desk job so I went from walking for hours a day to sitting down at a computer or a camera station for most of my day. I gained weight, lots of weight but it was just due to the fact that I didn't increase my activity outside of work and I ate like crap. I never prepared my own meals to bring and always ate at the food court below my office. So, my job contributed to my weight gain but didn't cause it and I totally could of prevented it as well if I made the effort.

    Later in my time in that job I made it a point to get more walking in throughout the day. I took a turn walking the floor instead of one of my team doing it. I walked from the bottom floor to the sixth floor to use the bathroom. I never took the elevator and walked up the escalators. While reading a report or statement I walked around my office instead of sitting at my desk. I wish I made those changes earlier.

    A job can make it easier to gain weight but it's you that causes you to gain, maintain or lose.
  • RunForChai
    RunForChai Posts: 238 Member
    I think where you work can affect your weight.

    When I worked at a job that was nonstop crazy hours, crazy people with lots of junk food and no time for exercise---I gained weight.
    I was laid off [what a mercy] and ran into one of my former co-workers--a lovely woman who had gained a shocking 20 pounds in the year I was away---she looked at me and said, "You look great. I have to leave this job."

    Of course it isn't all about the job. I had another job that I loved for many years, the first few years I gained weight because there was so much good food around---after several years I started running, then suggested to the group that we only bring in treats that were healthy and started a running group at work. We all got healthier together.

    Good luck!