

  • hummus and salsa, they are great with everything! I also love having ff popcorn on hand at all times!:smile:
  • you can totally see the change in your self confidence from the first picture to the last. You look great! Keep up the good work!:smile:
  • I totally understand where you are coming from and it is a frustrating process. I have about 15 to 20 pounds to go and every time I hit the number I am at right now, I stay there for a long time or I go up. I have recently been trying to evaluate why this happens. Like you I am physically fit, I work out 4 to 6 times per…
  • My kids are 6 and 4 and have the same issue. I usually cook at least one thing per week that they do not like or have never tried. I make them try it and if they eat 3 bites of it and still don't like it then I offer them leftovers or pb&j. They always get through the 3 bites and sometimes they like it or the next time I…
  • I do rewards for myself for each 5 pounds I lose. I do things like buy a new pair of sneakers, a new workout outfit or sports bra, get my hair done, etc. it is motivation to help get me to my goal. I won 3rd prize in a local biggest loser contest and I rewarded myself with a pass for bootcamp classes. Strange that I would…
  • I feel your pain totally! I am currently 5 pounds away from my lowest that I have maintained. I had maintained that weight for well over a year and I slowly started slipping back into bad habits. I was quite discouraged that I didn't break that mark and not only that but gained a ton of weight. I have worked really hard to…
  • I can for sure do dips but not quite there with the pull ups unless they are assisted ones. Keep at it and eventually you will be able to do it. :smile:
  • I hear your frustrations loud and clear. I have been eating well (healthy foods) and watching my caloric intake plus exercising 4 to 5 times per week yet for the last 3 weeks, nothing has happened. The scale wont budge! I take kettlebell, run, bootcamp classes, and zumba, plus an at home workout each week. The only thing…
  • writing it down again to help keep things in check is not a bad idea but I agree about gaining muscle. I work out super hard and eat my calories and my scale is not moving but my clothes are fitting better and some are falling off of me.
  • increase your water intake and for one week right down all the food that you eat and see if you are consuming what you think you are. Also it is a good idea to change the workout routines that you do. After a while of doing the same things your body gets used to it. Also making sure that you are doing lots of core work,…
  • Try using it as a way to get you to do things. For example, if you are aiming for 8 glasses of water per day, drink one glass before each hour of work (if you work 8 hours) or drink one before each time you eat, etc....
  • I have a similar schedule with things but I try to make the most of the weekends as far as physical activity goes. I also plan my meals the night before so I know what I am eating the next day. Helps keep me focused. Lunch breaks i use for walking outside or I do exercises at my desk (I keep weights under my desk). Any way…
  • It is a tough jurney but one that will make you happier and your family will be healthier. Squeezing in time for ourselves is tough in an already overbooked schedule but small doses of good behavior go a long way. Park further at the store and make everyone walk, do a quick loop around the sotre before you put anything in…
  • I say to myself, "give it 15 minutes" and if after 15 minutes I am still feeling vulnerable, I drink a glass of water and look up how many calories each item would be. If it fits into my (calorie) budget and I am not sacrificing healthy meals/snacks later then I go for it. I have the same struggles at my work and I…
  • 5 days shoul d be ample as long as you are doing at least 45 minutes per workout and are active enough during those workouts that you are sweating. If you want to add a 6th day, try making it something you enjoy, a fun day workout as I call it. Good luck!:smile:
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