

  • Hummus with veggies Raw sweet peppers Pop Corn :)
  • I am LATE from being sick this week but I am going to weigh in tonight after work. Will be my first day back at the gym in 5 days from sickness! YUCK!
  • This is one of my favorite apps ever :)
  • Me too I gained 1.6 this week
  • I weighed in and GAINED weight this week... UH. I am hoping this is from gaining muscle because I have been doing a lot of high intensity circuit training... so hopefully I will lose this week. 1/13: 141 1/20: 143 I have not done the points system....
  • OH YES WEEKENDS!!! I did not track well at all this weekend... I am in the same boat! It is difficult when the weekends are all about NOT being in the "routine"..... need to do something to help me remember to track on Saturday and Sunday.
  • Good: I had a great workout week and bought a bike and rode around all weekend with my dogs. Bad: I had 2 evenings this week where I didn't as well as I knew I could have UGLY: I binged on Sunday night on pizza.... 4 cheesy bread and 3 pizzas.... OUCH. I haven't weighed myself today from today weigh in... I AM SCARED
  • 1/6/14: 146 lbs 1/13/14: 141 lbs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES
  • I do the same exact thing. I will eat SO healthy all day, then what happens to me, is after I eat more than I think I should have, I basically feel like the whole day is ruined so I may as well just keep on ruining it and eat what I want. Then I eat until I am so full and disgusted with myself. I will eat and eat and eat…
  • Very important to remember and such a good point! A binge for me is usually where I eat really healthy all day long, and I eat one thing that is bad... and instead of stopping there I basically say the day is ruined and then i binge eat until I am so full I am uncomfortable and cannot eat anymore. I feel guilty for…
  • Hi! Thanks for responding. I am glad I joined these groups, as it REALLY is helping me realize that many people struggle with the same issues as I do. Sound like we are very similar in size, so as you know 20 pounds is A LOT on a small frame like ours! I am a little unsure about how to work this group message board thing…
  • My week started on Sunday so I am only half way there but it is positive so far. I have been active every day of the week. I had one binge day (Sunday night) but not one since then. I ate healthy dinner and did not snack. Not snacking has also helped me focus on other important tasks that need to be completed at home…
  • Also - I used a picture of my "dream bod" as the wall paper on my phone to keep me distracted from snacking. Or focused, however you would like to look at it haha.
  • I posted on the "Triggers" thread - Mine is boredom. I get bored and just want to eat. Then feel guilty and eat more. My most recent distraction is getting all things done and off my list when I get home from work, instead of eating. For example, I know when I get home I need to make dinner, finish laundry, take my dogs on…
  • BOREDOM! It is so easy to "relax" at home after work or on a weekend and just snack.... and snack and snack. Usually, I feel so guilty for already ruining my day by snacking that I overload and tell myself why stop now.... Obviously resulting in a terrible binge. This is definitely my biggest trigger. I do not even need to…
  • Absolutely - I made that my resolution this year to lose the weight and maintain my new weight..... I need to stray away from depriving myself completely and then binge eating on junk.....
  • I started my own thread with some information about myself, but I will also post on here. Currently: 146 lbs Goal: 120 lbs