

  • felt like I'd scrolled through a lot of child cruelty apologia by the time I'd posted, if someone had starved a child that thoroughly would that be abuse? but whether feeding them so much junk they weigh the equivalent of two adult women by the age of 11 amounts to abuse is debatable? feel a bit despairing poor boy
  • the boy has a bmi of forty-****ing-one! he's not just overweight!
  • I have 3 children and a grandchild, why?
  • how is it controversial? it's blatant abuse and neglect "you can be genetically fat" did make me laugh though
  • 60 only just started running regularly again and May will be about 55 so this should be a safe goal
  • I've been thinking of starting a similar thread so might as well join in yours - I'm running just 1-3 miles a day most days with my 'long' run being just 4 at the moment to total about 10 a week (was up to about 15 and my mid-week runs were very comfortable 10k ish so nothing impressive here but I miss it) because I kept…
  • me too! I don't know about the life worth living bit :happy: but I can't have anti-depressants either
  • I understand, and know the difference between mood stabilisers and anti-depressants, and one of my real life friends on here (tamandua1505) managed to lose over 80 lbs by eating well and exercising but she did switch to a weight neutral stabiliser (carbamazepine). I've lost lots of weight while on lithium (but first I…
  • I have the 220 in 'grape' (it's stayed pretty clean but have only had it a couple of months) and I have a garmin HRM which I got separately - can't usually remember to use the HRM the only thing I don't like about the 220 is that it is definitely primarily for running, which was fine when I could run but it's not so great…
  • thanks for your responses, it's fascinating, would love to know what we've learned about the people who can run 200 miles per week, however briefly, without injury or illness. Are they genetically advantaged, live on beetroot juice and chia seeds or just incredibly determined? am a bit worried that my own weekly mileage…
  • thanks everyone, very helpful advice, have very cautiously started running a few miles here and there and it seems to not mind at all - my problem now is that I'm scared to go further am not used to being scared of this sort of thing, but hopefully this is a good way to feel
  • am not even a fully paid up member yet (this is only because the appointed time for new members to sign up each year hasn't arrived) but it was one of the coaches from the club who met me at the gym today and put together some weight training for me to do, and also introduced me to the joy and wonder of 'running' on an…
  • I do, and he is a star - even while I'm not running due to injury - better still via Garmin connect for full and detailed analysis it's a massive help, and he in turn has one that he has to pay for who also seems quite amazing I find it very encouraging and there's the element of accountability too where you know someone…
  • hmm nice calendar and secret membership card :huh: but I do get: £1 to £2 off UK race entry fees, £5 off physio, membership of british triathlon something or other (this will be even more useful once I learn how to swim?) and I think that's it . . . except for discounts at local gyms and sports shops
  • :( what a ****ing waste of life will look/share on FB
  • yes! and only today did I remember that I have access to UK Athletics coaches and advice about recovering from injuries etc so it was great to get their input too
  • thank you :) very interesting (and I learned some new words!)
  • thanks, it's always good to know what works for other people - will file it away in case of future need. Am really encouraged that you kept running :)
  • good to hear your experiences, mostly very positive! but it seems extra cruel that after the excitement of the new running club I am supposed to sit around resting my strained soleus indefinitely
  • I'm glad I went because each week there will be something different that I would probably never do by myself, like timed pyramid sessions, hill repeats, fartlek, sprints/shuttles and various interval sessions from 400 to 2 miles (I think we did 2 mile intervals on Tuesday, my Garmin gave up trying to pause and resume after…
  • I was worried about this, I phoned one of the coaches and talked it all through and they slotted me into a session with mixed abilities where even I wasn't the slowest and I rarely break the 10 minute barrier!
  • now I want to join your club, apart from all the smiles it looks SO SUNNY mine was great fun but it's cold and muddy all year round!
  • that's great I just made a physio appointment and discovered it is now £5 cheaper as a club runner :) if only I'd thought of this earlier (I did think of it earlier but was intimidated by their superior running powers, actually there are supposedly lots of people like me)
  • wow, I think Dave wins! thanks all, am in an unaffiliated unambitious group now which has been helpful in its way but it will be so good to have a lot of people to go on long runs with - especially now everyone is starting on their spring marathon training plans I will be happy if it only helps me to run consistently…
  • it must be for balance, I felt quite panicky running on one recently for gait analysis and held on for a bit until it felt safe to let go and run normally they are absolutely horrible to run on, I admire anyone who does it for any length of time
  • Embarrassingly I think I would like a set in stone diet plan. Otherwise I just eat refried beans or pizza until I get somewhere near my daily calories (this might just be a winter/holiday/virus thing), yeah, I would benefit from a diet plan at the moment.
  • this thread makes me feel scared wish I hadn't told everyone I was preparing for a marathon
  • this is a bit unhelpful of me but my running has felt much easier since I gained 3kg and I even started running a tinier bit faster (not as fast as you today though obviously!) so am not sure how it all works
  • I used my scales (they said 24% shock horror) and the calipers (they said 13%, I love them, they are my best friends) and I split the difference and decided it was about 18% (am not very good with numbers so please don't laugh too hard if all this is wrong) then I did matt fitzgerald's thing to calculate my lard mass eg if…
  • I lost 9kg last year on my personal Elite Taco Nutrition Plan 3 have come back since reading Matt Fitzgerald's thoughts on diet quality