

  • I love Jimmy Falon. Too funny. This post reminded me that my grandmother, who was in her 80's loved Elvis.
  • I'm so glad you started this topic. I've had several motivational phrases that have stayed with me. One is very simple to remind us not to overeat and to EXERCISE! : CALORIES IN--CALORIES OUT! Remember to chew slowly, and enjoy every bite. This isn't a mantra, it's more a tip from FRENCH WOMEN DON'T GET FAT: Use smaller…
  • Thanks for the recipe; sounds delicious to me! My husband is a fussy eater--we'll see what he thinks!
  • Take a walk instead; you'll burn calories instead of putting on more. Usually 10 minutes of activity (bring water with you) will take away the craving and the water will change your blood sugar. Eat celery sticks or carrot sticks--something low in calories and something to crunch--no processed food to put on empty…
  • In the past year, I made fruit/vegetable juices in my blender. My favorite recipe is: 1/2 granny smith apple, a handful of spinach, 1/2 stalk of celery, and a carrot. I use Pom Fusion as a base to blend everything, but any fruit juice will do. Experiment and find somethink you like. DRINK your veggies! Fresh is best.
  • Thanks for sharing the website. I'll check it out.
  • I had surgery, of course, and was only in stage 1--2. I was lucky to find a physician whose been treating cancer with nutrition for 25 years. He recommends an alkaline diet, which I follow. That was 4 years ago--so far, so good.
  • I can relate; I attended a class this week that was wall-to-wall people that will quit by the end of January. If only people would realize that workouts don't have to be killers; 30-60 minutes of moderate to heavy workout done consistently is the key. That's when we gain the benefit!
  • Sounds like you're already in good shape with all that you're doing, but a challenge for you might be the hand bike for upper body. That would take the knee out of the equation. Mixing it up is the key so that your body doesn't adapt to the same routine.
  • Thanks for that formula; I was told to drink 4L per day, but that seemed like more than I really wanted. According to your formula, 2L should be enough for me.
  • That's a great idea. Reminds me of when I packed my lunches; couldn't overeat because I brought just what I was supposed to have. Reminded me of Richard Simmons's Deal-a-Meal.
  • When this happened to me, I needed more protein. I tend to crave carbs and if I'd eat more protein, it would curb hunger. Drinking water is always a good idea to increase metabolism.
  • Nice to meet you. This program will help you stay on track, I'm sure. I'm a "Cajun" cook, too. As you know, we love our food. Through the years, I've learned to eat healthier and convert some of the Cajun dishes to healthier recipes. Take a picture now so that you'll have one to compare in May!