happywithme12 Member


  • your welcome i hope it brightened your day :)
  • Making people smile makes me happy so I am glad that I made you smile cause that puts sunshine on my rainy day :)
  • no i eat all meats but i try not to eat them until dinner unless it is chicken or fish which i do eat when i can, i know meat has a lot of protein but i try not to eat to much of it because i am trying to cut as much fat as i can as well
  • the small quiches sound really good, with peppers and mushrooms and all that. maybe i will make that for tomorrow and see how that goes and have some granola for snack or something. I really need to see what my dr thinks about what i should be eating and not eating to see what he thinks, thanks for the advise i will try…
  • I am off to a new start this week to drink more water, eat better and try to get in more cardio to loose fat, thanks everyone for the information and the help you guys are great
  • where do i go to calculate those numbers
  • I don't really do any specefic area workouts I do cardio that is fun that i enjoy cause it keeps me interested and because i am buring fat by doing cardio. I just don't understand the whole calorie defecit thing, how am i suppose to eat less than i burn and still get everything i need such as vitamens and nutrients. I am…
  • I do a lot of cardio workouts at home that seem to help my waist, i do zumba which works almost all of your muscles and I also started doing brazilian cardio shed and you can feel all the muscles hurting. I also do Tae Bo and that is a lot of fun and works a lot of those muscles as well.
  • I think I need to try to eat a lot better and a lot less while still keeping up with my cardio and strength training but that area drives me crazy because i feel like its not going anywhere
  • I have a smaller waist and I know on my hips part of it is giving birth to 3 children lol can't do much about that I just want to get rid of the fat that is lingering all over those sections of my body and making me crazy
  • Ok well thanks to you all I am going to keep at it and hope that evenutally i feel better about it, I try to do less rest in between on all my reps. I took more rest in between this week because of hurting my back last week and although I feel back to myself I don't want to injur myself so I have been pushing but not…
  • You are beautiful inside and out I am sure, I would not let those people bother you. I have had this happen to me and I just ignore it but I will tell you that saying things like that to people is still considered bullying in my book. I have 2 daughters one is very skinny like her dad used to be and one is quite chunky…
  • Ok sorry i wasn't more specific, i want to loose the fat or (bat wings) that i call my triceps but i want to gain muscle mass to be stronger and healthier overall, i do a lot of different arm workouts at the gym, they have a list of things and i do chest and tri's one day and back, shoulders and bicepts another day. I do…
  • I have so many at this point but i have to say one of my favorite fun and not to expensive cardio is zumba fitness, i love it because you can do learn it first to get the steps down and then feel it where they don't cue you anymore, also tae bo is awesome i am always dripping with sweat after any of his workouts. The best…
  • you are not the only one, i don't hate on other people because i have always been insecure, i can't say i am a jealous person i have said in previous comments that i worried about my husband finding someone better but it wasn't because i was jealous of certain people it's because i didn't feel i was good enough for him in…
  • I am glad that I have overcome mine but i had to really search within myself and being called fat all through middle school impacted my life at first in a bad way and now it has made me more determined to be a better me and love myself no matter what because the people that didn't care about me then don't need to be in my…
  • i don't think it comes from people having what we want, i think sometimes its because we are worried that they will take what we have an cherish and i do think it is due to self hate and insecurity because i lived it, if i had been more secure with myself and the way i looked and felt i wouldn't have worried that i would…
  • This ten times over and also women are very self conscious at times for different reasons, i was that way when my husband and i first got together but it was because i hated myself and the way i looked and i was always worried he was going to find someone "better" because i didn't think i was good enough for anyone, so yes…
  • I don't have time to buy anything usually, thanks to the gym I go there at lunchtime so I am not eating bad stuff except maybe friday sometimes and it helps me. The issue may be that I leave the gym feeling hungry and am not eating enough afterwards so I am turning to snacks instead of something better.
  • I used to do this and I really need to get back to it because I did so great when I logged everything in the morning before work that way I knew what I was up against for the day.
  • Thanks everyone these are all very great ideas and I know I will get back on track, I love peanut butter and I also love most raw fruits and veggies as well so I need to buy more and substitute what I am eating for those things. I guess I get tired of some foods and then I resort back to old bad habits and that is a huge…
  • I think I need to go over with my doctor (who by the way is a health freak and he drives me crazy sometimes LOL) what is really healthy and what is not, I know on here your not suppose to go over a certain calorie intake but some of the healthier (or what they say is healthy) stuff has a lot of calories in it.
  • I am not big on plain oatmeal but I love granola but again I am not sure if that is actually healthy for you or not
  • I love green tea, have you tried it with honey instead of sugar. my doctor told me that honey is better because it is a natural sugar and i love green tea with honey so i should try to make some myself. I do have an ice tea maker that my husband bought for me
  • I know I can prob do it and give them up but right now for some reason it seems to be a downfall and I am in a slump of sorts and I really need to get motivated and get back to where I want to be.