Women and jealousy



  • AprilMae1975
    I :heart: me.....no need to be jealous of anyone else.
  • Mother_Superior
    Mother_Superior Posts: 1,624 Member
    Some A is B =/= All A is B. If some women being jealous and catty means that all women are, then the same logical proposition applies to men. Some men are jealous and catty, therefore all men are jealous and catty. (Some C is B therefore all C is B) Or I could be wrong and all C that are B are also A. Which means that all jealous men are actually women.

    I'm jealous of everyone who is stronger, or faster than I am (which is damn near everyone). That must explain my giant man breasts, though before today I would have credited them fully to a lifetime cake obsession.

    Fun post though. 7/10

  • MyChange4Life
    Men are just as bad! I hate being around men that are obviously trying to outdo each other for their 'dominate' spot. It may not be over looks but there is a certainly a jealously when it comes to dominance when it comes to just doing simple tasks and you'll have one guy being all overbearing to the other guy, tossing out a subtle insults at each other, etc.
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    I think hormones and jealousy are much more strongly linked than has been discussed in this thread. Women tend to battle more hormonal ups and downs than men - PMS and pregnancy are woman-specific, and women are more prone to mental disorders (depression is twice as common in women than in men). When a woman's hormones get off-balance, her view of herself can become skewed and insecurity can dominate. Why women are insecure about appearance specifically has already been discussed, but women are jealous and catty about a lot more than looks - general behavior, job performance, child rearing, wealth, etc.

    Women have evolved to be competitive - winning the competition meant procreating, securing a provider of food, protection, and assistance with raising a child. If a woman feels her victory is threatened or that she can't win the competition, she becomes insecure and even fearful. Hormones can create perceived threats by making a woman feel like she's less than she is, and thus jealousy arises. I'd guess that hormonal balance/imbalance is why some women in this thread say they don't struggle with jealousy at all and others say they have a terrible time with it.
  • Mbishop7684
    Mbishop7684 Posts: 171 Member
    For me- I look at women that have something I desire and wonder how I can get that! Like muscular toned thighs, or a flat tummy in a bikini, or non-jiggly arms. I don't necessarily get jealous, but I do envy that they have desirable attributes that I lack.

    My reaction can come off as cattiness if a hot *kitten* girl is wearing something incredibly inappropriate in a situation. Then I wonder, seriously? You needed to flaunt all your stuff in that skimpy little outfit to show everyone you are hot when you could have done it just as well by choosing a classier well fitting outfit? Less does not ALWAYS equal more chick.

    **edited for grammer
  • beepermad
    beepermad Posts: 198
    This thread is dumb.
  • Mbishop7684
    Mbishop7684 Posts: 171 Member
    Some A is B =/= All A is B. If some women being jealous and catty means that all women are, then the same logical proposition applies to men. Some men are jealous and catty, therefore all men are jealous and catty. (Some C is B therefore all C is B) Or I could be wrong and all C that are B are also A. Which means that all jealous men are actually women.

    I'm jealous of everyone who is stronger, or faster than I am (which is damn near everyone). That must explain my giant man breasts, though before today I would have credited them fully to a lifetime cake obsession.

    Fun post though. 7/10


    I LOVE this post!
  • pbrahan
    pbrahan Posts: 107 Member
    Deleted post
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    you realize you will never understand women, right? :huh:
  • dodihere
    dodihere Posts: 490
    I am not jealous of other women that look better than me, but I am 40 years old now so that makes a lot of difference. I am pretty confident person and happy. I see a woman with a hot body, I stare because she is gorgeous - right along with my husband too. Usually he will say something like "I can't believe she is wearing something like that" - when he actually thinking "man I would like to tap that..."
    Yeah, I know what they are really thinking. It is their structure. Pigs. But really, you can't help but stare at a woman with a perfect bikini body and I am at the pool every day so I see many.

    I am very envious of other women and their careers, clothes, accessories and jewelry and week long vacations.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    We don't like our competition.

    We've been wired since we were young that we should aspire to be the prettiest girl in the room, always. Because that girl gets everything good. Beauty means everything. Its all we've been told our entire lives. So naturally, we get jealous of our competition, her presence knocks your worth down a few pegs.

    We are wired and brought up to compete.
    What women need to learn to do, though, is reel in that jealousy.

    Like, instead of being like "Ugh, that skinny, pretty, whatever b***h" we need to learn to stop hating.
    Maybe YOU need to learn to stop. I never started. Please quit with this "we" business.
  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
    I get jealous of one thing....glitter eyeliner.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    From my few years on earth and even shorter time on this forum, it's apparent that women can be jealous beings. So my question is, do women have some sort of hormone that spikes jealousy levels? Not saying men don't get jealous too, but as a man I've never looked at someone much more attractive or more built than me and actually envied him. I may aspire to be better, but I can't grasp the concept beyond that.

    So, do you ladies have this hormone, and what is it called?
    What made you decide women are jealous? How is it you think women are more jealous than men?

    Just an observation-I haven't experienced men being jealous of each other's physical qualities and becoming catty about it.

    Then you didn't know my ex-husband 20 years ago.
  • The_Enchantress
    The_Enchantress Posts: 5 Member
    To be honest I personally only react when someone is b****y to me first. If I'm doing my own thing and somebody decides they are better and purposefully gets in my face. I'll defend myself. For example I took my little sibling out for ice-cream and coffee as a treat about 2 yrs ago. As we were eating some b**** decided to walk up to us and was all like "You are gonna get fatter." That sets me off. As to why she did that... I honestly don't know. Maybe she was jealous of my cookie-dough Ben & Jerry's?? lol.
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,508 Member
    I don't think all women are jealous. What I do think is that women are much more secure about noticing that other women are attractive, and admitting it. I don't believe I have ever heard a straight man come out and say something like "wow that guy is good looking. I love his hair." I fully believe they think it though...they just don't say it.

    ^^ Great point ^^

    you both know very insecure men.
  • happywithme12
    happywithme12 Posts: 477 Member
    I actually think a woman's ability to be a jealous bish is directly related to how poorly she's been treated over the years of her life. If she's young and has been treated well, she's barely ever jealous; if she's old and has been treated well she's even less jealous. If, however, she's young and has been treated poorly, she's learning to envy the lives of others and if she's old and has been treated poorly for years, she's bitter and angry and hurt... and very jealous.

    So next time you wonder why someone is jealous, consider they could have been terribly hurt at one time.

    This ten times over and also women are very self conscious at times for different reasons, i was that way when my husband and i first got together but it was because i hated myself and the way i looked and i was always worried he was going to find someone "better" because i didn't think i was good enough for anyone, so yes i agree some women have reasons for behaving that way
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I actually think a woman's ability to be a jealous bish is directly related to how poorly she's been treated over the years of her life. If she's young and has been treated well, she's barely ever jealous; if she's old and has been treated well she's even less jealous. If, however, she's young and has been treated poorly, she's learning to envy the lives of others and if she's old and has been treated poorly for years, she's bitter and angry and hurt... and very jealous.

    So next time you wonder why someone is jealous, consider they could have been terribly hurt at one time.

    This ten times over and also women are very self conscious at times for different reasons, i was that way when my husband and i first got together but it was because i hated myself and the way i looked and i was always worried he was going to find someone "better" because i didn't think i was good enough for anyone, so yes i agree some women have reasons for behaving that way
    You know, I've been cheated on, abused and hurt 10 ways from Sunday. I've had an SO call me some pretty awful names and insult my appearance. I've been through a lot of crap.

    But you know what it taught me? It taught me first what to look for and be aware of in a new partner so I don't make the same mistake twice, second that I am perfectly OK on my own and that I don't NEED a man even if I might enjoy having one and third that I am strong enough to go through a lot of bad things and come out still loving myself and knowing I'm a good, worthy person who doesn't need to fight over every little scrap.

    My SO doesn't belong to me and if he wants to leave me (for someone else or any other reason) then he wasn't meant for me and I'm better off without him. Why waste time and energy punishing yourself and everyone around you for something someone who isn't even in your life anymore did?

    I see this kind of reaction as weakness that people should at least try to overcome.
  • mrsgoodwine
    mrsgoodwine Posts: 468 Member
    I don't get jealous of other women, I get inspired. Maybe I'm an anamoly.
  • happywithme12
    happywithme12 Posts: 477 Member
    Maybe I should only speak for myself, but through collegiate study on women-to-women hate and women's self-hate, as well as some scientific facts that are well established, here is a Generalized overview of some of the main contributing factors.

    It's because we hate ourselves and are insecure. From a very young age we see skinny women in all types of media and are constantly told that these women are beautiful. We judge other women constantly and hate knowing they usually are judging us right back. We have trouble admitting that we are responsible for our weight, and yet often have underlying reasons to put the blame elsewhere: we have higher rates of depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. Our body composition is different from that of a male, and our different mix of basic hormones - testosterone and estrogen, really impact everything from our energy levels to our moods, and to the way we deal with our weight loss. We can't lose as much weight and tone by serious strength training with heavy weights. We crave different foods than men - ever noticed how men love steak and women love carbs? Some other contributing social factors are verbal and emotional abuse we have likely suffered to one degree or another from parents, peers, friends, and significant others. We try to dress well, shave all the time, do our hair and makeup, etc. because this is the social norm in our society. So yes, we are often more sensitive about our looks - even if we know we have some great features or body shape or weight - yes even women who have the beauty that society tells us is the best and most desirable - we still often resent men for not having to shave, do hair, use makeup, etc. as well as get jealous of other women who have the traits we desire.

    I know this thread was sort of meant as a joke, but do you really think jealousy of other women is due to self hate and insecurity? Don't you think jealousy is a natural response to seeing others with something we want? Acting on it is a different issue, but the emotion is perfectly natural and harmless IMO.

    i don't think it comes from people having what we want, i think sometimes its because we are worried that they will take what we have an cherish and i do think it is due to self hate and insecurity because i lived it, if i had been more secure with myself and the way i looked and felt i wouldn't have worried that i would loose my husband to another women. I am more confident now and i think we have a better relationship because of it. If i see a beautiful women I will say "Wow she is really pretty", i don't mind admitting that another women is beautiful
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    I don't get jealous of other women, I get inspired. Maybe I'm an anamoly.

    I'll join you in the anomaly club. The only time I feel jealous when it comes to other women is when I see someone with fabulous hair and I'm having a bad hair day. :laugh: