Women and jealousy



  • jaggerhawks
    jaggerhawks Posts: 187 Member
    Lol in b4 everyone claims no jealousy :laugh:

    You're too late silly, it's already started

    Ah silly me, thinking I'd catch it ahead of time

    Haha you were just in time, as a matter of fact.

    Though you clearly have had no reason to be jealous in your life ;)
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    There is a difference between jealousy and envy, can I point out.

    I am not a jealous person, but I can certainly be envious of something someone has. A girl I work with has the most beautiful, thick, waist length glossy hair that always looks perfect. I'm envious of that, and I have no shame in admitting it, but it doesn't mean that I have any ill will intended towards her or that I'm catty about it.

    I'm a firm believer that jealousy is normally caused by a lack of confidence. And if I don't know what caused that lack of confidence, I won't judge.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    men are more jealous
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    Evolution. We want the best men so we can have the best babies. Duh.

    Jokes aside . This is true
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    men are more jealous

    jokes aside . This is a joke.
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    I don't think all women are jealous. What I do think is that women are much more secure about noticing that other women are attractive, and admitting it. I don't believe I have ever heard a straight man come out and say something like "wow that guy is good looking. I love his hair." I fully believe they think it though...they just don't say it.

    I say it. Straight man who's perfectly happy to admire attractive men. And yes, I get jealous of them. It doesn't make me want to sabotage them to get my way though.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Haven't read the whole thread, but all I know is, if I had a nickel for every thread I see that someone comains about someone and the next 30 responses are women all stating that there is no way the person in question could be anything other than a jealous b*tch, my unborn grandchildren would be set for life.
  • scruffykaz
    scruffykaz Posts: 317 Member
    I haven't read the whole thread either but I think there is a difference between envy and jealousy. Jealousy is a lot more destructive.

    Personally, I'm really not that jealous at at all. I trust hubby, I know that he loves me and finds me attractive so it doesn't matter at all to me whether he looks at someone else. Sexual contact would be something completely different though...that's crossing a boundary.

    I suppose it depends how you feel about yourself too. I'm happy, comfortable and confident even though I'm nowhere near goal weight yet. I have my own hobbies and interests away from hubby so maybe that helps?

    That said though, before I meet him, I dated some guys who I didn't feel secure with. I guess that's why I didn't marry them!

    As for being jealous of other people? Not at all. I'm comfy in my own skin and very happy with my own life, lovehandles and all! :bigsmile:
  • adorable_aly
    adorable_aly Posts: 398 Member
    I think women have insecurities about their own looks, and often feel inferior to other women, so it may seem like jealousy but it's not. It's insecurity and envy. As many women have commented this is due to how we are socialised and objectified as we grow up. The beauty and fashion industry thrive on making women insecure, so that we buy more, because we think if we buy whatever miracle product we will look better and therefore not be so insecure.

    As for actual jealousy between partners, well that's not gender related, that's based on 1. Personal insecurity 2. Trust. Some of my ex's have been crazy jealous, some haven't been jealous at all. Likewise with ex's who made me feel good and that I could trust I was never jealous, with ex's who were abusive and I couldn't trust I was mad jealous.
  • goodnamegone
    I am not jealous of what other women are wearing or how they look. I am sometimes jealous of a woman's amazing skills, like a great musician or incredible vocalist. Perhaps your post is more a reflection of you rather than women in general?
  • tjthegreatone
    From my few years on earth and even shorter time on this forum, it's apparent that women can be jealous beings. So my question is, do women have some sort of hormone that spikes jealousy levels? Not saying men don't get jealous too, but as a man I've never looked at someone much more attractive or more built than me and actually envied him. I may aspire to be better, but I can't grasp the concept beyond that.

    So, do you ladies have this hormone, and what is it called?
    What a spectacularly stupid post. I can't believe the number of considered responses this got. What an indictment on the lowest common denominator thinking that afflicts society in general. And I was about to tell a 13 year old on another thread to clear off, when we have displayed here a prime example of the level of maturity to be found on this site. Oh dear.
  • jaggerhawks
    jaggerhawks Posts: 187 Member
    I am not jealous of what other women are wearing or how they look. I am sometimes jealous of a woman's amazing skills, like a great musician or incredible vocalist. Perhaps your post is more a reflection of you rather than women in general?

    I suppose that was a jab at me being shallow and outwardly focused.

    Not so, I simply drew on that because in my opinion the outer appearance is first and often the easiest thing to be envious of. After all, you immediately see someone's appearance and be envious (or perhaps not) as opposed to needing to actually get to know their talents or abilities.
  • AbsyPernet
    AbsyPernet Posts: 145
    It's not what women HAVE.. its what they DONT have..

    Its called maturity. some get it sooner than others. Some never get it.

    Those that have this "cattiness / jealousy" thing between other women plain & simple just havent gotten it yet!

    Well said, my friend :D very true
  • jaggerhawks
    jaggerhawks Posts: 187 Member
    From my few years on earth and even shorter time on this forum, it's apparent that women can be jealous beings. So my question is, do women have some sort of hormone that spikes jealousy levels? Not saying men don't get jealous too, but as a man I've never looked at someone much more attractive or more built than me and actually envied him. I may aspire to be better, but I can't grasp the concept beyond that.

    So, do you ladies have this hormone, and what is it called?
    What a spectacularly stupid post. I can't believe the number of considered responses this got. What an indictment on the lowest common denominator thinking that afflicts society in general. And I was about to tell a 13 year old on another thread to clear off, when we have displayed here a prime example of the level of maturity to be found on this site. Oh dear.

    Well thank you for your fascinating input. I'm quite sorry that a silly thread online has the ability to cause such frustration, but each to his own
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    I get jealous all the time.

    The difference between humanity and brutality isn't what you feel, it's what you do about it.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Jealousy seems to be a pretty big contributing factor in many wars. Wanting what someone else has. Desiring to take something (natural resources, citizens, space) from a whole group of people. Sometimes wars are started to protect an oppressed group. Those people became oppressed because the more powerful people were greedy and/or jealous.

    It's probably the same hormone. I guess men have it too.

    We just single out different genders to fit what we are socialized to believe. Female bosses are jealous and hard to work for. (Some are. There's a great deal of PITA male bosses too. We just don't focus on their gender.) Men cheat and are led around by their junk. (Some men do. Some women do too.)
  • tjthegreatone
    "Jokey" posts abound in "Chit Chat". Idiotic post deserves idiotic responses not an attempt to reason with the cerebrally-challenged.

    There is nothing tongue-in-cheek about this sort of comment (which you come across in different guises on the internet and in real life). Fundamentally they imply that women are hormonally-driven clueless dolts who can't help but be insecure and tear each other down etc&c. Whilst men are of course so noble and logical and would never behave like "the wimmenz". Enough of that nonsense. I'm out.
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    Also interesting though: I'm a classical singer so I have a lot of contact with religious texts as expressed in the 17th-19th centuries. The biblical god is often described as "jealous", and it's definitely a very masculine take on the deity in question.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    "Jokey" posts abound in "Chit Chat". Idiotic post deserves idiotic responses not an attempt to reason with the cerebrally-challenged.

    There is nothing tongue-in-cheek about this sort of comment (which you come across in different guises on the internet and in real life). Fundamentally they imply that women are hormonally-driven clueless dolts who can't help but be insecure and tear each other down etc&c. Whilst men are of course so noble and logical and would never behave like "the wimmenz". Enough of that nonsense. I'm out.
    as I said in my post, out, a lot of the time I see perfectly justified loathing being dismissed as jealousy because the participants are female. I was really well behaved and said it without calling people names. just this once.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    So much unmitigated rage. I think this post is the least of your problems.
    I think it's justified rage. but i'm not raging today because I have a tummy ache.