Women and jealousy



  • rhinesb
    rhinesb Posts: 204 Member
    It's more psychology than hormones.

    Perhaps taking a psyc 101 class would be helpful for you.

    It comes down to competition for a mate.

    Not every woman is like that, but almost everyone has at least thoughts of not feeling quite up to par to someone else based on looks or money. It's natural.

    What's awesome is that we have the ability to not act on these thoughts and feelings.
    ^^^^this too
  • TripZeros
    TripZeros Posts: 144 Member
    It's not a hormone, it's insecurity.
    Not every woman is like that... Example:
    At my husband's work he had a girl who was hot enough to be a swim suit model come through and ask him for help. After he was done helping her out, I told him I was proud of him for being so smooth with a total hottie ;). I was proud, she was really beautiful.
    Maybe we're just weird... I've never been jealous of that kinda stuff.
  • hararayne
    hararayne Posts: 261 Member
    It's more psychology than hormones.

    Perhaps taking a psyc 101 class would be helpful for you.

    It comes down to competition for a mate.

    Not every woman is like that, but almost everyone has at least thoughts of not feeling quite up to par to someone else based on looks or money. It's natural.

    What's awesome is that we have the ability to not act on these thoughts and feelings.

    Most psychological phenomenon are rooted biologically in some way or another. Your hormones do play a role in the behaviors you engage in. Not all hormones are sex hormones either. Hormones are host of different messages that your endocrine system secretes to tell your body what to do. In a general sense.
  • ggxx100
    ggxx100 Posts: 520 Member
    Lol in b4 everyone claims no jealousy :laugh:
  • liesevanlingen
    liesevanlingen Posts: 508 Member
    Personally I couldn't care less if someone is prettier than me--so what? My husband thinks I am beautiful and that's the opinion that matters. And beauty is more than skin deep. Cleopatra was supposed to be quite plain, but she had so much intelligence, such a vivid personality and charisma, that as a teenager she captured the heart of Julius Caesar--arguably the most powerful man on the planet.
  • chimanlifts1
    Lol in b4 everyone claims no jealousy :laugh:

    You're too late silly, it's already started
  • Front_Runner
    I blame popular culture. It has wired us to feel inferior & insecure in general. The fashion & beauty industry has targeted women for decades. They're finally (sad to say) going after men, now. Whatever they can do to get us to feel crummy... so that we have to buy "this, that, and the other" product to improve our looks. A gal invests time, and lots of money to try to be "That Girl" on the magazine.... the one the guys want... and then, when she sees someone "hotter," it sparks that self-deprecating response. And in defense - ya lash out.

    I bet, within the next 20 years, men will start to feel that envy. :( They're now pushing "man-scaping," for example. I know lots of dudes shaving and even waxing their bodies... just to try to look "better." It's ridiculous in my opinion. They might not be jealous of another guy... but they're getting pushed more and more to feel inadequate, too. It sells.

    Sorry - going off on another plane! ha!
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    From a biological standpoint, I would guess that women become territorial during their cycles. From an evolutionary standpoint, it is the female humans perogative to land a man that will stay with her through pregnancy and the rearing of children. So we hate on other women and degrade them, hate them, etc because we want to keep our man! Men on the other hand can spread their seed however they like with no need to stay and help. This is strictly from an evolutionary and biological standpoint. I think lots of guys are upstanding and feel compelled to stay and help raise children.

    If you're asking about specific hormones, estrogen and progesterone would probably be the culprits.

    Yeah, this is pretty much it. Not a very exciting answer, but there you have it.
  • maybeazure
    maybeazure Posts: 301 Member
    I don't think all women are jealous. What I do think is that women are much more secure about noticing that other women are attractive, and admitting it. I don't believe I have ever heard a straight man come out and say something like "wow that guy is good looking. I love his hair." I fully believe they think it though...they just don't say it.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    I've never been a hater but observed catty women and never understood it either. Friends to your face and talking trash about you behind your back. If I don't like other females it's because I find them annoying and I won't hide the sentiment. :sick:
  • Front_Runner
    I don't think all women are jealous. What I do think is that women are much more secure about noticing that other women are attractive, and admitting it. I don't believe I have ever heard a straight man come out and say something like "wow that guy is good looking. I love his hair." I fully believe they think it though...they just don't say it.

    ^^ Great point ^^
  • curvygirl77
    curvygirl77 Posts: 769 Member
    I think it depends on the woman and how the woman feels about herself. I can only speak for myself when I say I never met a woman that made me feel insecure ---- I could never give another person that much power over me . Some people might think I'm not being truthful but I don't have a reason to be envious of another woman.
  • christarae1
    christarae1 Posts: 245 Member
    I actually think a woman's ability to be a jealous bish is directly related to how poorly she's been treated over the years of her life. If she's young and has been treated well, she's barely ever jealous; if she's old and has been treated well she's even less jealous. If, however, she's young and has been treated poorly, she's learning to envy the lives of others and if she's old and has been treated poorly for years, she's bitter and angry and hurt... and very jealous.

    So next time you wonder why someone is jealous, consider they could have been terribly hurt at one time.

    You couldn't have said it better (in my case). Never thought I was EVER the prettiest in the room...EVER...but always envy the girls who are.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    From my few years on earth and even shorter time on this forum, it's apparent that women can be jealous beings. So my question is, do women have some sort of hormone that spikes jealousy levels? Not saying men don't get jealous too, but as a man I've never looked at someone much more attractive or more built than me and actually envied him. I may aspire to be better, but I can't grasp the concept beyond that.

    So, do you ladies have this hormone, and what is it called?
    What made you decide women are jealous? How is it you think women are more jealous than men?
  • jaggerhawks
    jaggerhawks Posts: 187 Member
    From my few years on earth and even shorter time on this forum, it's apparent that women can be jealous beings. So my question is, do women have some sort of hormone that spikes jealousy levels? Not saying men don't get jealous too, but as a man I've never looked at someone much more attractive or more built than me and actually envied him. I may aspire to be better, but I can't grasp the concept beyond that.

    So, do you ladies have this hormone, and what is it called?
    What made you decide women are jealous? How is it you think women are more jealous than men?

    Just an observation-I haven't experienced men being jealous of each other's physical qualities and becoming catty about it.
  • xoxomarshmallow
    I actually think a woman's ability to be a jealous bish is directly related to how poorly she's been treated over the years of her life. If she's young and has been treated well, she's barely ever jealous; if she's old and has been treated well she's even less jealous. If, however, she's young and has been treated poorly, she's learning to envy the lives of others and if she's old and has been treated poorly for years, she's bitter and angry and hurt... and very jealous.

    So next time you wonder why someone is jealous, consider they could have been terribly hurt at one time.

    You couldn't have said it better (in my case). Never thought I was EVER the prettiest in the room...EVER...but always envy the girls who are.

  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    To the op, No. This is a very inaccurate statement. The explanation, long version, is too long. The short one is people...male/female doesn't matter.... People that are connected with their 'true self' do not have these feelings almost at all or ever. People that do have these feelings have things they need to work through.
    I'm with this one... But will add that I think jealousy stems from passivity and helplessness. If you're not in control of your circumstances or able to influence them directly, then your only hope of them improving in a competitive scenario is if the competition becomes lesser. In a culture (or mindset) where men do the choosing and women hope/aspire/maneuver to be chosen, this would make sense. Do we live in such a culture? Some do, at least in their heads. IMHO that's one of those "things they need to work through" as mentioned above.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    that's not jealousy that's healthy competition.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    We don't like our competition.

    We've been wired since we were young that we should aspire to be the prettiest girl in the room, always. Because that girl gets everything good. Beauty means everything. Its all we've been told our entire lives. So naturally, we get jealous of our competition, her presence knocks your worth down a few pegs.
    Agree. But this is only true in the mind of a naïve, ignorant (not derogatory) woman who lacks a little in depth of character and understanding.
  • GingerAuburnRedhead
    Maybe I should only speak for myself, but through collegiate study on women-to-women hate and women's self-hate, as well as some scientific facts that are well established, here is a Generalized overview of some of the main contributing factors.

    It's because we hate ourselves and are insecure. From a very young age we see skinny women in all types of media and are constantly told that these women are beautiful. We judge other women constantly and hate knowing they usually are judging us right back. We have trouble admitting that we are responsible for our weight, and yet often have underlying reasons to put the blame elsewhere: we have higher rates of depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. Our body composition is different from that of a male, and our different mix of basic hormones - testosterone and estrogen, really impact everything from our energy levels to our moods, and to the way we deal with our weight loss. We can't lose as much weight and tone by serious strength training with heavy weights. We crave different foods than men - ever noticed how men love steak and women love carbs? Some other contributing social factors are verbal and emotional abuse we have likely suffered to one degree or another from parents, peers, friends, and significant others. We try to dress well, shave all the time, do our hair and makeup, etc. because this is the social norm in our society. So yes, we are often more sensitive about our looks - even if we know we have some great features or body shape or weight - yes even women who have the beauty that society tells us is the best and most desirable - we still often resent men for not having to shave, do hair, use makeup, etc. as well as get jealous of other women who have the traits we desire.