pcmoore Member


  • I love the shakes as they are with no additions but it's nice to be able to mix it up with a few ingredients :) I always keep add ins to a minimum. 1/4 cup frozen fruit, 1 tablespoon PB2 (powdered peanut butter ) you can use a teaspoon of jello pudding mix to change the flavors too. I was super skeptical but have lost over…
  • When I do eat fruit I am ALWAYS over! If I have grapes and a banana for breakfast that takes up ALL my sugar for the day. I agree, if it's natural sugars then I'm not as worried about it....I decided to cut out coke completely. I went from 6-8 per day to NONE. I hated drinking water so I traded the coke with Crystal Light.…
  • I can only see your arm in today's pic! Good work and congrats!
  • if 1200 is your goal and you exercise and burn 300 then you have 1500 you can eat. I don't always eat ALL my exercise cals but most I've read says you should eat at least 1/2 of them so you should not go below 1350 cals consumed based on this example. Hope that helps
  • OMG...What did you say? I've had that happen before too and I said "NO, that's just my fat belly" Embarrassed the crap out of them! I too once stuck my foot in my mouth but it was a little different. I worked in a MD's office and a pt came in and was showing off pictures of a baby, clearly he was quite proud to be showing…
  • I've heard great success stories with it. I ordered it and 3 more JM DVD's but stil waiting for them to come in.
  • I ordered my copy last week and STILL don't have it....UGH! I'm not feeling so good anyways so maybe I'll get it tomorrow and can start next Monday (a week later than planned)...I have been working with Gilad and doing A LOT of crunches....my burried abs HURT..>LOL Good job to all doing the Shread!
  • That is a victory in my opinion! Congrats..I know it feels good!
  • I know what you mean! I was an A cup before I got fat. Having boobs is the only good thing I've gotten from this! When I get this weight off I WILL find the money to treat myself to a nice new pair :) one's that are not looking at my feet...LOL Stick with it, as much as I LOVE the idea of having boobs, I love the idea of…
  • I'll join! That's on track with my overall goal so it should work fine into what I'm doing! SW:230 GW:170 Exercise program(s) you're doing: Just Dance, random aerobics...waiting on a 4 pack of Jillian DVDs to arrive and I'll start them Costume you'd like to be able to wear by Halloween: Not sure yet
  • should we post stats and progress in this thread? Mine should come in to start on Monday (I hope!) Looking forward to it!
  • I'm going to order it today!
  • I was VERY small before I got fat! That's the only thing I like is that I now have some! I DON'T WANT TO LOOSE THEM. I think I will have to buy a new pair once this weight it gone :)
  • I am interested in ideas as well! Good luck
  • I think that depends on how much you have to loose! I have to loose A lot so I have a goal of 2 lbs per week. With only 32 lbs to loose that will be too much for you I think! You want to be healthy and not just thin!
  • I too have over 100 to loose! Glad you found your way here! I started Jan 4th and if it weren't for the support I've gotten on this site I would not be trying as hard as I am! Its really a great place! Good luck!
  • I have had my Mirena a little over a year. I have gained, but it's been due to being sedentary and bad eating! For me this is the best birth control I've had. I like a previous poster have had many blood clots and have had 4 go to my lungs so I am on a blood thinner and can't take the pills (too much hormone) I have 4 more…
  • I eat a lot of eggs too. I sometimes substitute for a special K bar or a Nature Valley Crunchy bar Sometimes "spice" my eggs up a little with Feta Cheese...I too have them for lunch and dinner!
  • Glad you are here Sasha! You are in a wonderful place for support! You can do this and in a way that is not hurting you more than it's helping which you now know, your old way was! Best of luck to you and you will find a lot of wonderful people here. All in the same boat...all at different places but all with the same…
  • This is a FABULOUS place for support! I actually look forward to logging everyday. If you are having a bad day people here will support you though it! It's really a great site and has kept me going...I only started here this month and have been so pleased with the wonderful people I have met and how sincerely people…
  • I use dancing general to estimate mine too. I use the just sweat a lot and I am not sure what the sweat number is but I know the more I giggle the higher the number :)
  • I have been a fast food junkie for YEARS. The put stuff in that crap to make us keep coming back for it! I am not a "cold turkey" kind of person but some HAVE to do it that way. I used to eat out most everyday but have started eating at home more. I am not a cook by any means so I am finding things that are easy and quick…
  • No weight loss to report but have lost some inches! I'll take it!
  • NAME...............................CW................................NEW WT.........-/+.......BUST/CHEST............WAIST...........HIPS BJHOLLOMAN................. BLACKSWAN…………...140.………...................138.8................-1.2….....……36.……….………29….….….....37…
  • Most people here say YES you should eat at least 1/2 of your exercise calories back....that's A lot of calories your burning for sure!!!
  • This really is an awesome place to be! Thanks so much for all the encouragement! A couple asked the question about was my calorie intake based on MFP suggestion and yes..it's 1200 Thanks SO MUCH!
  • Thanks for the support and the ideas! I do think that sodium may be a big problem for me. Going back through my diary I am WAY over on sodium even when I'm under on fats and sugars so I'll have to work to make a big change there! NOT paying attention to these things is what got me where I am and I have learned so much in…
  • Thanks guys. At the clinic the "mentioned" sterile water and every HCG site I've seen says batrostatic. Not a big deal either way. I just had some left over saline from a PICC line I recently had and thought I'd use it if anyone knew for sure it was OK.
  • I'm in Sleep Medicine....a Registered Polysomnographic Technologist to be exact!
  • wish I knew too! I had Japanese yesterday (and leftovers today) and my sodium was through the roof! I just can't do it without though! I guess since I don't do it very often I may just have to deal but it would be nice to have an alternative that tasted as good at that soy does!