NuvaRing/Mirena and weight (ladies?)

alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Now, I know some of the reasons for going up from about 135 to 162 in the last year (new relationship= a lot of nice dinners and lazy snuggling), but it's still a dramatic and rapid weight gain... I spent this year trying out new birth control methods because I've categorically avoided hormones for years. I tried the NuvaRing and whoa! I was a raging nutcase for THOSE three months (sorry, new boyfriend!) I started gaining then, but I thought it was because I was constantly grouchy and just hanging out a lot. Now, after some other searching, I had a Mirena IUD put in (about 6 mos ago). A lot of the weight has come since then. Has anyone else experienced a lot of gain with either of these products?


  • Jennkies
    Jennkies Posts: 382 Member
    I just had Mirena put in in November. My body has gained some major bulk in the tummy since then but Im not sure if this is in relation to the IUD or if my body finally shifted from having a baby in August.. I havent put on any pounds though, so I think its probably just the baby part.
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    Your little one is really cute! I also gained in my tummy, which is NEVER where I gained before. Strange.
  • I've had a Mirena since March 2010. I just had a check up two days ago and was down 10lbs since November 2010. I don't think Mirena causes weight gain as much as weight gain may be a side effect from increased hunger. Mirena is a very low dose hormone. The only problem I have with Mirena is some mild cramping every now and then.
  • jenX1174
    jenX1174 Posts: 154
    I've had the Mirena for 3 years. Everyone is different with it, but the hormone used is a progesterone and the amount is so minute it barely shows up on blood tests. It has more of a local affect on the uterine lining. I love it since a barely have a period anymore, and I haven't had any problems with it.

    Other things to consider: have you/are you on anti-depressants? Have you had your thyroid checked? Those are things that can make you gain weight or make it hard to lose.
  • nettip
    nettip Posts: 113 Member
    I have a copper marina. i carnt have hormones as they give me blood clots, sickness oh yea nt to mention the 5yr i now have lol. this doesnt affect weight as such but i do get reli bad periods swelling and back pain,
  • I recently had mine taken out because of weight gain/bloating, hormonal imbalances, and other complications. My OB said this does not happen for a majority of the people who use an IUD but for some (unfortunately) it does. I would see an OB about your side effects. They sound so similar to what I was going through. You can friend me if you like and we can chat more about it. Good luck. Oh... my OB did mention that the copper IUD is a better alternative if you have trouble with the Mirena. We just switched to condoms with spermicide for the time being.
  • I hear a lot of ppl say they gained weight by taking any type of birth control. I was put on BC after the baby in July and when I read the reviews of others they all said they gain and were acting crazy so I never took it. I think if you on it just really watch what you and workout, if you see you are still going stop using it and find something else.
    Ive never been on BC ever b/c Im scared it will make me really fat.
  • glittersoul
    glittersoul Posts: 666 Member
    I did gain quite a bit of weight with Mirena when I had it. I had it for a little bit over a year. I don't handle my hormones messed with very well. My doc gave me mirena over other methods because the hormones in it are low, but still was too much for me. I gained weight, was constantly tired, my best friend said it made me *****y and kinda weird. lol I know i made some bad choices in that time. In March of this last year I started having major side pain and a lot of bleeding to accompany the pain. I called the OB where I got it from and his assistant told me it had nothing to do w/ the IUD. And that it was probably an ovarian cyst. Well it wasn't that, it was the IUD dislodged. So I really hated my experience with Mirena. However, there are a ton of people that have had a great experience with it and don't have any problems.

    Also, as soon as it came out my energy was back quickly so I know that was the problem and not something else.
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    Huh. The stories seem pretty split down the middle. Other than the possible weight gain, other things have been good-- I am certainly not as crazy as I was on NuvaRing. I have had my thyroid checked and it's normal, which was a surprise to me!

    I've only had the thing in for 6 mos., maybe it will mellow out?
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I had a Mirena for a few weeks (had it taken out when I thought I had a miscarriage) and I did gain some weight. BUT! I was also not exercising and and didn't have the best eating habits. When I was put on Yaz a couple months ago (which I stopped taking because of some issuess) my doctor said that weight gain really shouldn't happen. The average weight gain for women on hormonal birth control is 3 pounds per year, which is the same as the average weight gain for all Americans. There are some women who gain a lot, but that the hormonal birth control isn't necessarily the cause. And, the hormonal birth control I was on after my son was born and the Yaz did not make me gain weight. As long as you're exercising and eating right you should be fine.
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    I'm sure the issue is complicated by all the factors. When hormonal changes make me sad or grumpy, I lay around more. When hormonal changes make me crave chocolate, I, well, eat chocolate. When they make me retain water, I gain 5 pounds. I know the weight isn't "caused" by the BC. I just need to figure out how to deal with all the weight-gain-causing side effects!
  • I am on the mirena for almost 3 years now and have not gained weight. I plan to have it removed soon because of bacteria infections.
  • k2d4p
    k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
    I had my 2nd son in June 2010 and had Mirena put in August 2010 and have had it since then. I started my weight loss process August 4, 2010 and I have lost 76lbs so far and had Mirena the whole time. I think a lot of it depends on how hard you work. I believe that many birth controls do affect weight, but I also really believe that many women use it as an excuse.

    I am sure I will get yelled at for my opinion, but I think most women who claim to gain any more than 20 - 25lbs strictly because of their birth control are kidding themselves. I know everyone is different and I know that the hormones affect people in different ways. But, if you eat right and exercise regularly you will lose weight, no matter what birth control you are on.
  • Ok... because I feel I have to defend my prior post now... I only gained about 10 lbs... BUT... the Doc said that was due to the hormones.... so most likely the hormonal side effects were changing my lifestyle more than my weight ya know? I do believe some women use this as an excuse as well. Although in my situation... which again...I was told was not very common...My side effects were legit and a direct result of the Mirena IUD. MOST WOMEN who use Mirena love it and do just fine with it. :)
  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    I didn't have any adverse side effects to to MIrena. I've had it in for 2 1/2 years and it has been the BEST 2 1/2 years (birth control wise) EVER!! I have nothing but good things to say about it.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I didn't gain weight because of the IUD, though I did gain weight during the five years mine was in. On the whole (since I had twins) I gained more weight without an IUD than I could possibly have done in five years with the IUD ;)
  • Jessibear2854
    Jessibear2854 Posts: 82 Member
    I've been on nuva ring for a year and though I initially gained about 5 lbs, that came off pretty easily once my body got used to it. It did make me really hungry the first few weeks.
  • samb
    samb Posts: 464 Member
    I honestly had a horrible experience with the nuva ring. it was great in every way....but my weight was literally uncontrollable. i know people say dont make excuses for you own weight gain, but i have never experienced n e thing like that! I was eating unhealthy when i went on it but i consistently ate the same way and wasnt gaining any weight until the nuva ring started. Then I began gaining literally a pound a day. I started eating extremely healthy and working out 3 hours a day from not working out at all. The scale wouldn't budge - only went up if I ate anything even slightly unhealthy or didnt work out much that day. Needless to say I was very unhappy because of this. I tried for 3 months to make it work because it was sooo convenient, but I couldn't control my weight at all. Normally when I go from eating crappy to healthy, whether I work out or not, I lose at least 5 lbs within the week. I ended up back at my max weight of 125ish and decided I needed to get off of it! Now I still am having an extremely hard time getting control of my body, when my entire life before this I was always able to lose weight by not really even doing anything. It is really aggravating for me now, but I am trying my best and the weight is SLOWLY coming back off. I wish the nuva ring didn't do this because I loved it in all other ways....but this struggle was not worth the convenience!
  • pcmoore
    pcmoore Posts: 53 Member
    I have had my Mirena a little over a year. I have gained, but it's been due to being sedentary and bad eating! For me this is the best birth control I've had. I like a previous poster have had many blood clots and have had 4 go to my lungs so I am on a blood thinner and can't take the pills (too much hormone) I have 4 more years with this one (hopefully) and I would LOVE to get another one. I have not had TOM since about 3 months after it was implanted!
  • I have had the Mirena IUD since January 10'. I don't believe it has affected my weight at all.
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