Lose 60+lbs by October 31st Challenge!



  • sezp
    sezp Posts: 69
    I just weighed in and am 220lbs. A bit disappointed, but after a heavy weekend, I'm pretty sure I'm retaining water, so hopefully will see a bigger loss next week. And a loss is a loss, right?! Good luck everyone!
  • saeverman
    I just weighed myself and am still stuck at 191, at least I didn't gain! Hopefully I'll have a better week this week. I was stuck indoors with an ice storm and was out of my regular routine.
  • mbrown82314
    Weighed in at 252, down two pounds since last Monday. I was hoping for more but because I absolutely binged at a Super Bowl Party yesterday I am fine with the two pounds!
  • pcmoore
    pcmoore Posts: 53 Member
    I'll join! That's on track with my overall goal so it should work fine into what I'm doing!

    Exercise program(s) you're doing: Just Dance, random aerobics...waiting on a 4 pack of Jillian DVDs to arrive and I'll start them
    Costume you'd like to be able to wear by Halloween: Not sure yet
  • ♥Violette♥4Ever♥
    I want in!!

    SW: 250
    GW: 140
    Exercise program(s) you're doing: Walk away the pounds 2 mile walk and circuit training
    Costume you'd like to be able to wear by Halloween: French maid...ooh la la :wink:
  • funnythunder
    I'd love to join the challenge too. I have lost 5lbs so far in 3 weeks so would like to step that up a knotch!!

    CW: 255
    GW: 195
    Exercise Programs: Jillian Michaels Shred, Wii Biggest Loser, Dog Walking (they are the main ones)
    Costume: Haven't decided yet but I don't normally wear a costume so being able to fit into anything will be good!!
  • danni_appel
    danni_appel Posts: 10 Member
    I wanna join too! It is a little more then I was planning for, but I'd still like to give it a shot...

    CW: 235.8 as of this morning
    GW: 175 - and that would put me right back at my lowest weight :)
    Exercise program(s) you're doing: thinking of starting Zumba, some running, walking the doggie, ab toning, and Women's Health: Workout for Your Body Type
    Costume you'd like to be able to wear by Halloween: not sure yet; but I'd like to be small enough to actually find one easily...
  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    i want to join
  • Nekol688
    Hi there :) This sounds like fun, and I'd definetly like to join, if thats ok :)

    SW: 188.6
    GW: 135 (53 lbs to go)
    Exercise program(s) you're doing: Jillian Michaels the Shred, 30 minutes treadmill, fat burning pilates
    Costume you'd like to be able to wear by Halloween: something sexy :)
  • bfrice1
    Count me in. I've been waiting years for this:

    SW: 207
    GW: 140
    Exercise program(s) you're doing: Billy Blanks Tae Bo; Walking; Weight lifting; Yoga
    Costume you'd like to be able to wear by Halloween: Officer Aeryn Sun (Peacekeeper)
  • corsayre8
    corsayre8 Posts: 551 Member
    That is so funny - I had been thinking about the costume I would wear if I got the weight off as well. Want to be a genie. My initial goal is 60 pounds, after that I was going to re-evaluate. See if I'm happy there, or if I want to go for an additional 20. I'm already down fifteen though from January - will that disqualify me?

    Starting weight 220 (second week of January)
    Current weight 205
    Goal weight 160 (maybe 140, we shall see)

    I try to get in atleast two of these activities daily. Gym work out consisting of minimum 40 minutes of cardio, and rotating days of leg/trunk/arm strength training. 90 minute Bikram yoga class. These two are my foundation and try to hit them minimum of five days a week each. To mix things up, I also ride horses, hike, run on the treadmill, occasional zumba or spin class.

    Look forward to seeing everyones costumes,
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Is it too late for another? It's not only my daughter's 2nd birthday on the 31st but I'm going on holiday to Tenerife the week before so was looking to lose about 2lbs a week until then which would be roughly 60lbs...

    My SW was 303lbs (17th January)
    My CW is 290.8
    GW is 230 by 31st October.
    Exercise programme is EA Sports Active 30 day challenge (currently half way through) and cardio and strength training at the gym 3 times a week.
    Don't know about halloween costume but I'd sure like a smaller swimming costume for my holiday!!

    Hopefully you'll let me join in - would be good to be held accountable for the long term...
  • turntechBiologist
    turntechBiologist Posts: 374 Member
    I'm totally shocked to see new people joining this challenge! You're all more than welcome to join in! :love:

    I am without internet at home, so I'm at Borders right now using their wi-fi XD I just wish I was near a plug :sad: Long story on the whole "no internet" thing, and we tried getting direct tv but the neighbor's trees would be blocking the signal! :grumble:

    But I will be working on the chart, and I will be changing the Google document to be a form so everyone can pick their names and put their weights in a such :)

    And now I'm next to a plug so I can do what I need to do without worrying about my computer dying! Ha ha! :bigsmile:
  • turntechBiologist
    turntechBiologist Posts: 374 Member
    Okay, here is the Google Form I want everyone to use so it can be a little easier on me to collect everyone's weights!

    Also, here is the updated chart! :)

  • elliespencr78
    elliespencr78 Posts: 11 Member
    This seems like an awesome challenge i would love to join! i just had a baby 2 1/2 weeks ago! so we all know i need to lose the baby weight! my goal is to at least lose 2 lbs a week!
    So If its cool to join...
    SW: 204
    GW: 130
    Exercise: Right now turbo jam and walking! When I am completely recovered and up to stamina insanity and Turbo Fire!!!
    Costume: I would like to be she-hulk with my husband and son being HUlk and Baby Hulk! With stomach showing and everything!
  • aspencer122
    aspencer122 Posts: 123 Member
    Hey Can I still join? My wife is in this challenge and just told me about it. I fell off my diet really badly. I lost almost 60 pounds and now im back down to only lossing 17 pounds. I would love to be in this.

    SW: 307 (which i told myself that I would never be over 300 again)
    GW: 230
    I will doing Insanity and Turbo Jam together
    And my costume that I want to wear Is my skin. I want to be the hulk!!!
  • turntechBiologist
    turntechBiologist Posts: 374 Member
    @elliespencr & aspencer - I'm glad you two want to join! And you're more than welcome to! Thank you for joining my challenge! ;w;

    Just updated both my personal chart and the google document so everything should be good now! I'm kind looking forward and not looking forward to weigh-in day. I weighed myself today and I was up 0.8lbs (325). Hoping it's just muscle gain possibly :(

    And I'll put the new chart up next week, so I don't have to keep posting the chart every few posts XD
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    I am the same, 186.2. Started exercising this week so probably won't lose for a few weeks.:grumble:
  • corsayre8
    corsayre8 Posts: 551 Member
    Ok, so I am cheating a little bit - didn't want to change my weigh in day, Fridays are working great for me. Help keep me motivated over the weekend. So used last Friday's weight for last week, and today's weigh in for this coming Monday. Also, I am not on "real" comupters much, so am taking advantage of the fact I am actually sitting in front of one to enter info in the chart.

    Good luck everyone, keep up the good work!

  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    Apologies for not weighing in on the 7th, I've been curled up on the sofa feeling like death warmed up for most of the week and completely forgot :( I WILL be weighing in in the morning and posting here.