I made a facebook group for the ketogenic diet and ms, if anyone is interested. called Ketogenic Diet & Multiple Sclerosis
Like mentioned, lean body mass is not muscle mass, though they are often confused. Aside from that the "can't gain muscle while in a calorie deficit" thing is mostly for people with very little body fat. Even then it isn't 100% true, just more true? People with a little or a lot of fat are fine, the body uses the stored…
Most people don't feel like wasting their time supporting someone who is obviously lieing. What you are describing is medically impossible. If it isn't a lie then some piece of information you have been given is not true.
It is possible you are losing muscle. I do Keto as well. i am curious what you are eating to only do 1250. Fat, which should be your primary macro is calorie dense. You may need to add very calorie dense foods that are safe for keto. Try almonds, 1/3 of a cup is 330 calories. 1/3 of a cup can fit in your hand. Personally…
Hello! Boy this post is old but I dont care! I did Ketos in the past and am just starting it again today in fact
I love the attitude. I generally avoid MS groups because they are mostly downers. Also love the reboot reference :)
Less body fat = more defined abs.
For all the same reasons women cheat I am guessing.
You fish and you have tattoos? If you are a little nerdy we may have to get married.
Posers! :)
It sucks but it happens. The feels are gone and that is that. You need to leave. The possible suicide threat is a sign this was a mistake on another level. ANYONE that says that is not someone you want in your life. Though I am curious, what qualities is it you want in a life partner he doesn't have?
The first 40lbs I lost was only through changes to what I ate. However your body doesn't look any better. Just a small version of it .
Fairly certain this is a massive rarity. Ive been to 4 different gyms in my days and I have never seen anything even remotely like this.
Ok that "fact" is purely dependent on the person and where you are at weight wise. Ive lost 100lbs and gained 14 pounds of lean muscle mass at the same time the past year and a half. For example when i started at 310lbs my average intake of calories and what I needed to eat to stay at 310lbs was around 3500-4000 a day. My…
Phil Anselmo! Haha That I dont see but thank you so much. I am a fan of his. I like the fact a couple of people younger then me have called me young. Bonus compliment :) Thanks so much everyone. It means the world. Feel free to add me, i am always around to talk to when you might need that little extra support.
So much positive. Everyone needs to friend me :)
@missmegan makin me blush! haha
Wow thanks everyone. Feels good. After so much encouragement my post feels silly. Such a hard mind state to get out of. You are all a big help. @SoUnware I am 6ft on the dot.
I am curious to why you listed EFA's, Creatine, BCAAs then said "maybe" whey. When out of all those Whey is the first one the average person doing strength training should consider.
Cartoons > People
I have order from both and
Ive experimented with and without diet pop and notice no chance. i am happy to say because I love it. My weight loss has been steady for months, with the diet pop and without it maintained exactly the same with no other changes to my diet and exercise routine.
Starvation mode is not an actual thing. Just a marketing ploy. There is a reason starving people look like skeletons with skin on them, they are starving.
"she" wont lose any. It doesn't work that way.
Its pretty cheap, worth giving a shot. And much more concentrated then 2-3 cups of tea and much easier.
I switched from 3 meals a day to 6 and have lost over 90. Ill take personal experience over any study.
Id say its in your mind. No gym Ive ever been to has people watching and judging. To solve your problem though just to a google or youtube search for dumbell and whatever muscle you want to work, will find a bazlillion videos showing various ways.
I barely noticed my first 50lbs lost. Pretty normal when you have a lot to lose I think
I use Plenty of Fish. Same issue. So many "average" body types that are 100+ over weight. There are options past that like "few extra ponds" big and tall" The first thing in my profile talks about honesty. When they message me I don't think they get it. I actually don't mind weight on a women, I do mind the lie however.