lyricsmamma6469 Member


  • Feel free to add me. I started at almost the same weight - - and I found that cutting out ALL fast food, ALL pop (including diet) and starting slowly builds a great foundation for the long run. I started with walking, then got a gym membership, and now I've added bike riding (I had to get under the weight limit for the…
  • I bought the polar ft4 a couple months ago and I love it! It was super easy to set up and the chest strap really isn't that inconvenient. It's comfortable and I put it on before I go to the gym so that I don't have to mess with it in the locker room. The only issue I have is remembering to take it off when I get home since…
  • I see my motivation son. I want to be healthy for him. He always asks me to take him to Cedar Point in the summer and I have felt like a horrible mom for years because my excuse for not taking him isn't that I can't afford it, it's that I've been afraid that I couldn't fit on the rides that he wanted to ride.…
  • Weigh everything!! Weighing my food has definitly taught me the most about portion control and portion sizes.
  • Hello everyone! Anyone who wants to add me feel free. I currently have about 100 lbs left I would like to lose. So far I've went from 297 to 238 since August 2013. I began wearing a 24 and bought myself a size 20 for the first time in many years the other day. It's never easy when you start out. Just keep reminding…
  • I joined this site a long time ago and did the back and forth with logging and sticking to eating healthy and exercising. Towards the end of August 2013, I stepped on the scale and it said 297.4 - - I refused to let myself hit 300. Since that day I have stuck to logging, exercising (even when it was the LAST thing I wanted…
  • I use ground turkey or chicken and usually turn mine into salads using flavored tortilla chips (chile lime is good). I crunch the chips up to add a nice crunchy texture. I also found flat bread wraps that make a large burrito and they're only 90 calories for the whole wrap. They make great flat bread pizzas too!
  • I'm trying to lose more like 120 lbs on top of the almost 40 I've already lost. Feel free to add me (anyone). I'm always willing to give support :) It's tough in the beginning but definitely gets easier.
  • Don't listen to those who discourage - - I got a nutribullet for Christmas and I love it. I make myself smoothies each morning for breakfast. I also log, count and weigh all other foods (before someone jumps on me too). Good luck to you on your journey and feel free to add me!
  • My friends and I tend to drink vodka w/water and half a crystal light packet when we drink. - - ha ha must've been typing this the same time as the other one!
  • I haven't read the other posts so sorry if I end up repeating what someone else not deprive yourself of any food!! For me, if I tell myself I absolutely will NOT eat pizza, eventually I am going to binge on pizza. Instead, I plan my higher calorie meals for the days I know I am going to the gym. I never eat back…
  • ^^^^ This!! I love the barcode scanner!
  • I totally considered having the surgery. I never denied that...but I decided for myself, the drawbacks outweighed the benefits. For everyone else, who are getting crazy defensive over my post, I do love these people. I just wish for themselves they had chosen the "right" way to lose their weight. The ones I've known who…
  • Also feel like a ***** and horrible person when I think these things and wanted to vent. lol Sorry!
  • Not rage...irritation. She had the surgery - - now weighs 169 lbs and is still using her handicap parking plackard. She is perfectly mobile. My best friend who had the surgery is constantly saying how "fat" she is (even though she weighs like 150 somethin), and says things like if she wore a size 24 again she'd kill…
  • Feel free to add me!! I currently weigh 254 down from 294 and would like to weigh 135 - 145. It's a struggle daily, but set small goals and reward yourself each time you hit a goal. Also, don't cut out food that you love completely or you'll end up binging on a craving. Weight watchers has a great food scale but any will…
  • Oh yeah...and if you like mushrooms, get the huge portobello mushroom caps and use that as your crust for a pizza. I stuff mine with red sauce, mozz cheese, green peppers and onions. Normally I'd order pizza with mushrooms, green pepper, and onions so the mushroom cap works perfectly!! lol Bake at 350 for 30 - 45 minutes.
  • Stuffed pepper soup!! There are tons of recipes out there so you could look it up to get the appropriate serving size - - I always substitute ground turkey for the ground beef and brown rice for the white rice, and if you like spicey you could always add spicey peppers for a kick. Sooooo addicted to this soup. I actually…
  • I've done a bunch of research on this because I didn't quite understand why I should eat back my calories burned and why I was slowing on my weight loss. As soon as I started eating the calories back, I started losing weight again. This is what I found out...if you're using MFP's suggestions, you should eat the calories…
  • I asked my santas for a food scale, a weighted vest, and gift cards to clothing stores because I'm shrinking out of my current wardrobe. :)
  • I want to lose a total of 150. Started (again) at the end of August and this time I'm actually sticking to calories and exercising. Feel free to add me...this goes to everyone else posting! :)
  • Thanks everyone!! :happy:
  • I've encountered this from my dad. I'm a daddy's girl and I know what his unfortunate view of women is, but it still hurts when he is so quick to put me down. My boyfriend made a comment about me losing 30 lbs in 3 months and that my dad should offer me a grand to lose a hundred in a year. He offered this to my brother who…
  • I just rededicated myself 3 months ago at 297 and I'm now down to 268. I'm looking for friends who are in my boat too! I'll add you. Good luck to everyone with their journey! Everyone else feel free to add me :)
  • They say eating breakfast within the first hour of waking up helps get your metabolism going for the day. I hate eating breakfast myself. I found that if I drink a V8 fruit drink - - the hundred calorie cans, and eat a yogurt, I'm good until around lunch time. Maybe try something where you're drinking the calories vs…
  • I rededicated myself to this site at the end of August weighing in at 294 and I'm 269 as of last Thursday. I only weigh myself every two weeks because seeing 5 lbs is much more motivating that seeing 1 or 2 after working your butt off. The previous guy was right, just walking can burn a ton of calories at our weight. Since…
  • Absolutely worth it!! I married way too young for all the wrong reasons and I am happier now than I have ever been. My ex-husband and I even get along better now than we did when we were married. I'm friends with his wife (3rd wife). They're friends with my fiance. Life is great! We have a child together so that's why…
  • SW: 294 CW: 269 GW: 260 Weigh in Dates: 11/1 11/8 11/15 269 (just jumped on the thread) 11/22 11/28 End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use) Total weight lost: Just for fun: What are you most thankful for in your journey to health? I am thankful for my boyfriend. He is extremely supportive and tells me daily how…
  • I know many people, including my best friend, who have had this surgery. My best friend even suggested that I have it done. I started dieting again almost 3 months ago - - I wasn't able to update my starting weight without starting a new profile - - but my starting weight was 297 and as of last Thursday, I weighed 268.…