vdaniela3 Member


  • Ahh that's nice to know swhitney. I went through changes with that plateau,lol. I definately learned my lesson with salt.
  • I don't think I seen this mentioned. But watch your SALT!! I got carried away eating a baked chip for about 6 months for lunch everyday, yes EVERYDAY!!! Not good I know. BUT, a couple weeks ago, I said ok this is enough. I haven't dropped a lb since maybe July. Haven't gained, but haven't lost either. So I looked back at…
  • We are in the same place. I started in january and have only lost 24. I've been stuck since the end of march! Increased my calories by 100-200 and seen a difference of a few lbs in a month. I just recently lost another,but that took a whole month to get. So I'm not sure if increasing helped or not. Have you taken an…
  • Good for you =) I have been stuck since March! Really ever since I was moved to 1200,its been really slow. Reading the boards and other successes with people upping their calories,I finally did that the beginning of this month. First two weeks to 1350..nothing. These last two weeks,1400 plus my exercise calories(always eat…
  • Thanks,yea I'm gona give this another try because I've been stuck for about 5 wks now. As soon as I was dropped to 1200, I've lost about 9 lbs. And that's been from feb-now. I'm losin my mind over here,lol. I increased to 1350,maybe the last 2 wks and still nothing. I'm not within the last 10,honestly I need to lose about…
  • Sorry don't have anything to suggest. But since I've been taking better care of myself,I find I'm warmer,or not as cold as I was before I became more active.
  • I'm not sure how far back you started WW,but the "extra points" are actually points you were allowed anyways. Like when I did it about 10 years ago,say you got 29 pts a day period. Well with the newer programs they took 5 pts off each day and gave you a bank of 35 "extra" pts a wk. So your really eating what you need…
  • Woooo! You look good! Congrats =) awesome job.
  • WW changes their plans around ever so often. I believe when I started years ago it was 123 Success? Anyways say you got 29 points a day. Well with the new point plan,can't remember the name, but you got 24 points a day and were given maybe 30-35? extra a week to do what you wanted with them. So some people would save those…
  • That is very nice to hear. I started out here at 1350,lost 2 a week on that. As soon as it dropped me to 1200,I go weeks without anything. I'm averaging about 1-1.5 a week,but that's an overall average. This month I haven't lost a lb and I'm no where near my goal. I've been debating upping my calories,and I think I'm gona…
  • Please don't quit. All your hard work will pay off but you have to keep going to see it. I've been at this since January,and have only lost 19 lbs. That's about 1-1.5 a week,averaged out. This month I've lost NOTHING! I've had plenty wks go by with no losses either,so I know how frustrating it can be. There's days when I…
  • I have this one, the white one with the chest strap. I think it works great. Gives calories burned, average/highest HR, fat% burned , time in zone. Option to save up to 9 workouts. And you enter your height,weight, sex and age to get it started. The chest strap is comfortable, and the actual watch isn't to bulky. I have…
  • Maybe you have it set wrong? My counts are pretty close to what MFP counts said before I got it. I work out with The Firm videos, and the only time I get below 300 is when its just a weight training day (30-45mins).
  • That's how I did it when I "joined". Went in and payed the registration fee to get the material, weighed in and went home. Went back for the calculator and a few books and did it on my own. Lost about 50 lbs, with exercise. Didn't put it back on til I had my son about 3-4 years later. It does work, and once you get the…
  • idk, I played violin, not for 5 hrs. But I wouldn't think it burned 800 calories, I wouldn't be comfortable counting that as exercise. Now maybe if you were out on the field marching Drum and Bugle Corp (dci), but concert violin, no.
  • lol, I like lettuce with mustard. totally messed up your quote, not sure where your name went, that was from wekkle.
  • First place I noticed was my neck and face. Then my stomach and thighs, and hips. Back fat also,because my bras are fitting better. So for now about 1" off my neck. 6" off my stomach. 3" in the hip. And 2" off my thighs.
  • The first two times I lost weight,first time about 20,second around 50,they stayed the same. Now I'm trying to lose around 60,lost 15 so far and their the same. Though my sister said they look smaller. I did notice that area slimming down and tried on smaller size,but it didn't fit so I think its just the fat surrounding…
  • That's all I've seem to be losing is inches. Been doing this since Jan 5, and for about a month I was stuck at a 5 lb lose. Was so ready to quit, but my sister helped me through it. I don't even weigh myself anymore to check for a lose, just to make sure I'm not going up. I believe I'm averaging about a 1.5 lb lose a week…
  • Thanks. I don't have asthma,but my 7 yr old does. We use Pulmicort as his daily preventive,Albuterol for emergencies. And that is all I have to add to the thread, lol. Everyone else covered it pretty well.
  • You need to get a rescue inhaler,like albuterol. Pulmicort is your steroid,preventive. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
  • I started this week too and have noticed I haven't lost since last week. Nothing else has changed but getting my period. Been searching for a topic like this, and it's nice to hear that its from bloat/water. Almost made me want to give up. Hopefully by next week I'll see a change.