OMFG... *cries* vent.



  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    If you don't want to open your diary up to the world (which I completely understand), maybe consider opening it up to your Friends List or putting a code on it and only letting a few trusted friends view it for some objective feedback?
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    I would say you are over estimating your calorie burn and under estimating your calorie intake. I understand you dont want to share your diary.
  • jsteras
    jsteras Posts: 344 Member
    I'm literally crying today. I don't feel comfortable enough to open my diary and all that stuff... so lets just say that I'm on 1450 calories and I've been hitting right at or under them every day. I have a phobia of people watching me eat or knowing what I eat... I used to get ridiculed and dislike the thought of being scrutinized, especially on a board this large... not yet... I'm not there yet. I've been eating back my exercise calories... as much as I can... with nuts, cheese and other high fat, high protein type foods to help rebuild muscle... I do have problems with sodium... Im always feeling like a sponge full of water when I wake up in the morning. I am not sure how accurate my exercise calories are either... they are set here, but I can't tell if they are really accurate... so today I think I will focus on getting a calorie counter watch... dry up these damned tears and do something. I like to exercise, but it really has placed the rest of my life on hold...

    And I really thought there'd be a loss today. I really did. So when I stepped on the scale and there was no loss... it broke my heart. It really did. I'm sorry that I'm probably annoying some of you and I know that you've heard this so many times from others... but I'm just frustrated and needed to vent. The first 5 I am not sure I really "lost"... as much as just water weight from drinking soda... I "lost" that within the first week or so... it's been stalled ever since...
    Try to plan your menu ahead for the day and track your sodium, keep it under 1500 for a week and you will lose weight , I think that is one of the biggest problems with the way we eat is the sodium in the processed foods we consume. Alcohol also will slow things down or bring losing to a halt. Don't give up, look at diaries of people who do have them open that are losing and get meal ideas from theirs. This has to be a life change or you will never be able to stick to it. I really thought my scale would go down this morning also , but guess what it didn't but I will keep doing what I am doing and it will move eventually:):)
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I'm literally crying today. I don't feel comfortable enough to open my diary and all that stuff... so lets just say that I'm on 1450 calories and I've been hitting right at or under them every day. I have a phobia of people watching me eat or knowing what I eat... I used to get ridiculed and dislike the thought of being scrutinized, especially on a board this large... not yet... I'm not there yet. I've been eating back my exercise calories... as much as I can... with nuts, cheese and other high fat, high protein type foods to help rebuild muscle... I do have problems with sodium... Im always feeling like a sponge full of water when I wake up in the morning. I am not sure how accurate my exercise calories are either... they are set here, but I can't tell if they are really accurate... so today I think I will focus on getting a calorie counter watch... dry up these damned tears and do something. I like to exercise, but it really has placed the rest of my life on hold...

    And I really thought there'd be a loss today. I really did. So when I stepped on the scale and there was no loss... it broke my heart. It really did. I'm sorry that I'm probably annoying some of you and I know that you've heard this so many times from others... but I'm just frustrated and needed to vent. The first 5 I am not sure I really "lost"... as much as just water weight from drinking soda... I "lost" that within the first week or so... it's been stalled ever since...

    I understand about not wanting to open up your diary...mine is private too! So it sounds like you know sodium is a problem. Why don't you start there and make sure you are coming in under goal every day for sodium? Sodium is a killer for weight loss. I traveled all last week for work so I ate every meal out (meaning HIGH sodium). I came home after 4 days and was 3 pounds heavier. Within 2 days I was back to normal after getting back to my normal lower sodium eating...that sodium just holds on to water making you bloated and heavier, but it is a false heavy.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I was in the same boat as you last week. I'd lost 5 pounds in March and then completely stalled out this month.

    Then I realized that, like someone above pointed out, I might be over estimating my calorie burn (although I do wear an HRM most of the time - still, you never know) and under estimating some of my calories. So I changed my weekly goal to 1.5 pounds per week to lower my base calories. I'll still be eating back my exercise calories and might go over or under a bit now and then but I'm going to try to hit the target as much as possible. And as long as I've stayed around that all week, I will have a cheat day/meal at the end of the week to keep my metablolism guessing. Like last night, we had spaghetti and meatballs with garlic bread and I had a couple drinks too. Went over calories by 300+! But I'll be back in the gym tonight and drinking plenty of water today.

    You already know your sodium is too high so start working on that and maybe up your water intake to balance it out.

    Don't give up!!
  • fitnessjch
    fitnessjch Posts: 449 Member
    I agree. DON'T give up! It took me 5 weeks to start losing, but I lost 3 inches on my waist in that time - this was where fat had converted into muscle.

    I am now losing about 2lbs per week, and I couldnt be prouder of myself. I nearly gave up too, and I'm SO glad I didn't - I feel amazing!
  • TMLPatrick
    TMLPatrick Posts: 558 Member
    Yeah, adjust your goal a bit and just keep at it, you'll never lose weight as fast as you'd like. Its a very long process and most of us here are just at the beginning, 1lb a week is not going to be as instantly gratifying as 2.5lbs a week, but it is much easier to stick with. Also, if you've been working out more, you may be gaining extra water weight as your muscles heal themselves, that happened to me. I gained 3 lbs earlier this week simply from working out more, as ridiculous as that sounds. Just stay motivated, it WILL happen if you keep eating under your calorie goal.
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    Start by lowering your sodium and drinking TONS of water. Try 3 1-hour workouts or 5 half-hour workouts... but don't push it. If you're just starting an exercise routine after years of inactivity, you need to incorporate it slowly so you don't tear up your body.

    And do consider opening up your food diary. Mine's been open for a while and I've never once had anyone scrutinize or make fun of what I eat... even when I have lots of drinks or fatty foods.
  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    Measure yourself. I'm almost positive that you are losing inches and not weight. Probably from building muscle because you are exercising so much. My mother is also trying to lose weight and has 40 pounds to lose. It took her almost 3 months to lose "weight" but she was losing inches!

    Don't give up! I know it's hard. I haven't lost any weight this month and I stll have to lose 82 pounds! It's really hard workand you didn 't gain it all overnight so it will not come off overnight.

    Try and stay positive.

    I also agree with some of the others in regards to sodium. It's EVIL! I can "gain" 6 pounds in a weekend because I had too much of it and didn't drink enough water to compensate. Sodium, horrible stuff!
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    Try to get more protein. It will help you feel more full. Try to cut out processed foods and eat lots of fresh vegetables and fruits. Eggs and lean protein. The rest does seem to fall into place. One big thing that helped my scale move was to avoid salty foods after 3pm. Also cut back on carbs after dinner. I even keep dinner timecarbs to things like quinoa or whole grain rice (avoiding white rice, white pasta etc), and don't have any carbs after dinner. I keep snacks after dinner, to before 8:30pm when possible and eat yogurt and berries or hummus and vegetables. Rice cakes and popcorn will stall the scale every time.

    My body seems to hold onto the pounds when i make a big change too. if you push thru you will see a big loss all at once or begin to have a steadier loss.

    Also watch how much artificial sweetner you are having. It can screw with your metabolism.
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I did not see the scale budge much at first but I was losing inches. Eventually the numbers started decreasing. My secret weapon was my husband. Without him being on the journey with me, I would have stopped after a month or so more than likely. But, after almost 3 months, this has truly become a lifestyle change for us both.

    My best advice, don't deprive yourself of anything, just figure out ways to make it better. Example: What got us in to trouble was eating dessert every night. And I mean bad stuff that I will not even mention here! We still have dessert every night but now, we do skinny cow or something around 100-150 calories. Satisfies that sweet tooth without the guilt. We only eat lean meats, lots of veggies and salads, low cal dressings and rarely eat cheese anymore. I do not keep junk food in the house. Skim milk, fruits, whole grain breads and pastas and potatoes are now sometimes foods instead of everyday foods.

    I beleive a lot of this weight loss thing is a mindset. That is why this website has been so amazing for me.

    I wish you the best of luck. I hope that you stick to it because, eventually, you will start seeing results. Good luck hon!
  • cori4
    cori4 Posts: 3 Member
    so scream!!! but dont give up!!!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    If you don't want to open your diary up to the world (which I completely understand), maybe consider opening it up to your Friends List or putting a code on it and only letting a few trusted friends view it for some objective feedback?

    i agree with this. and maybe try leaving a bit more of a buffer in your calories and under estimating your exercise on MFP for a week or two and see if that helps. sometimes things can just be inaccurate without us realizing it.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Are you measuring/weighing your food? It's the best way to be accurate. Are you eating your workout calories? If so, are you using a HRM when you workout? If your not, you might be eating to many calories?
  • Christie422
    Christie422 Posts: 120 Member
    I can understand too not wanting to open your diary, but do think its a good idea to open it to friends (that's how I have mine). It really is hard to tell where you could be making improvements without seeing what you're actually eating. Sodium is a killer though. Over the Easter weekend I was careful to keep my calories within my limit or just a little bit over but I gained 2.5 lbs because everything had so much sodium in it. I also agree with setting your goal to 1 lb a week. Something to consider is if you were eating very high calories before you started dieting and have a drastic drop in calories your body may be holding on to every calorie you consume. Sometimes its necessary to eat more than what MFP suggests to get the weight to come off. I upped my calorie intake after a stall and the weight started coming off again. Before I started here I was easily eating 3000-5000 calories a day and my body didn't like it when I went down to eating 1200 a day. It really can be a matter of trial and error and tweaking things until you find out what works best for you.

    Whatever you do DON'T GIVE UP! Even if it's not coming off as fast as you'd like it WILL start coming off. If you give up and go back to your old eating won't.
  • vdaniela3
    vdaniela3 Posts: 22 Member
    Please don't quit. All your hard work will pay off but you have to keep going to see it. I've been at this since January,and have only lost 19 lbs. That's about 1-1.5 a week,averaged out. This month I've lost NOTHING! I've had plenty wks go by with no losses either,so I know how frustrating it can be. There's days when I want to quit,but where will that get me?Right back where I started.

    You will get there. Re-evaluate what you're eating,be sure to drink your water,and please don't quit the gym. Exercise helps a ton with stress. And like others have said,start measuring yourself. If it wasn't for that,I would've quit months ago,cause right now I'm losing more inches than lbs.

    You can do it,it just takes time and patience.
  • janack
    janack Posts: 33 Member
    Have you thought about reducing your calorie intake? When I was losing weight MFP had my baseline at 1200 calories a day and I ate back my workout calories. I lost about 1-2 pounds a week doing that. It was slow, but it worked. Then I went up to only losing .5 a week, easing into maintenance and it had me at about 1450 a day for a baseline (I am currently at 1300 just because of Easter binge, LOL) and have been pretty much maintaining, but have been lax about going over at times, still working out. Just thinking that maybe you are eating to much to lose?

    For size reference I am 5'7" and am currently around 130-133 and started at 155.
    (I also ate whatever I wanted to and never looked at my sodium, fat, or carbs and I still lost weight - only counted calories!)
  • Kjarlune
    Kjarlune Posts: 178
    It's been WEEEEEEEKS since I started this and I have lost NOTHING. NOT A DAMNED THING... I am soooooooooo frustrated and I hate my body right now. And its not like I'm trying to lose the last ten stubborn pounds either, I'm at the BEGINNING of an EXTENSIVE and LOOONG process... one that doesn't seem to be budging AT ALL. Because I'm not just fluffy... I'm FAAT. I just want to give up. I'm killing myself working out 5 days a week and watching every single morsel I place in my mouth. I'm drowning in water and have completely given up sodas... I've done everything right. So. I'm done right now. I'm not hitting the gym at all anymore. I like how it makes me feel, but something is wrong here... and I've put the rest of my life on hold to make time to hit the gym. Why am I going to keep doing that when the results don't pay off? I am soooooooo angry right now. I am trying SO hard. Like if this were school, I'd have a triple A plus because I've been studious, studying everything, I've put in the time, changed the habits... it's been almost five weeks since I started changing the way I eat and working out. I should have lost 'something'. I just want to scream.

    hun, I went through the same thing and still do once in a while.....I found out number one I had candida and it prevents weight loss and number two my calories were too low.....I personally have a spot where 600 calories a day (OMG) I loose and 1400-1600 I loose.....

    Go to your Dr...
  • janack
    janack Posts: 33 Member
    Go back and read this, it is very helpful.
  • mrsjcmyles
    mrsjcmyles Posts: 119 Member
    I realized I was working out like crazy and not losing like I thought I should. Then I changed my food diary settings to track sodium, and I realized i was eating out a lot more (and those foods are full of sodium!), and drinking less water than before. So, I was retaining the little water I was drinking. Try that. Also, when I tried losing weight before, I would do great, then hit a point, very quickly, where I would stop losing, and I would get stressed, and frustrated, which is not good for weight loss either. So, try to figure out a way to give yourself a pass, and just keep moving. You'll do fine :)