nrbrake Member


  • It definitely can affect it. I've only lost 11 pounds in the last 6 months getting about 4 hours a night. Basically I make crappy choices and my body doesn't function to the best of it's ability so although I'm not sure how much, I would say sleep does affect weight loss but probably more on a long term basis.
    in Sleep Comment by nrbrake February 2014
  • Yes I have that too. But it's not every day. All I know is there are days where I literally pee every 5 minutes and still can't get enough to drink
  • So exercise will further lower my blood sugar? And I'm just waiting for an appointment. I have a log line of diabetes in my family as well so I'm really nervous! I was planning to up my calories to maintenance for the time being and make my deficit by exercise. Is that a good or bad idea? And yes I'm thinking low blood…
  • THANK YOU! This is what I'm getting at. I don't have a ton of muscle therefore, I am not like those that are lifting heavy to build muscle and such. Again, thank you!
  • I should have clarified more, I don't lift or do anything strength training aside from body weight exercises. I do understand it can vary greatly person to person and that muscular people will be "overweight" by bmi.
  • I moved out at the age of 16 with a then boyfriend, now husband. I had worked my butt off to graduate two years early so I could move out and start my life. We both had full time jobs and to this day have never had to ask for money from anyone! If you are looking to move out I really suggest SAVING all that you can, once…
  • I plan on sleeping from 4:30-whenever my little girl wakes up...4 hours at most.
  • I'm currently nursing my one year old and have successfully lost a total on 70 pounds while nursing, although 35 of that was pregnancy weight! Feel free to add me for support!! Also, I would eat at maintenance if I were you, and maybe gradually cut back to 1700 or 1800 calories! The best thing to do would be to call your…
  • I know, I know, looking better is better than seeing a lower number, I'm just totally scale obsessed since I'm still not at a healthy weight! I'm thinking I will do the shred, although I don't have dumbells.. Will I benefit from doing it, if I do it without them?
  • Thank you all for your responses! I'm looking into the things you mentioned now! Also, I'd like to continue losing weight while building muscle since I am still not at a healthy weight... Is this possible or is it likely I'll maintain or lose very little weight since I'd be gaining muscle?...
  • This is my typical day- I do not claim to have a perfect diet, but I am losing weight and feeling healthier! Breakfast- Egg whites or a piece of fruit, if anything Morning snack- Smoothie 1/2 cup of strawberry slices, 1/4 fat free vanilla yogurt, 1/2 cup of 1/2% milk, 1/2 a banana, and ice Lunch- Egg whites, chicken…
    in MEAL IDEAS Comment by nrbrake June 2013
  • how old your baby is**
    in Nursing mom Comment by nrbrake June 2013
  • I would say it depends on how your baby is. Is he/she exclusively nursing? I really doubt you are getting enough at only 1200 calories a day. If I were you, understand I am not a doctor, I would figure what you need to maintain and start there. Then gradually decrease to maybe 1600 LOWEST. Nursing helped me drop 35 pounds…
    in Nursing mom Comment by nrbrake June 2013
  • Yes, that's what I meant! I currently eat at a deficit so maybe I will give that a try! It's a lot more manageable time wise to be able to do it a few times a day in addition to walking/jogging! Thanks guys!
  • Yes! Haha I'm crazy jealous of my husbands weight loss. Did I mention he eats enormous amounts of whatever he wants? Drinks soda and sugar ALL day. He once dropped 12 pounds rather quickly by switching to diet soda... oh the envy. Now a days I'm over it as I realize even if I didn't lose weight one week I'm healthier than…
  • How long have you been nursing? I personally didn't really start dieting until my girl was 1 and I never noticed any drop in supply. If I were you I would start out a little lower than maintenance, and gradually decrease your intake until you're at 1500 or 1600 calories.
  • Awesome! I lost about 35 pounds from the day I had my C-section to the day I went to the doctor two weeks later! I had no appetite and was sick a lot, plus I nursed! I was at my prepregnancy weight then, but am on my way to a healthy weight now!! Good luck!
  • No my grandma does all the cooking. I'm thinking I'll take some of my own meals as I'm just not willing to hinder progress. :/
  • You look amazing! So needed to see this today!! If you don't mind me asking, how much did you start at? Height? Keep up the good work!
  • bump! Not sure I mentioned I'm looking mainly for cardio!
  • So then it would be normal for me to be under my calories all week and the scale not move, and then at the end of the week it will drop?
  • I know this thread is old, but I just came across it and thought I'd throw out there that 1200 calories a day while nursing is NOT enough. I was over weight when I had my first baby and the doctor STILL advised that I take in a bare minimum of 1800 calories a day. I will say there was a lot of time I didn't eat anything…
  • I was in the same boat! I love to eat and so I needed something I could eat a lot of without sacrificing my calories! CUCUMBERS! I love them. They have a lot of water so they fill me up too. You can have a large cucumber for less than 50 calories. Add a little bit of salt if you need to!