Breast Feeding Mom, needs help

I'm breastfeeding, and my little one is only 14 weeks. I want to make sure that I'm getting enough calories, and eating the right foods. Is there any settings on this website to put in that you are breastfeeding so that it calulates the calories correctly?



  • dellaquilaa
    dellaquilaa Posts: 230 Member
    You should be getting an extra 4-500 calories a day (that's about what your body uses to make a day's worth of milk for your little one). You can edit your calories manually to add that amount :)

    How's breastfeeding going!? =D I love when mommas opt for the healthiest choice for their babies - kudos to you!
    Feel free to add me if you need some assistance - I work primarily with new moms & babies and even though I've never breastfed before (yet!) I've helped quite a few women work through latching difficulties, nursing strikes, nipple pain, and the whole "OMG I don't have enough milk!" thing :)
  • Jennifera714
    I am currently breastfeeding my 5 month old and previously fed my now 22 month old for 1 yr. My fitness pal requires I eat 1,200 calories a day. I have since up'd that amount to 1,500 because of a decrease in my milk supply. Just make sure your getting at the very least 1,500 calories daily per my la leche league guider. Drinks plenty of fluids especially if your sweating while working out. Keep in mind your body is already naturally burning calories producing milk for your child so its good to replace those.
  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    In your food diary, you can add in "Breastfeeding- infant" (or something like that, do a search) and it will give your the extra 300-500 calories you need.
  • nrbrake
    nrbrake Posts: 38 Member
    I'm currently nursing my one year old and have successfully lost a total on 70 pounds while nursing, although 35 of that was pregnancy weight! Feel free to add me for support!!

    Also, I would eat at maintenance if I were you, and maybe gradually cut back to 1700 or 1800 calories! The best thing to do would be to call your doctor or go to your local WIC office!
  • DiamondRubyMom
    DiamondRubyMom Posts: 147 Member
    I'm currently breastfeeding my third. She is 7 months. I usually don't bother adding more calories. I just don't count calories quite so strictly (I don't worry about ketchup and a small pat of butter here or there). I also set it to only lose .5 pound a week. I tend to lose a little faster than they predict doing it this way. I've also never had problems with low milk production. Once I finish breastfeeding I usually up it to 1-2 pounds a week and count everything.
  • CeCePII
    CeCePII Posts: 13 Member
    I agree with all the above advice. I'm also a nursing Mom; My son is 5 months old. With my first I didn't eat enough calories and it compromised my milk supply. I suggest you EAT the extra food (healthy options) your body needs to make quality milk for your sweet baby.

    Feel free to add me! Keep up the good work!
  • scenni78
    scenni78 Posts: 2
    Thank you for all the responses, and any support is greatly appreciated! It's nice to know, I"m not alone! Thank you to everyone!
  • Ajloves2run
    Ajloves2run Posts: 12 Member
    First, I commend you for choosing to nurse! The hard work is totally worth it for your child.

    I nursed all four of my children. While nursing and working out I used a calorie counter. My fitness pal is perfect. Every baby nurses differently and every body burns calories differently. The le leche league might have someone who can help you determine this, maybe even a WIC nutritionist or a nutritionist in general.

    The most important is to make sure that the calories that you are consuming are GOOD nutritious calories for baby. This helps the baby's brain development, immune system and so much more.

    While nursing I calculated calories in, calories out with workouts and calories needed to nurse. You will have to figure out the net calories your body needs and then add the additional calories needed for every feeding for baby. Be careful to get in enough calories other wise your body won't produce.

    Good luck and congrats!
  • fShaw86
    fShaw86 Posts: 878 Member
    Congratulations on your little one :)

    I nursed my son until he was 2. He was exclusively breastfed until he was 6 months old. I somehow managed to eat really "clean" during those 2 years, and it did wonders for my fitness, along with the breastfeeding. However, I couldn't stomach most foods during that time, so my meals mostly consisted of soups, and salads, and cereals for breakfast. Ideally, I should have been on a 1,500+ calorie intake thingy, but was netting way less. Most of my fellow breastfeeding moms recommended almonds, whole milk, walnuts, certain fish, and garlic even, for better nutrients during this time. You could experiment with what works best for you and baby.

    Breastfeeding is very rewarding, but can also seem frustrating at times. It's definitely going to be a memory making time, have fun, and I hope its easy for the both of you!