30 day shred and weight loss?

nrbrake Posts: 38 Member
I recently set a goal to lose 10 pounds by my husbands birthday on July 30th. I'm wanting to start the 30 day shred as well though, I know a lot of people have said that they lose tons of inches but sometimes very little or no weight with the shred, I'm wanting to lose both inches AND weight while doing the shred. If I eat at the deficit I have been and do the shred with some added cardio will I still see the inches come off and well as pounds?

Personal experiences welcomed!!


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    I'd rather lose inches than pounds. Are you taking the scale with you on your hubby's birthday celebration? Planning to stand on it all night so everyone can see your weight? Or would you rather look like a hottie for your hubby without worrying about something as silly as a number? Don't let the scale define you - go for it - do the 30 Day Shred!
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Some people lose a fair amount of weight while doing it, others not so much. It really just depends on the person. If you're losing inches and look better, though, is the number on the scale REALLY that important?
  • nickymarie011
    nickymarie011 Posts: 152 Member
    I can only speak from personal experience... I was extremely inactive, but still quite 'tiny' for my size at 5'5 and around 130 pounds. I began doing 30DS (my first workout program EVER) and I lost 15 pounds. I did not measure inches, but I know I did drop about two pant sizes. Only thing is, you will need to add in some additional cardio (especially if you're smaller to begin with). I would suggest about 30 mins of additional cardio per day 5-6x a week on top of the shred. It is surely possible to lose weight with the program. Good luck :)
  • lalaland82
    lalaland82 Posts: 176 Member
    I am almost complete with the 30 day shred and I didn't notice too much difference with the first 2 levels - was beginning to think I wasn't going to see the results others had, but level 3 seems to have done the trick and I lost 3 lbs last week (biggest loss so far) and now my trousers fall down when I walk so inches must have come of too, though I won't measure until the end.

    As Nickymarie said I did add in walking in the mornings too, and I had to put in some rest days off of the shred which I wasn't expecting. Good luck with it, hope you enjoy Jillian as much as I do :smile:
  • nrbrake
    nrbrake Posts: 38 Member
    I know, I know, looking better is better than seeing a lower number, I'm just totally scale obsessed since I'm still not at a healthy weight! I'm thinking I will do the shred, although I don't have dumbells.. Will I benefit from doing it, if I do it without them?
  • janestoaster
    janestoaster Posts: 7 Member
    If you can get some dumb-bells its so much more effective with them, but if not try using two water bottles just be careful with your grip on them, even if you don't want to use water bottles I would still say do it, as it really is a good work out.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    i had about 25 lbs to lose when i did it and i only lost 3 lbs and that was after i finished the program, after my water weight came off but i lost inches.
  • michelle34152
    michelle34152 Posts: 17 Member
    I was losing steadily until I started 30DS about a week ago.

    I'm telling myself that it's just my muscles holding on to water because I started working out, since I didn't change my diet at all. (Low carb.)

    I'm adding 25 - 30 minutes of walks on as many days as I can - but I'd be happy with inches lost vs. weights if it means I'm stronger and look leaner.
  • Hey guys!

    I am now currently on level 3 of the thirty day shred. It's been a challenge but it's been well worth it. I'm on day 24, and whilst I can't tell you how much weight I've lost (refuse to weigh myself until day thirty) I can tell you that I've lost six inches off my stomach, three off my thighs and an inch and half off my waist so far.

    In combination with a proper diet, it's been a wonderful tool!

    Go for it :)
  • megsi474
    megsi474 Posts: 370 Member
    I lost about 15 lbs and enough inches to go from a size 12 to an 8 but I also ate very low carb and only at 1200 cals. It wasn't something I could sustain, though- the eating habits, not the workout.
  • Lithium119
    Lithium119 Posts: 10 Member
    I'd say you do need some sort of weights for the 30DS, it's much more effective. You can take water bottles as janestoaster said, but fill them with sand instead of water - they'll be heavier.
    The weight you'll lose depends on many factors - if you do it regularly, add cardio and pay attention to what you eat, you should be fine. Good luck!
  • valleymum
    valleymum Posts: 33 Member
    ive done thirty day shred twice now. Once at the beginning of my weight loss journey...lost 18 lb, no idea how many inches, I didn't measure back then. went from being very heavy though, and totally changed my diet as well. I did it again about six months later and didn't loose an ounce, but I lost 12 inches :) either way, ull get fantastic results!!
  • rangerftball51
    rangerftball51 Posts: 13 Member
    Today is Day 6, Phase 1, of 30DS... Yeah I know... I'm a guy... But I have already dropped 4 pounds... Doing 30DS and extra cardio (30 mins) after. So far I'm seeing good results from the program... Good Luck!
  • Lithium119
    Lithium119 Posts: 10 Member
    What does it matter if you're a guy? 30DS is a well-rounded workout for anyone, don't be ashamed of it :flowerforyou:
  • egnirysbust
    egnirysbust Posts: 27 Member
    I started 30ds (and using MFP) on June 1st but missed 4 days so I have 5 days of it left. I'm 5'4 and started off at 141lb; I've lost 4lbs since.
  • bretard96
    bretard96 Posts: 1 Member
    I did the 30DS along with drinking organic green tea daily and lost close to 20lbs in 2 months. I also cut my calories to about 1200 calories a day. It does work, but it's a killing process. I was so sore from it.
  • Tharakutty
    Tharakutty Posts: 2 Member
    I'm interested in starting 30day shred. I've lost about 20lbs already. I am small to begin with but just want to increase my muscle tone and lose a few more lbs. has this worked for anyone else? (5'3-124lbs)