TribeHokie Member


  • I do something that will probably get hate but it works for me and allows me to enjoy myself so whatever. If i know i have a big special dinner coming I skip breakfast, have a 200ish calorie lunch, maybe some watery veggies for snack if I am starving. I also might do an extra 5k steps over my daily goal. this gives me…
  • my fiancee used to work at chipotle. the nutrition info online is for their standard servings, which everyone is taught when they are hired. but obviously measuring cups are not being used on the line so actual amounts can vary quite a bit based on location, person, time of day, and even the manager on duty. also, if…
  • sandwiches are fine to sit for a couple hours in a lunch box. same with salads.
  • Mexican restaurants are usually a safe bet because so much of the menu is veggies and grilled proteins. If you stay away from the obvious calorie adds (carbs, dairy, guac) you can still have a full tasty low calorie meal. While most restaurants have entree salads you have to be careful about what they put on it. Cheese,…
  • Lots of the "healthy" fats, like avacado, nuts, peanut butter. I'm perfectly happy paying the calories for full fat dairy because the quality and flavor is worth it. Tortilla chips Juice Tonic water Rice Most things made from white potato
  • Anything that has calories "counts" as far as your body is concerned. The reason you want to make sure you eat enough protein is to preserve muscle. This isnt just your biceps though, your heart is also a muscle and can be damaged by low calorie dieting if your body turns to cannibalizing it's own muscle for energy. This…
  • If you dont already, learn to love greek yogurt. lots of protein and I find it very satiating. A cup keeps me full for several hours. Of course there is also eggs. You can do smoothies too and throw in protein powder if you want something different.
  • Sweet Baby Ray's is probably my favorite but we have been eating Stubb's lately because it has half the calories
  • I tend to go with dairy for snack because fruits and veggies all the time is boring. Greek yogurt is one of my favorites. I had to teach myself to like it but I love it now. I find it quite filling and of course it is heavy on protein. Also frequently go for light string cheese or babybels (50 cal for each). For something…
  • Pasta salad is an easy throw-together and you can pretty much use whatever flavors you have on hand. I often do one with rotini, italian or caesar dressing, shredded or diced mozzarella, and chopped up pepperoni and salami. Totally not healthy at all. You can do lighter versions with shredded veggies and light dressing. I…
  • It's the same concept as how walking up a flight of stairs burns more calories than walking the same amount of steps on a flat surface, even if you're speed walking. Fighting against gravity can do a lot to up that energy expenditure! Do whichever version you feel more comfortable with.
  • Unfortunately the numbers on the scale don't follow the same math that weight loss does. Plenty of everyday things can make your weight fluctuate a kg or two, such as sodium, water intake, and hormones. Even the amount of material in your digestive tract changes every day. So use your logic - if you know you ate in a…
  • I had the original Flex for three years and got a Charge 2 last year. I love the information it gives me but they are only as useful as you make them. I've had periods of time where I've challenged myself to meet step and calorie goals and logged regularly, losing weight along the way. Then I've gone months where I pretty…
  • I'm a big fan of eating cheese, greek yogurt, beef jerky, and (if I have the calories left) chocolate chip Quest bars for snacks when I am low on protein. The Quest bars are best when microwaved for about 10-15 seconds because then it has the consistency of a gooey chocolate chip cookie. Yummmm. If you're consistently low…
  • Just yesterday I brought in my own salad in lieu of the office provided lunch of pasta. I care a lot more about eating something that I don't have to worry about than what my coworkers might think or say. And yes I got a comment or two but then was dismissed. People don't really care what you're eating as long as you don't…
  • The bars in a king size are actually smaller than in a regular size. They do this for Snickers too. You're not getting twice as much, just more.
  • Of course. Especially fruit since it tends to be more calorie dense than veggies (ex. 100 grams of banana is about 90 calories while 100 grams of carrots is just over 40).
  • I can eat a massive salad and not feel full or will be hungry an hour or two later. I figured out some foods that I can either include in the meal or snack on after that help me not feel like I'm starving. Specifically, a serving of whole grain bread or cheese or greek yogurt.
  • While some of her "diet" methodology may be a bit flawed, I like a lot of the ideas and recipes by the author of the Sonoma Diet. She has the original diet book with many recipes and then a follow up cookbook with even more. All inspired by Mediterranean eating habits.
  • Seconded. And actually the egg yolks are just fine too. I always go whole egg. I aim for about 80 g of protein per day and don't usually have a problem hitting it with minimal planning. I just always make sure I'm getting 3-4 oz of meat in my lunch (or a couple eggs) and 6-7 in my dinner. That gets me to 50-60 g and…
  • Good luck finding traditional bread that is really low carb. You might try subbing in low carb tortillas instead so you're still getting some "grain fullness". You can usually find several brands with 5 or less net carbs.
  • Eat dinner later and go to bed earlier
  • If you're talking about this - then I have some thoughts. 1. Headline on the page says "Average weight loss 4-7 pounds the 1st week". When my bf and I started our boring old restricted calorie diet he lost 6.5 lbs the first week and I lost 4. Seems we hit that average pretty well without any…
  • You don't need to match your friends drink for drink. Consume what fits your caloric allowance and then switch to a no-calorie beverage for the rest of the evening. As someone in the middle of a month-long break from alcohol I know that is not near as fun but when you wake up the next morning sans hangover and not in a…
  • 4 lbs this time around (female). No particular exercise, just trying to hit at least 5000 steps per day and eating between 1200-1300, though there was one day that was closer to 2000. BF is doing it with me as well and he lost 8 the first week, also no particular exercise. We both have over 70 to lose.
  • Fellow lazy girl here!!!!!! My go-to quick dinner is a serving of some sort of meat, coated in seasoning and cooked in a pan or baked, with some microwaved veggies and a heated-up frozen roll on the side. Maybe some fruit after if I'm still hungry. Takes 10-15 minutes and minimal effort. Crock pot meals are of course a…
  • If you're worried about the food running out then why are you trying to discourage people from eating Chipotle and dying from food poisoning?? Natural selection.... But seriously, there is still debate as to whether vegetarianism is actually that much better for the environment than an omnivorous diet. As the situation…
  • As user smolmaus stated, they've pretty much reversed the guidelines on dietary cholesterol since it appears that the cholesterol you eat has basically nothing to do with the cholesterol your body produces. Eat all the eggs and shrimp you want. Plus, as long as you're eating in a deficit and losing weight your bad…