I have a family of seven. The easiest I have done is making spagetti. I sub extra lean ground turkey for ground beef in the sauce. I make pasta noodles for them and I cook a spagetti squash for me as a substitute. I sometimes will also add cut up carrots and zucinni to the sauce. Then, I skip the garlic bread. This is a…
grilled salmon with fresh vegies
Easy... work out real hard that day and you will give yourself the extra calories you need to enjoy your dinner guilt free. :happy:
Just remember it is just as important to watch what kind of calories you are taking in.
How about looking at what you are eating (beyond calorie counting I mean)? Look into information on the glycemic index. Or maybe check, are you eating processed foods or natural.... Just a thought. Track your protein as well if you aren't already. Start each morning to include a protein.
Now they have peanut butter with Omega 3. Great extra!
woo hoo! you go girl!
Instead of rewarding yourself by slacking off, set up another reward system. Set a goal, and once you reach it, reward yourself with buying yourself something or going somewhere. Find out why you slack off. Do you eat when your bored? stressed? and choose an alternative. You can do it. You're off to a great start!!!!
I know you can view overall totals since the last time you cleared them. This may or may not help depending on how many times you've used it since it was cleared and how well you kept track prior to today. I havn't been able to figure anything else out for you.... sorry!
MFP Shannon recommended the Polar brand to me and I thank her for it. It absolutely is worth it because it is very motivating to see what you are actually doing. Plus, it is easier to set your workout goal and hold yourself to it. I have the Polar F4. Love it!
This is day one for me as well. I know I will injest plenty of calories on New Year's but I wanted to get started while I was still motivated. I got a Polar F4 and it is definitely motivating to see how many calories your are actually burning. My problem is going to be monitoring what I take in.