

  • I love this. You're the kind of person that a lot of folks can take some confidence from. Keep being awesome, lady! ♥
  • I love it all. Scruffy, baby-faced, full on mountain man, and everywhere in between. :love:
  • I never got to the root of my relationship with food or tackled the reasons why I overate head-on. All I did was mindlessly lose weight in the hopes that one day I'd magically be able to eat just the right amounts of food every day without thinking about it. I've made some progress over the years with it, but I'm nowhere…
  • A sweet salad that I have for breakfast sometimes usually consists of a handful of spinach, some fruit (blueberries and bananas are the best that I've tried so far), and a dollop or two of plain Greek yogurt (full fat tastes best, but it's whatever you prefer). You can also throw in some slivered almonds or chopped walnuts…
  • Share them with us. We'll take 'em off your hands. :bigsmile:
  • In my experience, kale doesn't affect the flavor or texture of smoothies. The basic smoothie formula is a liquid, some greens, fruit, the extras (yogurt, protein powder, peanut butter, etc.), and ice. Just toss everything in a blender and go nuts! If you're worried about it adding bitterness to the smoothie, then you can…
    in Kale Comment by Cheechos July 2014
  • 1. Do you indulge in alcohol while eating for weight loss. How often and how much? Yes! I'm mostly a social drinker, so how much I'll have in one sitting depends on whether or not I'm out with friends. If I'm alone, I might have a glass of wine or a beer 1-3 times a week, but if I'm with my pals then I'm drinking whatever…
  • Self-research is your friend, and even then you can't be entirely sure what the medication will do to you. You also need to talk your concerns out with your doctor. If there are any worrying side effects that you experience once you start Zoloft, take note of them and bring them up during your future check ups. You may be…
  • I used to get a lot of Facebook envy, but instead of wallowing in it I decided to become one of my FB friends' biggest fans. If I have a thought about the unfairness of someone getting/doing something that I can't enjoy, I immediately replace it with something along the lines of "they've worked hard to deserve that, so I…
  • Not eating when I'm not hungry. Boredom eating can be a big problem for me if I don't pay attention.
  • Turkey sticks, beef jerky, chocolate, cheese, nuts--the list goes on. I love snacks, so I have a lot of favorites. Recently, I got my hands on some Snapea Crisps, so I've been eating a handful of those for a snack for the last two days.
  • SW: 283.2 GW: 278.2 6.01: 283.2 6.07: 282.8 6.14: 281 6.21: 281.2 6.28: 280.6 6.30: Total: 2.6 lbs Probably won't make it this month, but any progress is good progress. :bigsmile:
  • Haha, what? Holding doors open for people is being a decent human being in general, not chivalry. In my experience, almost every person I've encountered at a door will either hold it open for me or have it be held open for them by me. The same goes for pleases, thank yous, etc. Maybe not "yes ma'am" or "no sir," but those…
  • I don't know if we're having any special food, but if we are then I'll just eat whatever it is until I'm comfortably full.
  • Maleficent. Went to see it two weeks ago with a friend.
  • Black with a snack or dressed up with two tablespoons of fancy flavored creamer from the store when it's by itself.
  • Long term success for weight loss is...difficult, at best. Simply put, a lot of people fail at it, especially if they are serial dieters and do not change their habits forever. The people who are most successful at keeping their weight down stay aware of what they eat (via counting calories, keeping a general food diary,…
  • Def check with your doctor like these fine people said. Personally, I have insomnia, so I'm always tired on some base level. I resolve this with 30 minute afternoon naps and chilled water (for some reason I can fall asleep just fine during the day with my light on and in a hurricane of noise but it's a multiple hour…
  • "Don't stop eating what you love, just eat less of it. " I really wish someone had told me at the start that I didn't need to cut out candy or cake or all of the "bad" foods; my relationship with food overall would probably be a lot healthier by now if I'd just learned to chill out in the beginning and focus on eating LESS…
  • SW: 283.2 GW: 278.2 6.01: 283.2 6.07: 282.8 6.14: 281 6.21: 281.2 6.28: 6.30: Total: 2 lbs Recovering from a few days of enjoying my nosh a bit too much (lots of baking and going out with friends and family). I'm surprised most of the water weight even went down in time for a weigh in. :tongue:
  • If eating that candy will send you into a sugar feeding frenzy, then you're just gonna have to muscle through it and do something else. I have issues eating sugary things in moderation, so sometimes I just have to clench my fists and push forward without the extra three bars of candy after I've allowed myself one. It's…
  • It is a great thing, and I'm glad that you didn't. As I clarified a little earlier, I used the example I did because it was a relatively easy one to grasp from memory of how aesthetic preferences change over time. I did not claim that obese people were the pinnacle of beauty in the past. I simply used bigger women as an…
  • It was an easy example to grab of the fact that aesthetic preferences change over time and are always going to be changing. Also, I'm going to assume you mean that obesity has never been seen as attractive by mainstream culture, as there are people who currently exist (and who undoubtedly existed in the past) that do find…
  • People have been fighting against weight discrimination since before the Internet became widely used. It is not a newly born thing. As for health vs aesthetics, the vast majority of things people in the fat acceptance movement struggle with is aesthetic stigma that often masquerades as concern for health. People can and do…
  • SW: 283.2 GW: 278.2 6.01: 283.2 6.07: 282.8 6.14: 281 6.21: 6.28: 6.30: Total: 2.2 lbs
  • SW: 283.2 GW: 278.2 6.01: 283.2 6.07: 282.8 6.14: 6.21: 6.28: 6.30: Total: 0.4 lbs Posting late, but weighed on time.