For those who lost weight and gained it back



  • maroonmango211
    maroonmango211 Posts: 908 Member
    I got pregnant again and then used that as an excuse, along with it being a very difficult pregnancy, breastfeeding and lack of sleep for why I didn't lose the weight soon after my 3rd was born. I was eating very healthy (much more so than I am now) in terms of whole fresh foods watching additives and processed stuff but other than walking and hefting around a baby I wasn't working out and the sleep deprivation just made comfort eating so easy and gave that feel good relaxed feeling. I simply forgot how much I love to exercise and how much I rely on it for stress relief and extra energy. I am glad I am back on track (and now 11 lbs less than I was when I found out I was pregnant). As much as pregnancy will no longer be an issue I have promised myself to not let any other "valid" excuses to get in the way of keeping fit and healthy.
  • janatarnhem
    janatarnhem Posts: 669 Member
    Lost my mum, got Ill, and just stooped logging, exercising...everything! Gained 10 lbs back. Had lost 22lbs of my 61 I want to lose.
    Back now though.....
  • Chibukalu908
    Chibukalu908 Posts: 212
    Not watching what I gets me every time! More restaurant food and less home cooked food. Eating and not journalling so I could keep track. "I don't care today" pig out days which were meant to be only one day that turned into a week or two in a row. Because home-cooked, preplanned, thoughtful meals are what take the weight off. The opposite of those puts it back on every stinkin time! (Including these 20 lbs I need to lose right now....grrr)

    yes its so easy to gain but takes hard work to take it off:sad:
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    stress eating & crazy work hours & no movement from desk.
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Lost my job due to being ill, got a new job that ended up being run by a con artist (that I thought was a friend and who was married to one of my best friends). Fell into a depression, stopped eating healthily and exercising - ate fast food 5x/week for months, especially after a death in the thing I knew the whole 50 pounds was back plus an additional 8. :(
  • Valrotha
    Valrotha Posts: 294 Member
    A combination of not working out and eating like crap.

    One cheat day turned into another into another, till a couple of weeks had gone by. Did that a handful of times till I got pissed at myself and made myself stop.

    Now, I'll have a day or two at most, but I usually stick to 1-2 cheat meals per week instead of entire days. Been more seriously committed over the last couple of months.
  • Cheechos
    Cheechos Posts: 293
    I never got to the root of my relationship with food or tackled the reasons why I overate head-on. All I did was mindlessly lose weight in the hopes that one day I'd magically be able to eat just the right amounts of food every day without thinking about it. I've made some progress over the years with it, but I'm nowhere near a point in my life when I can say that how I treat food is healthy.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,174 Member
    With me it was simple complacency....and a reversal of will power. Never giving up, though. Thank goodness I didn't gain it all back. I could NEVER be that heavy again!
  • julistehr
    julistehr Posts: 47 Member
    That is the best description I've heard. I too want the light switch to stay on!!! I am trying to add more friends this time around and find some accountability. Please add me if you like:)
  • brittaney0625
    brittaney0625 Posts: 268 Member
    was down 45lbs.. then my cousin died suddenly (same age as me, 24), my gpa died after a heart attack after learning of my cousin, my husband lost his job, my best friends mom died, my best friend and childs best friends moved away, i had to go back to work from staying home.

    I gave up.. gained all back.. for about a year.. started again down. 50ish lbs now.
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    I lost 50 pounds about 5 years ago and kept it off for about 3 years, give or take 10 pounds. Then I got pregnant and used it as an excuse to eat anything and everything and gained it all back plus some. I'm now well below my pre-pregnancy weight, thinking about baby #2, and determined to not make the same mistake twice.
  • Kr1sMar1e
    Kr1sMar1e Posts: 57 Member
    It was a combination of things for me. I think there was extra stress at work this school year. Then I got an overuse injury from rock climbing and had to stop for months. I just started back; we'll see how it goes. I think gaining some weight from these two things just sent me in a downward spiral that's taken a while to stop. I'm feeling determined lately though!
  • 'I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.' --Michael Jordan
  • bcscho
    bcscho Posts: 12
    My 10# loss/gain over the past 10 years is a result of not being able to find the balance of how to eat and exercise in balance as a way of life. I can be really good on my diet/exercise program...then something changes and I let it rip for a bit and the weight comes back. I could list many reasons...but truth be told, I haven't figured out how to get to my weight goal without feeling like I'm compromising the joy in my life. That's what I need to wrap my arms around....
  • shadowfeet33
    shadowfeet33 Posts: 45 Member
    I lost a significant amount of weight a few years back, but not in a healthy way and not with the right motivation (being skinny for a particular reason , vs. being healthy and fit). I have always been able to temporarily hit a goal for an event or for example, I don't eat much when I'm upset. So circumstances have dictated my weight journey, instead of changing my lifestyle for good. That is what I'm working on now, but still struggle with it.
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    Excited about joining your Group! :) With the thought of turning fifty this year, I kinda went into panic mode and decided to make some changes in my life. I started my Journey back in March and started at 182lbs. I joined a fitness group near my home which offers free workouts 3-4 days per week and they get together for hikes on Sunday. I Love this group who all are very supportive for each other and you can go at your own pace without feeling intimidated. I'm a church goer on Sundays so do miss out on the hikes. :( I suffer from Tachycardia and have issues with very fast heart rate so cannot do extreme cardio without passing out as well as have Hypothyroidism. I have however been very diligent in my workouts three days out of the four and walk almost everyday at least 3mi. I have also changed my eating habits drastically. I was one of those who went for years starving myself fat by eating nothing during the day except for coffee (with lots of sugar) and then ate dinner with my family usually late in the evening. I did this for about twenty years and went from a size six up to a 16. I now eat very sensibly throughout the day including at least one Protein shake in place of one of my main meals and have small healthy snacks mid morning, mid afternoon and late night. In doing this I had gotten down to 159lbs. These past three weeks I have been extremely busy renovating a home in another state away from my group and have been slipping on my meals again (not eating much)! I have gained back 8 lbs. which is very discouraging. I unfortunately am in a very rural area with no vehicle to keep my healthy stock of food around. :( 2-3 more weeks here and then back to my routine and my support system. For the time being I am hoping for some healthy tips and support from this group and look forward to getting back to my positive results. :D:smile:
  • vrvtesh
    vrvtesh Posts: 1
    I lost 25 pounds in 3 months (thanks to a healthy dose of cardio and diet..and my very high triglyceride reading) and then had to head to India for a family occassion..gained more than what I had lost before coming back which is inevitable :)

    My weight is under check but its my huge paunch I am fighting with. I know if I could get rid of it once, I can get rid of it again but its the lack of maintenence which is irritating me.

    I am not measuring my triglycerides till I lose another 10 pounds as I do not want to freak out seeing a very high reading.
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    They are finding lack of exercise is the biggest problem we have today. A 100 years ago farming was a top source of income along with manufacturing where the average person burned 700 extra calories a day than we typically do today. Add to that McDonalds, larger portions at restaurants and it spells catastrophe.

    The reason this nation is fat is because we're eating more and moving less than our ancestors did. Back in the 1950's it was hard to find someone that was overweight, much less obese. They didn't workout like we do today, they just didn't eat like we do. Cake and ice cream was for birthday parties, desert was for Sunday dinners, which typically was the biggest meal during the week. Fast food didn't exist, everyone cooked and ate at home, or they didn't eat.

    Today an average 9 year old weighs 10 pounds heavier than an average 9 year old from the 1950's.

    That's the difference between the generations.
  • I lost over 30lbs between September 2012 and February 2013, then I got in a car accident and couldn't do any excercise. I let that become an excuse not to take care of myself and eventually when I was cleared to work out again, I never got back on track. I was determined to make changes when I started my first year of university, and now that it's finally the summer before my second year, I'm actually making those changes. It's certainly been a roller coaster ride to fitness, but that's why they call it a journey anyway.
  • Froody2
    Froody2 Posts: 338 Member