Adrini Member


  • I see it but I don't know how accurate it is.
  • I'll have beer tomorrow. Tonight I went on an awesome date with the hubby. We picked up cat litter, finished the taxes and got dinner and dessert. No room for booze but no regrets.
  • Mix with fresh thyme and top with cranberry compote. Wrap in filo dough and devour.
  • I spent my childhood in Montgomery AL and it was was the worst and best thing that ever happened to me. I was the daughter of two new england born military types (active duty USAF- serving the country) with all kinds of "liberal" ties and beliefs. For the whole of that time I was public enemy #1. I had to be killed or…
  • I don't know. I drink green tea and that seems to help. But other then that I take a basic woman's multi vitamin and a pill for joint support. Seems to be working just fine.
  • I can't help much but I know that weight lifting helps the metabolic rate increase. It's a start.
  • I'm keeping that list, thanks.
  • I'm sorry you saw that but please remember that the net is full of trolls. Maybe it is because I'm a military brat but I love veterans, my family has a long history of military service. Blaming them for jobs its sad and depressing. They are there to keep us alive and safe, and give their lives to do it. Washington does…
  • And here I was being proud of my 45 pounds. I'll work on upping that.
  • I'm told to eat about 1800 before workout but as I take care of myself I find myself eating less due to lack of appetite. I average about 1300-1600 a day all said and done. I'm still loosing weight so it seems to be okay.
  • I've been doing that for sometime now. Things like bread, cheese and lean lunch meat are heavy in the stuff.
  • I had aura's and nausea. It sucks. *knock on wood* Since working out I haven't gotten one, and I'm beginning to wonder of migraines are somehow tied to blood pressure or stress. I got one small headache a couple days ago but it didn't last as long as they used to.
  • Okay, full on congrats on the weight loss but I also have to say that I love the flash shirt.
  • Yessssssss. Ginger peach forever... The blackberry sage is to die for as well, and the mango cecylon. SWOON. Have you had the melon white? AMAZING!
  • Firstly that you have two teavana's to choose from is just cruel. The nearest one to me is 4 hours away. The reason they cost so much is that the teas are actually fresh. The vast majority of tea companies have tea on the shelf for months or even years, teavana has them for 3 weeks to 3 months, depending on the kind of tea…
  • I saw the show but really I didn't get the "juicing is God" thing from it. I got that we have WAY too much processed food in our diet, and some fairly dangerous chemicals to boot. I got that working out, getting fresh air and taking care of ourselves is a needed part of life. The best thing I got is the "your body wants to…
  • I am a bibliophile who was raised on Star Trek and Star wars, and loves firefly and Dr. Who. I'm a DC nerd and play an obscene amount of time playing video games (Mass Effect 2 right now) while loving on my two feline fur balls and drinking tea. And when I'n not doing that I work on cross stitch projects. I think I fit.…
  • I've heard of some women who do to get a richer man, and some who just want bigger tits. Though as a woman who has them I have to say I don't see the appeal.
  • Every 19 days. More then that and I drive myself nuts with the ups and downs. Also be careful not to put oo much stick in weight. My weight is remaining frustratingly the same but I've lost another inch at least, and that's just from looking and how my cloths are fitting.
  • In my experience it is largely due to unprocessed foods not being easily available. It was so easy for so long to just eat fast stuff (one dollar hamburger, anyone?) but I was always hungry after. Now I eat a salad with the same number of calories but it fills me up for half the day. I'm not claiming to be an expert, but I…
  • I've never been told that, but I think our family knows better. My husband and I met in a DnD game just over 6 years ago. We spend at least an hour every night playing something - and I still make time for the gym.
  • In part human nature. :) But in all seriousness I'm trying to get to a weight that will discourage the family diabetes. The research I keep doing keeps mentioning a BMI, not inches. I'm pulled to use something I can compare.
  • I'm dealing with the water weight item now. So frustrating. ><
  • As much as I can by july, doctor's check up.Up date the program I'm on.
  • I know of it, a friend of mine uses it. I can ask him for recs if you like. It's very political though, so be careful. It can also...react to other paths.
  • I didn't cut them out. I limited them and used them as rewards. If I work out an hour a day AND do weight lifting and cardio in that time (really push myself) I can have one with lunch. I burn way more calories in hour then the soda contains to it works out fine.
  • I've decided not to worry about it. It's one day, and one meal. It's also my husband's and mine 6 year dating anniversary. It's a big deal. I'll work out extra the next day and make up for it.
  • Gamer here. :D
  • My husband has told mer he loves it when I'm sweaty. :) It can be attractive in and of itself. Though getting used to the feel of it can be an adjustment.