traceyrbb Member


  • You look amazing! I'm at 174 right now after losing 11 pounds in the last month. I'm also 5'5" and have NEVER looked like you do at your current weight. I'm so glad you posted pictures-it gives me hope that I can accomplish the same!!! You go girl!
  • I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE peanut butter!!! I've tried the reduced fat and natural peanut butters but they aren't the same to me. and they don't seem to have that much less calories than what's in Jiff. I sometimes eat it daily as long as i stay around my daily calorie goal. i actually use it as my favorite stand by when the…
  • I would like to read more information on the HRM too....sounds discouraging from what you are saying it's burning. I read so much on the community pages and everyone says something different about everything so it gets confusing! UGH!
  • i asked the same question a while back and got a lot of good responses about it. walking is the only cardio i do and have done since january and have lost inches and 18 pounds so far. i have kids and a job and don't have time to do much more than that. mostly my treadmill but now that it's starting to get warmer out i will…
  • i'm glad you posted this. i'm stuck in the "I'm scared to eat my exercise calories" mode and so afraid to eat more in a day. i'm losing a pound a week since January so it's in my head that if it's working, don't fix it! i think i should get an HRM. i was using my treadmill to calculate my exercise calories, then got a…
  • I just binged and felt so guilty for a while but then kept eating. i was at a point that my stomach was growling and i just wanted to i ate, and ate, and ate....was planning to exercise tonight but doesn't make much of a dent in my calorie count. i haven't done this in a very long time so i'm chalking today up as…
  • the pedometer-it asks for my current weight and my goal weight
  • i found food club no sugar added sweet pickles have 0 calories, 0 fat, 0 carb, etc....the only thing it does have is sodium but i'm liking the o calorie, fat and carb part!!! would love to find other things that are like that to fill the gap when i get hungry!
  • I definately believe the carb theory....I notice if I eat too many carbs in a day I want to keep eating but when I have more protein then I'm good to go. Some days you can't help the cravings though and I believe you can't deprive yourself of things you like from time to time or you'll give up. And I definately make myself…
  • I just want to eat and I'm fighting with myself over it. I hate when I get like this because it's like something has taken over my brain and makes me eat and the more I fight it the more crabby I get and the more I want to eat! UGH! I've done so bad today but the funny part is my NET calories is 1230 which most people say…
  • I love the charts! I need to do something like that..... thanks for sharing!
  • great advice and i think i'm going to need to use it soon....i've just changed up the way i was eating to a healthier way but i don't think i'm ever eating enough (although i feel like i am). so thank you for posting this and i will review it often!
  • I love, love, love, LOVE peanut butter sandwiches! Glad to see someone else includes it in their diary!
  • thanks everyone! i keep reading things in the communities about eating your NET calories and that all calories are not the same and then there are others who are like me who eat the before exercise calories and try to work in regular foods as well as healthy foods. I think I'm just getting myself confused where I don't…
  • my weight seems to stay on schedule but boy do I get hungry and crave things when it's that time....It takes over my brain and stomach and makes me want to say what the heck and eat all I want-so hard to control sometimes (going through that today and trying to NOT eat)
  • I have the same problem and am going through it now. I've had a birthday to celebrate and went to Amish Country on another day and ate too much both days...then didn't walk. Now my brain and stomach want to eat everything and be lazy! I forced myself to walk twice yesterday just to almost break even with my eating…
  • awww, i'm sorry about that. very sad and my complaints don't compare. at least you're there for him, it's your sisters loss...she'll have to live with that.
  • ok, second complaint....I read and read and read about how you're supposed to eat your calories you burn by exercising and I DON"T WANT TO!!! I'm afraid to. I understand (sort of) what they say and why I should but damn, what's the point if I'm going to eat more and exercise then eat more because I exercised too…
  • i could complain about all kinds of things but that would get boring to read! LOL my major complaint today is that i've done VERY WELL since January 8th (when I started mfp) and have lost 17 pounds. I had a stupid chamber meeting to go to this afternoon that fed us lunch-not that anyone forced me to eat it-BUT I DID. and…
  • That's great!!! Your comment made me laugh!!!! :laugh:
  • Awesome! Thank you!
  • great job on your sobriety. my husband has been a little over 4 years sober (he's 44) and drank for more than 20 years. i can't even imagine what he goes through or thinks about because drinking seems to be everywhere. i can only relate to the addiction as i am addicted to food. i've even been to the point countless times…
  • I just started adding weights by using ankle weights that strap on. Boy do I feel a difference after I'm about 10 minutes into it. I'm hoping it will tone up my legs some rather than losing the weight but have my legs (thighs) still be flabby....hope I'm right!
  • Thanks everyone for responding to my question too. it's helpful to have this site and people to talk to.
  • I was wondering the same thing. I walk every day and have recently boosted from once a day to twice a day and 30-45 minutes each time at a 3.5 mph average. I'm afraid if I skip a day that I will cave. I'm all or nothing I guess and that's hard to break! Is it really that bad to walk every day?
  • very strange to be dieting to lose weight yet I apparently don't eat enough in a day...just strikes me funny! anyway, so if I exercise and burn 500 calories then I need to eat 500 more calories to keep my body going. and if I have a day where I want to over eat (like on a holiday or something) then if I exercise what I…
  • I have the same concern but I've been eating my actual 1200 not my NET most days and have lost an average of 1-2 pounds a week. Not that I don't want to eat more but I don't know why I have to change what I do if what I'm doing is working? I actually just started burning more calories in a day (around 500+) so my calorie…
  • Thanks everyone...this was the first time I've ever posted anything and your answers all make me feel better about eating it. It is definately included in my calorie count and I make sure the count stays within my goal. I guess I could say I'm obsessed with that too because I don't like seeing the final numbers in RED. You…
  • Thank you! I don't know why I love it so much, I just do! and I stick to the 2 tbl serving (for the most part) and I love it with banana too. Also with marshmallows. There's just some things I can't give up. Thanks for the help!