Walking with Weights!

Personally, its really difficult to motivate myself to do strength training in addition to cardio. Somebody suggested that I try walking with dumbbells to create a hybrid of the two. It really kicks things up a notch for me and I could definitely use some toning in my arms. To stay at pace try using just 2 or 3 lb. weights. Going higher may slow you down, defeating the purpose. To calculate your calories burned, use the MET formula. Keep in mind that walking with weights between 1 and 15 lbs. is a MET of 5.0.

MET, or metabolic equivalent, is a number that represents your energy output during an activity. To calculate your calories burned while walking and wearing weights, use this formula: (METs x 3.5 x weight in kg) ÷ (200) x duration in minutes. Divide your weight in pounds by 2.2 to calculate your weight in kilograms.


  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Good tip, I tend to neglect weight training and this would be an easy way to get it in while I do cardio.

    On a somewhat related note (and not when using dumbbells), pumping your arms while you walk seems to make ya go faster (like when you power walk, ya feel silly at first but now I cannot walk for exercise without doing it).
  • david081
    david081 Posts: 489 Member
    The motivation for me was losing 3" from my chest. Weight loss is not area-specific, so I started upper body weight training 3 x times a week, and so far have regained 2" on my chest - so basically, the weights are aimed at improving those areas of the body that make you look better. The cardio loses weight for definate, but the loss is all-over. Weights put back some shape...

    rgds, David
  • traceyrbb
    traceyrbb Posts: 39 Member
    I just started adding weights by using ankle weights that strap on. Boy do I feel a difference after I'm about 10 minutes into it. I'm hoping it will tone up my legs some rather than losing the weight but have my legs (thighs) still be flabby....hope I'm right!
  • HannaSavannah
    HannaSavannah Posts: 38 Member
    Amy- Hahaha, I don't feel silly at all. I pump my arms with the weights!

    David- Thanks for the info, I didn't know that. I could definitely use some shape. Any tips for weight training, that aren't all about lifting things up and putting them down?..
  • HannaSavannah
    HannaSavannah Posts: 38 Member
    Ankle weights are great. I wear them under my jeans when I'm out and about, or at work. You can't notice them at all. And by the end of the day you can totally feel the impact!
  • BeckyRayJohnson
    IF you are not a math whiz what can you do to figure that out? I was not sure how I could fit in some strength training in there and I sure need it. I have lost a total of 65 lbs since Sept and as a 53 yr old woman I am flabby from my chin down. lol. When you walk using the and weights how do you use them ? just holding them? swinging them? what? Thanks for mentioning this. :smile:
  • HannaSavannah
    HannaSavannah Posts: 38 Member
    I am not a math whiz either by any means. I found the formula online and used a calculator. I'm sure if you google it you could find a generator for it if that's easier. When I walk with the weights I usually swing them or pump them with my arms like I would naturally without them. There's no right or wrong way. It's okay to feel silly at first. You'll get used to it! :smile:
  • bluespring
    bluespring Posts: 201 Member
    IF you are not a math whiz what can you do to figure that out? I was not sure how I could fit in some strength training in there and I sure need it. I have lost a total of 65 lbs since Sept and as a 53 yr old woman I am flabby from my chin down. lol. When you walk using the and weights how do you use them ? just holding them? swinging them? what? Thanks for mentioning this. :smile:

    I use weighted gloves...you can find them on amazon. They call them sculpting gloves too. They're much easier and more comfortable than regular weights.
    And yes...you just pump your arms as you walk. Keep your elbows tucked in to yours sides....make a light fist....fingers loose.Try not to swing too much.
    I also use ankle weights...Just be really careful. You can hurt your legs..shin splints.. They're not made for running.
    Good luck!
  • trigrrl
    trigrrl Posts: 104 Member
    my only concern is some people are likely to injury themselves ( joint / knees / elbows ) by simply carrying hand or ankle weights so my advice is be careful...when i was looking into doing this a couple years ago as a way to simply rev up my calories burnt, i was warned against it and told that a weighted vest would be better

    now , having said that, i wasn't looking at it as weight training but the chance of injury i would think would be the same

    2 cents