awesome..thank you!!
thats what it says on the package. so once its cooked is it the same amount of protein even when it weighs less afterwards?
i checked that out. for the sweet potato its 5.7g of carbs per ounce raw and 5.9g of carbs baked. so i guess its around the same..
so i just cook extra so that its 4 oz of baked potato??
but 4 oz of raw has different macros??
i'm going to shoot to getting it down to 1.5 this week and about an hour next week...the extra hour at home will def be nice!!
im gonna try to do that. i think the biggest reason for the time is that i cant always get all 10 reps at once. ill take a 30second rest inbetween to finish going to shoot for less time tomm though..thanks!!
somedays i take way longer than others but here's typically how my week goes down tues: 4x10-12 of chest, 3-10-12 of calves and 3x25 of abs wed: 4x10-12 of shoulders, 4x10-12 of traps and 3x25 of abs thur: 4x10-12 of triceps, 4x10-12 of biceps and 9x30 of calves fri: 5x10-12 legs. (this one usually takes about an hour…
my routine for example is : 4 sets of 10-12 on 2-3 different body parts..
thanks!! i dont take them into account but i just wondered what i really was burning!
so 45 minutes? im not sure how id be able to fit in my work outs into that time frame. the two hours is the complete time im there though. taking into account the rest between sets and so forth...
yeah, i only wore it today to compare and thats why i was wondering. but doesn't it count that its taking into account your heart rate anyways?
that's how about how long it usually takes me to finish my work out...
i hear exactly what youre saying. ill go for a month or two doing everything perfect and lose 15 lbs...then on a weekend ill have gained 8-9 lbs and it takes me two weeks to lose it again..WTF?? thats when i lose motivation.
whats your email address?? i have a great calculator
hello heather!! i haven't officially signed up for a 5k yet but i am starting to train for the next one that pops up in my city. i downloaded the nike run app and i basically just try to beat my own time every time i run. even if its only 5 seconds. good luck on your runs!!
awesome numbers...thanks funforsports!!
ive been doing 30 min hiit 3 times a week...i might go up to 4..
so you do percentages instead of specific numbers? this gets confusing as ive been accustomed to adjusting the grams instead of percentages.
hey alphastate, i currently just use grams for macros. i understand how the ratio works i just wonder what calorie intake should be. im 32 currently 189 3 times a week cardio hiit. and 4 times a week gym sessions...
sorry, new to this. how long is a cut typically for?
thats how i feel everyday when im eating my meal preps and my co-workers say that im on a diet because i dont eat the pizza/burritos/ hamburgers...
i have the same thing. only thing that worked for me is to drop the weight and do more only hurt on the lateral and side raises with dumbells.