

  • try checking your measurements. 6x a week is a lot of working out you may also be gaining muscle. :) hope this helps
  • im having the same problem i lost 11 lbs when i first started then got a double ear infection and couldnt eat for a week. i guess i went into starvation mode and i still havent come back from it and it's been a couple of months.. i gained most of the weight back and have been trying to get back on track since then. Don't…
  • thank you everyone for the replies!! greatly appreciated.
  • this may be a body adjusting week? i agree with everyone that says to measure. Ive only been doing this for a few weeks but for the past two ive lost one pound each week and its discouraging but i measured myself and know that this is working! you can do it, just hang in there.
  • Im like you in the weighing myself constantly but I have realized that I get myself down if I am constantly fretting over my fluctuating weight. As long as you keep putting your calories in here you should be fine! Just keep trying!
  • im also getting married soon! in may, adding!!
  • Im also new but the only reason I could think of as to why it is only giving you 1200 calories daily is they only suggest losing 1 pound instead of 2, that would probably give you more daily calories.