Question about my calories. Please help!

I am new to this site. I am a Weight Watchers veteran, and don't feel at home with their new plan, so I have decided to find another program. My stats are: I am a female, 189 pounds, 5 feet 2 inches, and my goal weight is 140. I am sedentary during the day. MFP is giving me only 1200 calories. I am concerned that this isn't enough. Another website has me around 1500-1800. I am wondering how MFP gets their calculations. Is 1200 enough for me? Why is this other website higher?

I had checked off that I wanted to lose 2 pounds a week as a goal, and MFP says that the lowest I can go is 1.4 pounds a week, which is fine by me, as I average about that anyways when I am eating correctly and exercising. The other website said that to lose 2 pounds a week by July 1st, I would be eating 1200-1500 calories a day. I am very confused!

I like this site better than the other websites I've seen. I like how simple this is, as well as seeing how much more food you get to eat when you exercise.

Thank you so much for your help!


  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    I also feel that the daily calorie allowance is quite low. I am fairly active, and only trying to lose a small amount of weight, and ı am on 1200 calories a day, also. The only thing I can think of is to go to home, goals, and change your level of daily activity up one- for example, if you are 'lightly active' change it to 'moderately active' and you will get a higher daily allowance. ı am not too strict about my daily calorie allowance, I go by what my body is telling me. That's all ı can think of to advise!
  • hazbrunette07
    Im also new but the only reason I could think of as to why it is only giving you 1200 calories daily is they only suggest losing 1 pound instead of 2, that would probably give you more daily calories.
  • lace234
    lace234 Posts: 1 Member
    My description would be almost exactly yours and my calorie content wasn't much higher. I was really concerned at first and even tried another counter. (The other one gave me 300 calories more) I ran both simultaneously for about 3 days. I found that this database was much larger, which meant I was being more exact with my calorie counting, but most importantly, the program allows for exercise calories meaning that it adds those calories to your daily allotment. I've found it's actually encouraging me to exercise 30-45 minutes a day just so I can add those calories!

    But overall, I have to agree with rachmaree. If I'm going over by 100-200 calories, I'm not all that worried about it. I figure I'm already eating significantly less just by being so aware of my each and every calorie.
  • Teresa652
    Teresa652 Posts: 217 Member
    MFP has already calculated a 500 calores deficit for you. That's why it 1200. Since you said that you wanted to lose whatever a week. So actually we are starting out with 1700 but if you ate that much you'd only maintain instead of lose. I hope that is clear.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Do you have your goals set to lose 1lb per week? If not, that could be your issue.

    If 1200 calories isn't enough for you, get in 30-60 mins of exercise a day and eat your exercise calories. That's what they are there for. If you eat more than your 1200 calories, expect a slower loss. All the site can do for you is project your loss in tangible numbers. If you find it unreasonable, then change your goals and aim for something slower. But the numbers should be the same no matter what.

    1 pound = 3500 calories, whether it's with Weight Watcher, MFP or any other calorie counting system.

    Good luck.

    Edit: Just re-read your post. MFP will not set your calories any lower than 1200, which is why it won't project a 2lb/week loss. If you set your goals to 1lb per week you will see an increase in available calories similar to other sites on the net.
  • MsMonny
    MsMonny Posts: 183
    I also feel that the daily calorie allowance is quite low. I am fairly active, and only trying to lose a small amount of weight, and ı am on 1200 calories a day, also. The only thing I can think of is to go to home, goals, and change your level of daily activity up one- for example, if you are 'lightly active' change it to 'moderately active' and you will get a higher daily allowance. ı am not too strict about my daily calorie allowance, I go by what my body is telling me. That's all ı can think of to advise!

    If you are fairly active, you should adjust your settings because only someone who is sedentary will be given 1200 cal per day. I was sedentary when I started and basically still am (only started a week or so ago) but when I exercise I eat 1/2 to all of my calories (depending on how hungry I am at the end of the day).

    For the Author: I have been on WW in the past and used their forum (in Aust) but found alot of people to be negative about eating healthy (moaning and groaning about not being able to eat chocolate!). This site is SO positive and once you get the hang of 'counting calories' you will be glad you found this site. Never fear about asking questions etc and check out the posts to help you get more from this site.

    Hope you stick around and continue your journey with us! :flowerforyou:
  • momtodeshawn
    momtodeshawn Posts: 54 Member
    My stats are almost exactly as yours...I'm 5'2" and my SW was 186. I also had it calculate my calories at 1200 and I've had no problems with staying around that. I get more calories when I work out (and I work out if I think I might need more). I've already lost 18lbs (in the past (almost) 3 months), so it seems to work ok for me. :) Good luck!!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,753 Member
    Something to keep in mind is that even though MFP asks what your exercise goals are, it doesn't use that in calculating your daily calories. It will add your exercise calories to your daily goal after you've entered your workouts in your Exercise Diary.
  • luvmybee
    luvmybee Posts: 58 Member
    Thank you so much everyone! It certainly is difficult going from using a points system to a calorie system. Naturally, the calorie system should be easier, but I haven't been paying much attention to the calories alone. ! I will try the 1200 calories, and if it does not feel like enough, then I will adjust it.

    And since I won't ever eat less than 1200 calories, it means that I will need to up my exercise in order to continue to lose weight, right?

    Thank you for your encouragement and taking the time to help me!