garden_girl18 Member


  • Seinfeld Jim Carey and all of his stupid movies Licorice Fake Watermelon flavored ANYTHING - barf! Liver &/or any other organ meat (seriously just the thought of anyone eating that makes me dry heave) Slow, whiney romantic songs Rap music Baggy pants Most reality TV
  • I know how you feel! My mom pushes baked goods on me all the time! And saying no creates hurt feelings. I share your frustration :angry:
  • And then use the turkey bones to make soup stock afterwards! Just freeze in an ice cube tray, then when frozen, pop into a ziplock bag. Instant stock cubes for sauces! Or freeze in a jar for making soup :smile:
  • Grow your own! My hubby & I started a vegetable garden last year. For $50, we got the compost & seeds to start a 30' X 12' garden. That gave us plenty of veg (and then some) for the winter. We just picked, froze or canned it. I made soup, hot sauce, spaghetti sauce for next to nothing! If you don't have space for a large…
  • Thanks everyone for your input! My HRM is the wrist watch style, and I had to enter my age, weight, height, etc. I will definitely be using my HRM readout as opposed to MFP!
  • I compared my HRM calories burnt to MPF calories burnt when I did Zumba yesterday. The results where within a few calories of each other. And I wear my HRM when I work out in my yard, cuz I've got a HUGH yard and lots of work to do LOL. MY HRM said that I burnt over 500 calories the other day from being outside in the…
  • Hi Chocolatnoir! I'm totally in the same boat! I'm 5'6, and currently weigh 148. I would like to get back down to 130 (but I wouldn't say no to 125 :laugh: ) I will add you as a friend! And a group with challenges would be great too! Keep up the good work!
  • Yummy! These recipes all sound so good! A couple favorites of mine to make at home are: Taco Salad: 1lb ground chicken 1 jalapeno pepper 1/2 white onion 2 garlic cloves (more or less depending on your preference) cumin chili powder hot sauce (home made, with ingredients grown in my garden) lime juice (always fresh!) pinch…
  • I :heart: ZUMBA! I go once or twice a week, depending on my schedule. Sometimes its 2 Zumba classes, sometimes is 1 Zumba 1 Kickboxing. Either way, I LOVE IT! As for food, I will NOT eat yellow beans, liver, oysters and pumpkin.
  • I absolutely LOVE my Kinect! I have the Dance Central, and have actually played it for hours on end without even noticing that I'm working out. I've recently bought Your Shape, and really enjoy the boxing work out. I would love to get the Zumba game, however it's sooo popular that it's been impossible to find. Amazon has…
  • OK, some of these posts are f'n FUNNY! LOL! My confessions: 1) Finally went & got a new haircut & color, but totally lied to my hubby about the price (which was beyond ridiculous, and I wont be going back there again!). 2) I have every intention of getting up early in the morning so I can work out before work. Instead, I…
  • Hi! This site is great! It offers a great support system for those who need it as well. Good luck on your journey :smile:
  • Soups are great! I also make and freeze homemade chicken stock (drastically cuts down on the salt intake!) and pesto. These are great if you need a quick soup or pasta dish. Freeze the stock and pesto in ice cube trays for easy portion control. I have also done lasagna ( I buy the tin cassarole dishes from the dollar…
  • Hey Angie! This site is awesome, you will love it! There are lots of great people on here to motivate you throughout your journey. I will certainly add you as a friend!
  • You can add me if you want!
  • I'm totally ready to do this! Last night was a bit of a cheat night, including movie popcorn, Timbits and gummy bears, but today is a fresh start! 2/1/11 - 149lbs 3/1/11 - 144lbs 4/1/11 - 139lbs 4/18/11 - 135lbs
  • Absolutely! Count me in! LET'S DO THIS!
  • Don't give up, you'll be kicking yourself later on if you do! I work in an office setting as well, and have had a bit of a hard time adjusting to sitting all day. I used to work as a bartender/waitress, and was used to being on my feet all day. When that job ended, it was tough. So, because I now sit all day, I've noticed…
  • I wish you the best of luck on your journey! And will gladly add you as a friend. :smile: