

  • Chocolate And I don´t really eliminate too much from my diet, except sodas and chips (they go too quickly, don´t have any nutrients, chips have silica/sand in them ugh, that´s the reason why)
  • You know, eventually they might even notice when they see that you glow from happiness of having lost the 20 lbs. , too...
  • I´m thinking it might be the clothes, too... sometimes one wears a new outfit, of a particular color that is slimming, and they think you lose weight when you didn´t, so I´m sure the reverse is true. Nonetheless, it is true that the important thing is that you actually lost it, and when you keep at it, eventually someone…
  • Seems to me that you could get a bikini and hang it up, and if you finally fit in that bikini, you´ll be sure to fit in that dress you want to wear to the wedding.... :) guaranteed That dog is cute!
  • I´m not, but it sounds like a good idea... :)
  • Well, in case you don´t like the switch to wine, you could also: -brush your teeth after each drink ? -I found that focusing on getting more nutrients in my food led me to reduce junk food for example. You see, when you´re eating less calories, it becomes harder to get your daily nutrition needs, in what little amounts you…
    in munchies Comment by 30tips February 2012
  • I believe that is one of the things alcohol gives you... the munchies... the best thing you can do is limit the amount of alcohol... Can you switch to wine? It has less calories, too, and pairs well with food. Cab sauvignon tastes well with cheese, chicken, and meat, (aka savory fat-laden food) which give you protein. I…
    in munchies Comment by 30tips February 2012
  • If you have to answer the phone for clients, you could try pacing a little bit during the phone call, for example.... the best thing is to find the standing up habit that will be the easiest for you to adopt. If you would be good at getting up for a drink of water, then try that... that way you could get your eight glasses…
  • In addition to getting up every so often, there is a website that shows how you can sneak in exercise into your regular activities: www.squeezeitin.com I´m sorry to say I haven´t done any of them yet, but the idea sure is cute... Plus, I´ve found that if you just stop avoiding the exercise that´s available in front of you,…
  • When the doctor said that I had to do cardio for half an hour every day to improve my respiratory system, that was the last straw... that plus the fact that I had reached my highest weight ever
  • Do whatever´s best for you, but I would get hungry with it. I guess my best advice is to be careful, because when you are too drastic with your body, then you might get a cold. From experience, once I got a cold (before joining MFP) and I gained weight, not lost it.
  • Welcome! I´ve been on here for a year.. It shouldn´t be hard to find friends here... just respond to other people´s posts once in a while, and you´ll find people that you want to befriend, or that will want to befriend you. Best of luck!
  • Everyone´s answers are so good, I don´t need to add anything!! :) I would have voted for Water/noncitric tea with no sweetener first (because yes most of the time you´re thirsty) Second, carrots if you´re not really hungry and just want to sort of fill the hole 1/2 oz.- 1 oz. of mozzarella or swiss cheese if you´re really…
  • how about some warm tea? provided it´s not citric. Water? a bath? a quick journal entry about something that might have been bugging you? (even if it´s just anxiety related to keeping calories down)
  • That´s insane (that they sell frosting shots)
  • Sounds like my niece... she ONLY eats the frosting off the cookies... and leaves the cookie lying alone in the box. Of course, I love frosting too...that´s why I have to measure and log even fingerfuls of frosting that I eat when I´m baking... Log it... that´s what got me to eat less frosting...the amount of calories is…
  • Exercise is also a must.
  • I use about 100 techniques! that are on my blog. I do have about ten that I use the most. I try not to go over my calories even if it´s a special day (because there are way too many special occasions, such as get-togethers, dinners, etc.). I must admit that yesterday on my birthday I went over a bit, though. The ones that…
  • Oh, and supposedly you should be careful with sodium if you´re not already. www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/30tips
  • t I think it might be a good idea to shoot for a pound a week? If you´re close to your goal weight, that is, especially after you lose the initial 3-4 pounds of water. That way you won´t have expectations that are too high and you´ll feel like you´re getting somewhere.
  • Here are some tips in general for fitness that I´ve tried: www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/30tips
  • I concur... this is probably the most common reason, in my opinion: I also like candy´s idea of trying the offensive... though they might not be excited about you ordering salads for them...
  • Haha, I know, people do that ALL the time... It feels good once you find the right way to say no easily when you want to
  • Well, it´s not only weekends, really, it´s something that happens whenever someone invites you over to eat, or you go out to eat, or there´s a party, or a get-together.... I hit rock bottom this January, when I joined MFP, because Christmas was over, and there were still way too many special occasions, I got sick and tired…
  • Do you get some weight lifting in your workout?
  • If I were stuffed one day, I wouldn´t worry about eating ALL of the calories. Especially if it happens once in a while. Also, for some of us, night eating possibly increases our weight, or affects our digestion.
  • Well, for starters, don´t look at yourself THAT MUCH without clothes. Instead, look at yourself WITH clothes on, especially if they´re new and you´re wearing heels or something that makes you feel good about yourself. Next, it would be a good idea for you to think about what things make you feel bad about yourself, that…
  • Ha! I do believe I will add this to my earlier blog, it was quite short...
  • Well, I wrote a blog post about it: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/30tips/view/stick-mostly-to-wine-if-you-are-having-alcoholic-beverages-88661 I believe you shouldn´t have the alcohol on an empty stomach, for sure, and maybe you should avoid having sugary food (generally sensible advice,whether you´re losing weight or…
  • Thanks, Milly! I hope you enjoy today´s blog; I figured you might appreciate an inspirational topic.
    in 100 tips Comment by 30tips April 2011