Sbmtx Member


  • There is a lady here that does not like to be talked to first thing in the AM. She just flat out told us, I hate mornings. Leave me be for at least 15 minutes when I get here. And we do no biggie. My problem is actually my manager. The owners daughter. She likes to tell everyone about how crappy or excellent her life…
  • Recycle? Cans and ink cartridges at work oh and clothes, I donate to friends with younger kids or thrift stores Compost? Trying (3 years now) but the man is making things difficult. Homemade compost that is too tall for me to stir. Have a Rain Barrel? I WISH! But it would so not useful here. Like 2 inches of rain this year…
    in Do you... Comment by Sbmtx August 2011
  • Well my son is 9. I think he knows the truth but he asked last year if Santa was "really" real. And I told him the same thing my mom told us. If you don't believe in Santa then you don't get anything from Santa. In my house Santa always brought the coolest stuff like the swing set or the bike. Mom and dad usually put their…
  • Not sure if I did this right or not but for the lady with the girl who like cars etc... there are these my friends daughter was the same way. But her dad REFUSED to let her wear boys underwear.
  • LUVS!!! It was the only diaper that I could put on my son at 8pm and he would still be dry when he woke up the next morning. I never had issues with the little absorbent balls falling out either. Huggies were really bad. Pampers were ok if I was in a bind. Tried every store brand around, tried to save cash of course. But…
  • I do the eating things 1 at a time too but have tried to stop over the years because I was picked on so much about it. My favorite way to eat a slice of pizza is pepperoni 1st. Then cheese. Then the sauce. Pick off and eat the squishy part of the crust. Roll up the bottom and dip in ranch. Obviously I cannot do this around…
  • I LOVE coconut & I LOVE coconut cream. One day a guy in the office saw coconut water at a store he was in and bought a can for me. YUCK! I took 1 sip and it tasted like the smell of socks to me. And I'm not talking clean ones. I dunno. I did not even get the taste of coconut from it. So maybe from the other posts you…
  • We have Dolly Madison-AKA Woo because when she barks it sounds like she is going Woo Woo Woo. Maxine AKA Miss B*#ch because she thinks she rules the house. Rosco AKA Doedeedoe because he's a little off from having Parvo as a puppy. Also called Peety Boy (like pretty boy but without the r sound) because we are just weirdos…
  • I agree it's ok to re-gift. If it were something spent big bucks on because it was an antique/vintage item it would be ok. Like ninerbuff said, if it was a used car it would be ok. So why not a purse. I think as long as it looks nice and does not have any strange odors or anything why not. Stick a note inside that says "I…
  • Well my issue is not really a pain but more discomfort. I have asked around and even looked online but not sure if my idea will work. So I am starting to run again. It's been 10+ years. I have slowly been adding in little bursts of jogging into my normal walking routine. I've noticed it before but last night was the worst.…
  • I always drink coffee in the AM. 2 cups with 1 tsp of powdered creamer and 1 pkt sweet N low. (I have tried 3 times now to switch to black and I plan to try again in the near future.) I have read that it is good for you. Have also read that it is bad for you. So yeah. Never being a fan of cold coffee, I accidentally tried…
  • South Texican - Cannot roll my Rrrrrs, but I do not pronounce the "G" in guacamole. I say ya'll all the time, say yes ma'am and yes sir, but a creek is a "creek" not a "crick". That's a pain in your neck.
    in ACCENTS Comment by Sbmtx August 2011
  • We always pack a cooler for the beach that includes: PB&J on whole wheat bread Deli Sliced Turkey rolled up with Deli Sliced Cheese Fresh Fruit - Oranges, Apples, Grapes and Watermelon Pretzel Sticks Bottled Water These all seem to be popular with the adults and kids. Keep well in a cooler all day. Are easy to eat without…
  • I agree with the bone structure comment. At my lowest adult weight, 160, while I was still soft you could see my hip and neck bones easily, kinda gross looking at some angles. My thighs carry a lot of my weight. At 160 I wore a size 12-13 jean. But my tops were S-M depending on style and brand.
  • Good Hummus goes along way. My new favorite is Spinach Artichoke Hummus. I think it's 60 calories per OZ and I use about 2/3 of it on my Flat Out Pizza the other night and OMG it was yummy. Laughing Cow Lite Queso is also good.
    in Sandwich's Comment by Sbmtx August 2011
  • Congrats on the 102# lost! WOW! I have a hard time trusting mirrors. Some of them lie....really they do. I prefer to use photos as proof of my body changes. Even small changes in weight and tone can be seen in a before and after photo, especially if u wear the same outfit. Since I am pretty shy about my weight loss I use…
  • Audio books in my car. LOVE THEM! When I get a chance to watch what I want on TV I catch up on WEEDS & The Big C. I also like to bake cakes and cupcakes for friends, which is soooo not good while trying to watch what I eat. But great way to test my will power. HA!