What nicknames do you have for your pets?



  • BerkleyEL
    BerkleyEL Posts: 77 Member
    We have two cats and a dog.

    Brown tabby cat that is seriously overweight is named Sister. Sister-Bister is her nickname along with variations of chubby/fatso.
    Gray tabby cat that only needs to lose a few lbs is named Stella. (have to say it like Stellllllla) and she gets called Brat or Stella-Bella or PITA.

    Pit/lab mix dog is named Max, his nicknames are Maximus, Tail-of-Doom and Genius... he's seriously clutzy.
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    Back home in Florida though, I had 8 cats, and 2 dogs, which I will list!
    Alice (calico, 5): Kitty cat (original, right?), Meow Meow.
    Randy (mutt, unknown): Same.
    Snook (tabby, 13): Snookers, Snooker Cooker, Snookie, Snookums.
    Chub-Chub (mutt, 3): Chub, Chubbers, Chubby.
    Yukon (mutt, 3): Yukie-Yukie
    Brie (tabby, 6): Brie-Brie, Breezie, Breezers.
    Mat-Cat (Ragdoll, 4): Same.
    Charlie (Russian Blue, unknown): Same.
    Two dogs:
    Nina (German Shepard, 11): Neeners, Nanners, Neener-Neens, Neener.
    Ziggy (Min Pin, 2): Ziggers, Zig Zag.
  • airycha
    airycha Posts: 135 Member
    We just call our dogs whatever! lol

    We have a beagle named Tobey that I usually either call Tobes or dude and maybe somtimes buddy. Sometimes I call him Fatty when I pick him up even though he isn't fat. Other times I add little to other names, like little dude or little man. We call him jerk if he is doing something he shouldn't be.

    We have a lab mix named Maddie that I call babe, sweetie, mads, maddie bear. She usually doesn't get any bad names. I think the worst I have is Muddy Maddie because sometimes when she comes in after it rains she is all muddy.
  • Sbmtx
    Sbmtx Posts: 18 Member
    We have Dolly Madison-AKA Woo because when she barks it sounds like she is going Woo Woo Woo.
    Maxine AKA Miss B*#ch because she thinks she rules the house.
    Rosco AKA Doedeedoe because he's a little off from having Parvo as a puppy. Also called Peety Boy (like pretty boy but without the r sound) because we are just weirdos I guess.
    Black Dog AKA Calvin-He was dropped off at our house when he was a couple weeks old. I would not let my son name him since we had no plans to keep him. So he was called Black Puppy. Well 6 years later we still have him and when he became a "man dog" I found it silly to call him Black Puppy. Oh and Calvin is the name of the guy who dropped him off we later found out so when he does something bad that's what the man calls him. Poor confused dog.
  • SerenaBeans08
    SerenaBeans08 Posts: 83 Member
    I don't have a pet, but I call my boyfriend's dog, whose name is Roscoe, "sugar bear". He seems to like it.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Crazy Girl.
  • alcon79
    alcon79 Posts: 193 Member
    The cat in this pic is named Lily and she goes by Lily-boo, Boo-boo, Chubs (although she's lost 3 pounds) and Freshy because she has an attitude.

    We also have a Balinese named Molly who goes by Moe-moe, Poofy kitty, Posch and Posch-y Fluffers (her original name before we got her from my boyfriend's parents)
  • RayofSunshine73
    RayofSunshine73 Posts: 24 Member
    I have a cat named Patch who gets called Patchie, Patcheroonie, and Pa*****ie.

    Our rescue dog, an Amstaff mix is named Zita and she gets call Ziter, Zita Pateeter, Ziter McBeater, Crazy dog, Sweet pea, Butthead, among other things!
  • I have a chihuahua named Yoda, to which I also call him Yodee, Yoder & Yodel. My Mom occasionally calls him Peanut.