murraygal21 Member


  • Hey just get back at it! That's all you can do -- and remember how you feel right now whenever you think of quitting!
  • whoo hooo!!!!! That is SO SO SO Awesome.
  • I actually love to use my wiifit as my guide -- but the key is once you decide that's what you're going to use, stick with it and always take the wiifit measuring at the same time of day AND place the balance board in the same place. Dont go back and forth between the scale/wii fit. AND also aim low on the clothing weight…
  • I am not sure how they come up with those numbers, but I've been very conscious of actually trying NOT to ever go over my Sugar ... as I've read several articles and books that talk about how sugar intake contributes to those lovely rolls on on our waists .... My goal has been to actually come in below. Now, one trick I've…
  • OMG feel the exact same way. I actually was standing in a dressing room trying on a really cute dress right before thanksgiving when I realized I needed to do something about my body. I took a picture right then and started my diet that very day. I've taken a picture every 3 weeks since and have them photoshopped…
  • i did the same thing -- went in and put in retro weight loss, since you can change dates, etc. I wasn't getting credit for lbs since i started my diet in november, but didn't actually start on here untyil late december .... it's great! Take credit for your work!
  • So I know everyone has their own take on this stuff, but fruits are high in sugars. I have found, and I swear by it, that staying under your sugar intake is actually key to weight loss. And if you're going to eat fruit, eat it early so it doesn't store the sugars in your body -- eat them early and/or one hour before you're…
  • I have all of them -- wii fit, wii fit plus, wii active, gillian michaels and i have the new jenny mccarthy -- out of all of them, I like the Wii Fit plus AND the Jenny McCarthy the best. Jenny is cool bc it actually is an aerobic workout and you don't have to keep going back and picking new exercises. You just put in the…
  • From the day I started dieting, which was November, 14, i have watched my sugar intake. I never go over my sugar number -- infact, I try to stay below it. My sister, who is an RN says it is more important to get items that are SUGAR FREE vs fat free. Watching my sugar intake was the best thing I ever started doing. I have…
  • I am a writer, and have been blogging about my weight loss. When I start to get unmotivated, I think of how I felt at over 200 lbs. And I have only been dieting seriously for 52 days, but have discovered it's really easy to get unmotivated. This last time I had it happen, around the holidays, I wrote a something that made…