wii fit vs scale

I was just wondering if anyone knows which one is more accurate? There is a 4lb difference from my wii fit test to what the scale says



  • lulu64uk
    lulu64uk Posts: 62
    Strange, mine works out exactly the same - for a confidence boost I would go which ever say the lighter :bigsmile:
  • StarryEyedGirl
    mine is off 4 to 5 pounds as well! I go by the bathroom scale even though its more. by the way we are not the only 2 that has asked this question. I have seen other post regarding this... I just think the wii scale is a bit off
  • lulu64uk
    lulu64uk Posts: 62
    do you weight yourself in the same place, ie, move the board and place the scales in the same place ? I weight myself at my gym and it is always spot on ?
  • murraygal21
    murraygal21 Posts: 10 Member
    I actually love to use my wiifit as my guide -- but the key is once you decide that's what you're going to use, stick with it and always take the wiifit measuring at the same time of day AND place the balance board in the same place. Dont go back and forth between the scale/wii fit. AND also aim low on the clothing weight allowance. If yoiu think you have 4lbs on, go with 3 .... (and it weighs me a little heavier, too ... but as long as the number is going down, It's all good.)
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    weigh a set of dumbells on each and see what comes up. Mine is off about 4 lbs too.

    It was also be the floor. My bathroom floor is ceramic, my living room floor is hardwood. I read that can make a difference. Maybe I'll go home and weigh myself in the living room when I get home! LOL
  • cuppycake22
    cuppycake22 Posts: 224
    Thanks everyone! No my wii fit board is in the living room and scale in spare room...same flooring but i may try and move it beside the wii board and see what i can come up with and see if that makes a difference! I do weigh myself at the same time every morning and always have the same weight for what I am wearing! I would love to go the lower weight but it almost makes me feel like I am cheating ;) anyways thanks again for the replies!
  • jennylynn84
    jennylynn84 Posts: 659
    I have never been on two scales that say the same thing. Seriously. Every scale I have been on (gym, doctors office and two different ones we've been through at home) - each one is different. I'm not sure for the reasons behind this. You just have to pick a scale and marry it for a while. Two scales I have been on have an 8 pound difference! Holy cow! Then I went on another one that is in the middle and another that's even higher, one that is lower.... I could obsess about this a lot of I let myself.