Eating The Right Carbs But Still Going Over

I eat the right carbs especially fruits like apples, oranges, pears even though they have alot of carbs, they are still suppose to be the good carbs. I also eat a lot of whole wheats. Should I start cutting back on my fruit intake to keeps my carbs low. Right now Im taking a break from exercising so Im only allowed 1220 cals. Im still pretty active (walking xtra when i can and taking the stairs). To be honest Im really not in the mood to eat this week. I have been eating alot of soups, which i know are high in sodium but i pour the juice out and rinse off the soup then add water and cilantro for flavor, which helps alot. My food diary for this week is pathetic!!!!


  • nakrya
    nakrya Posts: 191
    You definitely need more veggies & protein. Try eating a bit more balanced, whole grain, fruit/veggie, and protein with every meal.

    And why do you not feel like eating? Stress?
  • sweetteacher123
    Instead of all carb for snacks, etc., add more lean protien, like fat-free dairy or lean meats. This may help. Protien also makes you feel full. Especially mixing the protien with healthy carbs. Good luck.
  • emilyfh
    emilyfh Posts: 291 Member
    even though fruit is so good for you, try staying within your limit, eat more veggies and protein. I have days were Im so so hungry, and also days with no appitite but still eat.
  • sweetteacher123
    Another reply from me! I just looked at your food diary. A possible suggestion would be instead of the mini bagels at breakfast, add the same number of calories but in the form of a fat free cheese stick or the egg white of a hard boiled egg. You could do that with all your meals and snacks. One carb but one protien too.
  • murraygal21
    murraygal21 Posts: 10 Member
    So I know everyone has their own take on this stuff, but fruits are high in sugars. I have found, and I swear by it, that staying under your sugar intake is actually key to weight loss. And if you're going to eat fruit, eat it early so it doesn't store the sugars in your body -- eat them early and/or one hour before you're eating other foods. Don't mix them.

    Also, i have some weeks where I don't exercise at all and have still successfully lost weight each week. I am convinced it's bc i watch my sugars (and stay slightly under my calorie intake)
  • jrobertson37
    jrobertson37 Posts: 90 Member
    Thanks guys I think I will cut back on the fruit. Isotope to answer your question, if you look at my exercise for the past three weeks I have been working out to burn atleast 3500 cals a week, so by the third week i was just mentally/physically exhausted. So im going to get back on track this week and follow you guys advice about less fruit and more protein.

    Thanks everyone!!!!