cherylmellan Member


  • Welcome home Sarah!! I am so enjoying reading notes from everyone. It's kind of like "having coffee with the girls." I really do treasure this group! Happy to know all the chicks are back in the coop.
  • I just got the Charge HR Kelly, largely on Lois's recommendation. There is absolutely nothing wrong with my Flex, I just got really really REALLY pissed off one night, when after shoveling my 70' driveway THREE TIMES (AND carrying firewood) it gave me "2 very active minutes." It's just being picky, I know - but I didn't…
  • Way to go Light!!! I agree with you. If I don't walk, I don't lose. Simple as that - and I've proven it to myself time and time again!! A loss for you too Sheesh! One pebble at a time, eh?? Enough little pebbles will grow a mountain. I live in the mid Ohio valley. We usually have mild winters with very low temperatures.…
  • There are no words Lois that can adequately be put in writing. I talk about you at home like you are my girlfriend who lives just down the street that I see every day and talk to 10 times. Hard to imagine we found each other on the Internet - and I can't even remember how. What I do remember is how much you weighed, and…
  • Sarah, I am so sorry to hear about your Mom's passing. Both of my parents are gone, and it's a difficult time - no matter what your age is. Much love to you.
  • I love this Light!! I love both your and Kelly's goals....and even more being forced to stop long enough to IDENTIFY the problem and address it. Kind of like being stopped at a light, isn't it?? Thank you Light - this is just what I needed. 3 things which make my weight loss issues difficult: 1. Stress/nervous picking 2.…
  • I have the Flex Kelly. I like the wrist better than the one. I do not like that you see no numbers I was addicted to looking and it was s hard transition. Now I have a smart phone, so I can see them at any time. The Flex also does not track stairs. The "Charge" replaced Dale's Force. I was just telling him today that I…
  • Granny is taking you down sprout. You going to stand for that??? 19 days is 19 days. Make good use of them, you know your brain will be in a better place if you do!
  • Worth reading
  • Ah Kelly, that just sucks but your head is in the right place. We ALL (obviously) know you are exercising. One indulgent meal and a momentary snapshot of a number does not tell the whole story. Keep doing what you're doing. We all know it does pay off in the end. You'll show a loss next week. Hope your pasta was good! I…
  • Sarah, I am going to join the chorus and wail "GET A FITBIT!" You won't be sorry. I did start with the Body Bugg and am on my second Fitbit and I LOVE it. There is no comparison. Most importantly - think about this. You continue to pay a monthly fee. Buy a Fitbit and you are done. NO fees at all. The money you save will…
  • OHHHH SARAH!! I so wish I had seen your note earlier. It's my bedtime, and with the schedule you're keeping I hope you are LONG asleep now! Firstly, we know for CERTAIN you didn't gain 3 pounds this week - although there's not a one of us who can't empathize with the brick you must have felt to your head when you saw it.…
  • Kelly congratulations! I am proud of you and even happier for you. This is the lightesr ypu've been since I know you - doesn't it seem like everyone is SO JAZZED!?!? LOVE the challenges!
  • Sarah thank you for your welcoming me back. I appreciate it very much. Looks like you're really putting in the effort and have the statistics to prove it. Stay the course. It's like money in the bank. Your efforts will show up.Your knee is interesting to me. Does this sound like you?…
  • Am I in? I hope so because you are all doing so well I need a serving of what you're having#
  • OH MY GOD I THINK I FOUND YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is as close as I've come anyway. It says I need to be a "member" to post, and apparently I am no longer a member but it's 12:35 and I can right this moment figure out how the hell to become a member!!! Thank you so much for your help. I'll hit this in the AM!!
  • I just can not get back to the discussion area!!!!!!!!!!! is this the place?? Where is everyone?