anharrison Member


  • I love to finely chop veggies and add to a spaghetti sauce: zucchini, spinich, onion, carrot, mushrooms, peppers, etc. If you let the chopped veggies simmer in the sauce, it is very flavorful and doesn't feel like you eating a plain plate of veggies.
  • I can't say these are the best breakfast ideas but I use them because they're quick and inexpensive: Toast two Eggo Nutri-Grain Waffles or Wheat English Muffin (IPut a bit of peanut butter on them for protein. It stays with me til lunch!) Greek Yogurt and Granola mixed together Kellog Fiber Bar Vita Top Muffin (Wonderful!…
  • If you have a true hunger after dinner, eat some nuts. A small handful will rid my hunger and provide healthy fats. Now when I have a craving after dinner...nuts dont cut it. I usually go for a weight watchers ice cream bar for under 100 calories. Just some ideas!
  • Im dealing with the same issue. My last 'weigh-in' was at the end of July...and I just am having a hard time getting motivated! I'm right there with you. I'm about 20 lbs off of my goal weight for my November trip and it frustrates me that I've quit :( Any suggestions on getting motivated again?
  • So nice to hear another's perspective. I recently had the same experience. I was 215 at my highest, and I'm only 5'5. I knew I was 'heavy' but didn't realize how large and unhealthy I really was. I'm now down to 170 and would like to lose at least 20 more llbs but I'm much more confident thus far. It's quite an interesting…
  • I did a 3 day cleanse on "Shakeology" I ate 3 shakes a day and a lean protein (grilled chicken) at dinner. The second day it, ahem, 'cleansed,' and after day 3 I had lost 7 pounds. I gained 4 back once I started eating regularly but that was still a net loss of 3lbs so I was happy. It tastes okay and it definitely needs to…
  • I CLEAN...very often! Also, I go shopping-my other guilty pleasure.
  • GNC Lean Shakes are awesome. They have some made with extra protein but the nutrients are wonderful. I usually have one for breakfast and sometimes at lunch with a snack. I don't drink them all the time but when I've hit a plateau they really give me the extra boost I need to loose that extra couple of pounds to break…
  • read this :) Thanks! Yes, even though I hear it I still felt "I'll lose weight THEN weight train" ah...I think I'm just having an 'ah ha' moment finally.
  • Honestly, it took me about a month to really develop good habits. I'd do good for a day..then head to McDonalds the next (haha). My key to success? I KEPT WITH IT. Even if it took 2 steps forward, 1 step (or even 2!) back I kept on a chugging. And now, 6 months later, slowing but surely Im reaching my goals and changing my…
  • Thanks! Yes, I use chicken broth all the time so I wondered was seasonings/marinades would do....I'm trying it and I'm sure it will be just fine... thanks for the ideas! I really like the salsa idea!
  • Personally: I think it's 'just okay.' Don't ask me what I was expecting but..... it's basic cardio: jumping jacks, jog in place, along with ab and leg workouts. They do a 3-2-1 system: 3 min cardio, 2 min weights, 1 min abs, repeat 3 times. It is a great workout dont get me wrong....I just wasn't impressed as it was…
  • I've been working out for about 6 months now and have formed a habit of it. I don't enjoy running and exercise but I know it's good for my health. Each day I must force myself into they gym. Even though I've developed a habit, I could (with the snap of a finger) be out of that habit. Just a few days of eating fast food and…
  • has some great recipies. I know I get stuck in ruts eating the same thing over and over again, it's hard to get creative. Breakfast: fiber bars, instant oatmeal packets, fresh fruit, whole grain toast, a bagel w/ fat free cream cheese Lucnh: Frozen dinners (be careful with sodium), yogurt,…
  • I'm no expert but I understand that whole grain is much healthier, (but may have more calories, too). I used to buy generic 'whole wheat bread' until a nutritionist told me that if I'm doing that I might as well get white bread.
  • Great information. Regarding the ' no need to deny, only moderation' aspect: For me personally I tried moderation but I've noticed I have a lot of 'trigger foods.' In order for me to stay on track I must stay away from them completely. If I have a chip I better be prepared to eat 1/2 a bag....I don't have much willpower I…
  • Thanks everyone. "Insurance Calories" sounds like my best option...and yes the post about filling your plate with healthy foods and limiting the bad ones-good encouragement. Thanks everyone. I guess I'll be at the gym for an extra long time the next few weekends :)
  • Thanks everyone. I"m hoping to 'shock' my body. I LOVE LOVE carbs so this is going to be extremely difficult but I'm hoping such a change will produce some weight loss since I always eat lots of carbs....
  • Thanks! I'm going to try the 3 Day Cleanse to detoxify, get a bit leaner, and maybe lose a pound or two!
  • Thanks ladies. I HATE push ups but apparently I shouldn't be avoiding them....(sigh)
  • I have the same problem when I first start. It took me about 3 weeks to notice my first drop in weight. If you're running or lifting any sort of weight you could be building muscle, which can quickly add pounds. If you keep gaining weight, maybe try adjusting your meal plans.
  • Welcome. I love this site! I login in my foods EVERY day and it definitely keeps me on track and allows me to eat a diversity of foods-anything I want as long as it fits in my nutrition goals
  • I try to plan my meals a day or so in advance so when that day comes around I don't have to fret about making bad decisions.
  • I'm no doctor but I've always, always heard to eat at least 1200 calories-less that that will slow your metabolism as you're body will go into starvation mode to save as many calories as necessary. Switching up your workouts-dancing, running, jogging, free weights...keep your body guessing! If you get in a rut your body…
  • I'm curious as well. I'd like to get healthy and get in shape before becomming pregnant!
  • It's not 200 calories, but my new kick is Jello Chocolate Sugar-Free Pudding cups.....
  • Mixed vegetables, fresh green beans, sweet potato, a side of rice or couscous...
  • This is my third time "joining" myfitnesspal and this time around it's working!! I love it and have made a habit of logging in every day to count calories. It really helps when I'm making food choices. Welcome!
  • has some great recipes. Ive used several of them here lately.
  • Welcome! I have about the same amount to lose to reach my goals as well. I've had good weeks and bad weeks but I keep going! (I can be notorious for hoping that if I don't log those late night munching calories they won't exist!) Good luck and we're here for support!