
I am trying to get myself on track for eating more veggies, but I get stuck on certain veggies, green beans, greens, and squash. I really need some good recipe ideas dealing with veggies. Also some different veggies I can make with meals so that I am not eating the same veggies all the time

Thanks in advance:smile:


  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I am trying to get myself on track for eating more veggies, but I get stuck on certain veggies, green beans, greens, and squash. I really need some good recipe ideas dealing with veggies. Also some different veggies I can make with meals so that I am not eating the same veggies all the time

    Thanks in advance:smile:

    I find a tuna bake will do the trick and it doesn't feel like 'eating veggies'.

    Just lob lots of tuna in a baking dish, mix up with whatever veggies you want, add some tinned chopped tomatoes and sour cream (for me, anyway) and top with some cheese. I find the sour cream adds much to it, otherwise it is a little bland. I even use the 'light' version, the only time I switch to 'light' in fact.

    Cook until the cheese goes golden brown.

    I usually cook enough to last a couple of days.
  • tiffanyrose519
    tiffanyrose519 Posts: 107 Member
    I made this recipe earlier this week, it is so good and packed with veggies!

    Also, when I make spaghetti instead of meat sauce I make veggie sauce. You can use any vegetables, but I usually use bells, onions, squash, tomato, and garlic. Saute then add in the sauce! You could also make a fruit smoothie with a dark, leafy green. I make my smoothies with frozen strawberries, pineapple, banana, water (or coconut milk), and a green like spinach, kale, collard greens, etc.
  • anharrison
    anharrison Posts: 74 Member
    I love to finely chop veggies and add to a spaghetti sauce: zucchini, spinich, onion, carrot, mushrooms, peppers, etc. If you let the chopped veggies simmer in the sauce, it is very flavorful and doesn't feel like you eating a plain plate of veggies.
  • I love to finely chop veggies and add to a spaghetti sauce: zucchini, spinich, onion, carrot, mushrooms, peppers, etc. If you let the chopped veggies simmer in the sauce, it is very flavorful and doesn't feel like you eating a plain plate of veggies.

    Thats a really great idea and sounds yummy. I will definetly be trying that, thanks.
  • luckyinlove2
    luckyinlove2 Posts: 66 Member
    Stir fry--chop and mix a variety of vegetables and toss them into a skillet with about 1 to 1 1/2 tablespoons of olive oil, some garlic (to taste), and a little soy sauce or chicken broth. My family loves their veggies this way. I use cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots & onions for almost all of them, and add other veggies that I have in the fridge. That may or may not include: summer squash, zucchini (both of which are added at the end, to not get so squishy), green beans, peas, spinach, You can add some cooked rice and one scrambled egg for a complete, low-calorie meal!:happy:
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    I use vegetable spaghetti sauce (Ragu and Preggo both have excellent sauces that boast 2 servings of veggies per 1/2 cup serving!) and I get veggie pasta, also two servings of veggies in a serving.

    Tonight I had spaghetti for supper... and 4 servings of vegetables. Sure didn't taste like it!

    Also, I will drink V-8 if I'm low on veggies (but it's not my favorite!). V-8 Splash has high fructose corn syrup in it, and not even a full serving of vegetables per 8 oz, so I avoid that.

    Umm.... I cook fresh spinach into my eggs sometimes. It's delicious!! I sneak in spinach into a lot of meals.
  • desilu69
    desilu69 Posts: 79
    Here is my favorite veggie recipe: Bag of frozen cauliflower
    2 wedges laughing cow garlic and herb cheese
    1TBSP Brummel and Brown w/ nonfat yogurt blend butter

    Boil cauliflower until soft, drain. Add cheese wedges and butter. Season with sea salt and coarse ground black pepper. Mash together with a potato masher. And voila.... Looks like mashed potatoes.. tastes yummy. I put in recipe builder here on MFP and it is 54 calories a serving. Makes 3 servings
  • kazhowe
    kazhowe Posts: 340 Member
    I am a keen promoter of eating as much veggies as you can ... one way i like to eat them is to use a variety of veggies :sweet potato, squash, zuchini - or courgette as we call it in the UK - asparagas, carrots, swede, cherry tomatoes and in fact anything else at all .... put them in a baking tin and toss a small amount - about 1 tsp per person - of olive or vegetable oil on the veggies and then chop a handful of fresh herbs .. Rosemary is a particular favourite of mind ..and toss them over the veggies. If you don't have fresh herbs then use dried .. sprinkle some black pepper over and bake in a hot oven for about 30 minutes .... deeeeelicious!! :bigsmile:

    Another really simple recipe is Broccoli and cream cheese soup. Just take a big head or two of broccoli and boil it in a pan with water coming halfway up the broccoli, add some stock and when cooked add a pack of Philadelphia low fat cream cheese with garlic and herbs - then blend and serve ... again ... deeeelicious and very quick :bigsmile:
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    I love to finely chop veggies and add to a spaghetti sauce: zucchini, spinich, onion, carrot, mushrooms, peppers, etc. If you let the chopped veggies simmer in the sauce, it is very flavorful and doesn't feel like you eating a plain plate of veggies.

    Thats a really great idea and sounds yummy. I will definetly be trying that, thanks.

    My ultimate favourite thing is to grate carrots into my spaghetti sauce. My kids love it. It makes it kind of sweet. So good. I sautee the carrots with the onions and ground beef. Yum.

    Also, I love making foil pouches. Everybody makes their own and adds the veggies they like to it. I add some garlic and salt and pepper and butter or cooking spray and put it in the oven or on the bbq... heaven!!! For a whole meal I chuck some chicken breast in there. And then I have rice on the side. It's delicious.
  • I make a chicken stir fry that I love....or at least I call it chicken stir fry.
    This is kind of a throw together of sorts.
    Just add all the veggies you have in your fridge to a big pan with a lid.
    I usually cut up zucchini, yellow squash, broccoli, sugar snap peas, red bell peppers, yellow bells, get the idea..anything you have. I use about 1 full cup of everything I add...maybe a little less onion...whatever you would like.
    Throw it all in with a tablespoon or two of coconut oil.
    Add pepper and lemon pepper seasoning. I also add some finely diced garlic..maybe a few teaspoons.

    Cover and cook until all the veggies are cooked to your liking.
    I add about 8 oz of cut up chicken breast to the mix which I cook in the microwave to about 85% then add it into the already cooking veggies.

    Easily serves two people.

    Turns out good and is delicious with just some zero cal spray butter.

    So, not really a recipe but I love it.
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    Ooh and pita pizzas!!! I love those too.

    All you need is a pita, some tomatoe sauce, any veggies you love and some cheese to sprinkle on top. I get my kids to make their own and hubby too. So i can have all the veggies I want and they can have just the ones that they like. It works out really easy and cheap as well.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    You're in luck! A new group of vegetable devotees and wannabees has just formed!
  • harley0269
    harley0269 Posts: 384 Member
    i buy lots of different frozen veggies, then i can take out as much as i want per serving, steam them & top with a sprinkle of grated parmesan cheese. (all the different stir fry combos are my favorites)

    or i buy fresh veggies, cut them up & roast them in the oven with a bit of olive oil & seasonings.

    ~ veggies are good mixed in with brown rice too!

    i never eat canned veggies unless a recipe calls for them.
  • littlelotte11
    littlelotte11 Posts: 1 Member
    I love throwing squash, zucchini, onions, and peppers into my skillet and cooking them on the stove top with a little olive oil. It's really delicious and has a ton of veggies!
  • AngelTwin27
    AngelTwin27 Posts: 33 Member
    I make a really yummy Ratatoullie!

    Courgettes, Carrots, Brocolli, Onion and Mushrooms (or anything else that takes your fancy) - Chop and roast all the veges in the oven (I like to pre-boil some that can take longer to roast) and then stir through some pesto style canned tomatoes and garlic and roast a little longer, then add some grated cheese and grill just to melt and brown the cheese.

    So very yummy and low cal too - I usually have it with some chicken or fish to make a meal.
  • harley0269
    harley0269 Posts: 384 Member
    veggies are great in eggs too! veggie/egg/cheese omlets! yum!!
    or topped on salads
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Sadly, I eat more fruit than I do veggies. I actually love veggies more than I love fruit. Totally weird, I know. My favorites are green beans, corn, peas, cauliflower, zucchini, and broccoli. I prefer to eat them on the side with just a little spritz of I Can't Believe It's Not Butter spray. yum! Simple, fast, and delicious!
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    I've found great veggie recipes at Gina's Skinny (Google it). Made me love broccoli again lol
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    I love to roast veggies--great pans of them. Different combos depend on what's in the fridge: sliced red onion (sliced from root to top), peppers of all colors (red and yellow are my favs), zucchini or yellow squash, cherry or grape toms, mushrooms, asparagus, eggplant, garlic buds--fresh is best of course. Spray pan with Pam (or other), toss on the cut up veggies, spray again, then season with fav herbs: basil, oregano, rosemary, garlic/onion salt, chives, or thyme. Sometimes I sprinkle with balsamic vinegar or glaze, lite soy sauce and/or squeeze lemon over all. I roast them at 400-425 degrees F., checking and stirring after 15 minutes. Browned tips and they're done.

    Grate veggies in meat loaves, fish patties.

    Oooo--another fav is sauteed spinach. Great with roasted cloves of garlic, olive oil and a couple of splashes of vinegar--any flavor.

    Wilted lettuce (something dark) splashed with a wee bit of olive oil and vinegar and seasoned with coarse salt and pepper.

    Micro cooked asparagus--just until bright green, seasoned with favs and then chilled. Makes great snacks!

    Skinny asparagus--washed and trimmed and dipped in fav low fat dip/dressing. It's great raw.

    I could go on and on. So many options. Enjoy.