Rae9911 Member


  • Feel free to add me :)
  • From the South West down here.
  • Hi, I'm in the UK, lost 19lb over the last year due to underactive thyroid that has been a pain, still have 35lb to go though. Be great to have friends that are not judgmental :)
    in Hello! Comment by Rae9911 March 2017
  • You can add me if you would like, I have 35lbs still to lose, I have lost 19lb so still a way to go though :)
  • Thank you everyone, appreciate the advice.
    in DOMS Comment by Rae9911 March 2017
  • You can add me too.
  • Thank you Jotti101 and Pawsforme, I have only been exercising and eating healthily again since Jan 2 but my weigh in last Friday I did loose 6lb so I have hope I can lose 1lb a week going forward. Pawsforme here in the UK the doctors will not do anything until your TSH is over 5 and you have bad symptoms. I have asked my…
  • I will not argue with you but there are enough articles on this. I was asking for advice to help my weight loss and not sarcasm, I was led to believe this was a helpful and caring community. How wrong was I, sorry to have bothered you all will not asking on here again.
  • I was wondering if gaining weight was because of this starvation mode if you do not eat enough, as I log everything that goes into my mouth. I may just put it down to exercising more and see what happens at next weeks weigh in.
  • My fitbit is synced to MFP so it is automatically logged in MFP and adjusted as I have read from other threads. The issue I have had is do I eat all of the calories or just some of them? I try to leave at least 500 calories each day, sometimes it can be more. Did I gain the 1lb because of not eating enough?
  • I am aiming for 135lb any lower and I look awful.
  • I would definitely see your doctor and get it checked out as I was doing lunges and heard a snap in my foot/ankle and pain in the ankle where you say yours is and I have apparently damaged the tendon. 2 years on the doctor is still trying to diagnose if it is the Post Tib Tendon or the tendon that moves the toes. Best to…
  • Have you been to see your doctor to rule out any medical issues?
  • Welcome, you have picked the right place to start, feel free to add me as a friend if you would like to.
    in New! Comment by Rae9911 September 2012
  • I am thinking I want people as friends who are there to support me. If they are not logging in at all then I might was well delete them and do it on my own.
  • When I joined the site I did not know anyone on the site and they were just people I made friends with through the site to support each other as we made our lifestyle change.
  • Thanks, I think I may need to have a bit of a clear out.
  • I have just had the FT60 arrive this morning at work, will be setting it up tonight.
  • Thanks bradphil87 I will have my 1 banana day as I always count it in my food diary.
  • Thanks everyone for your advice, I will definately ignore the weight loss advice. I will stick to what I am doing, I lost the first 32lb on my own and I can loose the rest on my own too. Hope everyone has a great day.
  • Hi Dee and welcome, you will find this website so useful and helpful. There are lots of people on here with lots of knowledge so never be afraid to ask for help.
  • Thanks for your input will definitely take them on board. Must make sure I stretch after as I did not do that, the PT said after the workout that's it for today and walked off and being new to the gym forgot all about stretching. I will definitely make sure I stretch when I next go.
  • Thank you all.
  • A few years ago I had to replace my wedding ring as I caught my hand in a heavy door and if it was not for my wedding ring would have lost my fingers. My husband purchased a new one as it other was bent all out of shape and I was a larger size. Since I have lost a few pounds my wedding ring is now to big and falls off. So…
  • I drink about 2-2.5 ltrs of water a day and watch my sodium I could not possibly drink any more water as I find it hard drinking what I am. I think it may be best to just stay away from alcohol, because if I don't drink I lose weight if I have wine I gain, perhaps I am just not meant to drink lol.
  • Good luck tonight with your weigh in I am sure you will be fine. I started on here a year ago as my daughters were getting order and I was fed up with being fat but wanted to show them that you can loose weight by eating sensible and exercising. I did not want my girls to think that it was ok to yo-yo dieting so my…
  • Hi and welcome to MFP. You will find that this website is a valuable tool, you can gain so much information from here and everyone is so friendly and helpful. If you are not sure on something, someone on here will know. Good luck with your journey, feel free to add me as a friend if you wish. :happy: (Sorry correcting…
    in hi all Comment by Rae9911 January 2012
  • It does hurt when you get the comments but you have to remember that you are doing this for you not them. I get comments all the time from my mum that I am obsessed with my calories and diet. I used to reply that it is not a diet but a lifestyle change. Now I just ignore it and say ok mum. At the end of the day I have a…
  • Hey keep sticking to it. I know its soul destroying when you don't loose anything. I started in January 2011and first week lost 5lb next week lost 1lb then gained a 1lb. I truly belive that it is because your body is sorting itself out. I having been eating 1500 calories a day as per my Dr's instructions and making sure…