Ankle pain and exercising

Hi, I recently started doing a modified C25K workout plan. I was on W4D1 Saturday when my ankles started feeling a slight pain. I finished the workout and came home. Took Sunday off and did W4D2 yesterday. The pain was there in both ankles, but subtle during the workout. My cool down is a 10 minute walk home. That is when I really started feeling an increase in pain, especially in my right ankle. It was also swollen under the "bump" of the ankle by the time I got home, so I put ice on it. Today, both ankles are a little puffy and somewhat tender. Luckily, it's my rest day. My shoes are somewhat new, and I had no problems until starting week 4...I am really hoping it is just overuse and not the start of something worse. I am wondering if I should rest longer or get out and push through tomorrow? I am really wanting to finish this workout plan. Any suggestions and advice would be most helpful. Thanks in advance!!


  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    It could simply be too much too soon, however, I'd recommend seeing your doctor, just in case. Swelling might indicate a stress fracture. Keep your feet rested until you find out what's going on!

    Symptoms of a stress fracture include:

    Tenderness in a specific spot
    Increased swelling and pain with activity
    Decreased swelling and pain with rest
    Earlier onset of pain with each successive workout
    Continued pain at rest as the damage progresses

    Not that I want to scare you or anything. It could just be overuse, but it's better to see your doctor about it anyhow.
  • jljshoe1979
    jljshoe1979 Posts: 325 Member
    Overuse was my first suspicion (after reading info on WebMD and here)...I just wanted more feedback, especially from people who may have had a similar experience. I'm also wondering how long to rest (I'm afraid, if I rest too many days I won't be able to continue the program...I only take off every other day for rest, but I could do two or three days, I think???)
  • kelsieowen3
    I'm not familiar with the C25K program, but it sounds like a bit of overuse. Your ankle muscles can work overtime as well depending on a number of issues including the surface you are working out on (grass vs trail vs paved paths for running for example) and the tightness of other muscles in your legs. Make sure that you are incorporating a good warm up into your routine and a good stretch afterwards. Shin splints and other lower leg muscular issues are many times the result of a tight calf muscle, so make sure to stretch that out frequently. Your leg is also a chain of muscles, so if a muscle above or below the pain is tight it can pull on that one area; in other words make sure to stretch everything!
  • Rae9911
    Rae9911 Posts: 200 Member
    I would definitely see your doctor and get it checked out as I was doing lunges and heard a snap in my foot/ankle and pain in the ankle where you say yours is and I have apparently damaged the tendon. 2 years on the doctor is still trying to diagnose if it is the Post Tib Tendon or the tendon that moves the toes.

    Best to get checked out so you do not do permanent damage.