SecretAgent27 Member


  • Hadn't posted this one yet. Katy YMCA Turkey Dash 10K November 27, 2014. 46:42 (7:31/mile) PR 135/1,124 Overall 113/546 Gender 12/62 AG Then today, I ran my first Half Marathon! :D Katy Half Marathon February 7, 2015 1:39:42 (7:36/mile) PR 87/2,282 Overall 73/924 Gender 7/126 AG First time finishing in the Top 100 Overall…
  • Any tips for slowing down? I just try to run "easy" a lot of the time, but I usually end up running 8:00-8:20/mile. And I'm not near as fast as you. I think I could maybe average 7:40 over a half marathon right now.
  • I'm doing a half in February that's an inaugural event, but the production company has been around awhile. Usually does triathlons but has also done some 5K's, 10K's and 10 milers. And they've also almost reached their cap of 3,000 registrants, so it wouldn't be cancelled due to lack of interest.
  • I bring water almost all the time unless I'm doing something fairly short. I think I'd be OK without it for anything under an hour, but I like to have it anyway. I like to time my drinking with the locations of the water stops for my upcoming race. I figure, if I'm training for a race where I'm definitely going to be…
  • Memorial Hermann 10 for Texas October 11, 2014 10 miles 1:21:37 8:10/mile 260/2,247 Overall 199/925 Gender 20/78 Age Group This was my first 10 miler and my longest race to date, having done mostly 5K's and two 10K's. This had been my big goal race since May. After some good 5K's in June and July, I set an ambitious goal…
  • I think I put 700-800 on my last pair before I started to feel some foot pain and decided to get a new pair. I'm a little over 300 on the current pair.
  • I normally wear cotton boxers in my every day life . I think it would be weird to wear those under the liner briefs.
  • Sometimes, the combination of burning a lot of calories and restricting your diet can cause your deficit to be too low which can result in a general lethargic feeling. When I started logging a bunch of miles, I had to actually had to pay attention to make sure I wasn't eating too little. If my deficit was too low, then my…
  • My advice. Don't get locked into a particular brand. Even if there's a brand that a lot of people recommend, they have many different models for different types of feet and some might work for you but others won't so it's not as simple as picking just any pair of Asics or Brooks. Don't buy online. You don't know how those…
  • If you were to use something like the Hal Higdon plans, there's overlap from the end of the Novice 10K plan to the Novice 1 HM plan. Or Intermediate 10K to Int. HM. It's a little different, but not that much. With a little planning, you can seamlessly transition from a 10K plan to a HM plan where it all feels like one big…
  • Ran my Sunday 5K in 23:48, nearly a full minute better than my previous best.
  • I run 5 days a week. My rest days are on Thursday and Sunday. Long Runs on Saturday.
  • Ah, a fellow Houstonian. Welcome. Nice improvement on the 5K time.
  • I just started running seriously in late January. One of my primary goals was to lose weight and I'm down 34 lbs. I did my first 5K at the end of March. My conservative goal was just to finish in under 30 minutes and my ambitious goal was 27:30. I finished in just over 28. I did my first 10K six weeks later and expected to…
  • The Terry Hershey Park trails are somewhat hilly. Not huge, extended hills but it's not flat either, at least East of Eldridge and particularly Dairy Ashford. I know some people use the Barker Reservoir dam at Hwy 6 and Buffalo Bayou for hill repeats.
  • I think that Hal feels (as do many others) that you need to build up your long run to a certain point in order to run a marathon. So he's trying to do that, but he's also trying to balance it out for beginners and novices by keeping the overall mileage down. You commonly hear that you should do at least one long run of 20…
  • I've done it where I'll do an easy run followed by a long run the next day followed by a rest day and also long run, easy run, rest day. They both work for me. I haven't found one to be better than the other. But it sounds like you're describing a more intense workout the day after a long run. I stick to the philosophy of…
  • I took it to mean she was talking about her weekly mileage . . . err. . . kilometers. Going from 40K (25 miles) to 55K (34 miles) is a big jump for one week. It would be huge if we were talking about individual runs.
  • If you can run 40K comfortably, I might go back and do that again for a week before bumping it up. There are a couple of "rules" about adding mileage. One is the 10% rule which you apparently know about. Another one is that you can add one mile for every day of the week that you run. So if you run 3 days a week, you can…
  • Have you ever evaluated your running form? Or researched what proper running form is? A lot of people reach their legs out in front of them, forcing them to land out in front of their body on their heel and with a straight leg. That creates a lot of impact on that leg that you end up repeating over and over again. It also…
  • I seem to be in the minority in that exercise doesn't make me hungry. And in the case intense exercise, it actually curbs my appetite to the point where I literally can't eat afterwards. That said, I need to have something in my stomach before I run. If I run in the morning without eating, my stomach just feels empty and…
  • The answer is theoretically "yes". In the end, what matters is creating a calorie deficit and how to get that deficit is up to you. Some do it simply through diet, some do it strictly through exercise, and some do it through a combination of both. I think you need to do a little trial and error to figure out what works…
  • Follow the advice others have given. Run slower and run longer/farther. I know it's somewhat counter-intuitive, but that's how you increase your endurance. If you can run 3+ miles at a time, 1.5 should feel easier right? And in order to run farther, you have to run slower because you won't be able to keep up your 1.5 mile…
  • According to this, I should skip running outdoors for the next few months.
  • Not always. I went to a specialty store to get my first running shoes after I hurt my foot running cross trainers. They told me I overpronated and put me in a support shoe, which was fine for awhile. But when I starter running longer distances I started getting blisters on my arch and balls of my feet. I went back and…
  • Google "Couch to 5K".
  • I'm following a 1/2 marathon plan (to prepare for a 10 mile race) from Greg McMillan's book "You (only faster)". A lot of his plans indicate a range of minutes instead of miles for most runs. I like that idea because as you naturally get faster and your training paces increase, you'll end up doing more distance in the same…
  • That's kind of how I ran my last 5K. I didn't really follow a strategy. Based on my previous race, a 10K, I was estimated to run a 5K in about 26:30 (8:30 pace) which would've been a nice improvement over my previous 5K at 27:12. So I go out and run the first mile in 7:20. I felt OK so I went with it and just tried to hold…
  • It seems to me that the settings on either the watch or the site in regards to sex, height, or weight (or activity for the site) have to be off in order to get that kind of disparity. I tried the website a couple of times but never used it. I went back to see what it said for today's workout. My watch said I burned 733…
  • I started running consistently on January 19, but I already had enough of a base to be able to run 4 miles several times a week. I ran my first 5K on March 29 and my first 10K six weeks later on May 10 (finishing in 54:56). That works out to 3 months and 3 weeks. I followed the training plays at…