yangi1 Member


  • FR sent. I am exactly in the boat just started again last week. We can do it
  • I'm looking to lose 20lbs as well. I'm looking for support and can support you as well. I'm here everyday. You can all add me.
  • Definitely please add me too
  • I finish the 1st month this week. I can see a big difference already. But I haven't done any measurement yet to see how many inches I have lost. Leaving that to Sunday. I hear month 2 is hard. Does anyone know how long are the recovery week sessions? I do my exercises in the moment before work and just want to plan ahead…
    in 1st month Comment by yangi1 October 2013
  • I weigh myself every Thursday as I'm part of another group which I have to weigh in weekly and I'm losing weight which is great.
  • Had my fit test this morning...and yes I have improved in all the exercises and this is gving me motivation to go on as the last time week 3 was my downfall. I'm so pleased. I will be doing the measurements tomorrow and hopefully I have lost some inches as well! All the best everyone!
  • Well done. I'm waiting for week 2 before I measure myself again. My diet is not the cleanest so I might not lose much. I'm hoping to lose weight as I really want to get rid of the last 8lbs
  • Week 1 completed yay looking forward to rest day tomorrow as I'm sore and still not completely recovered from my cold. I'm hoping week 2 will be easier. Keep it up guys we can do it.
  • Yesterday I did Cardio Power and Resistance - yes I find those push-ups really hard as I have always done girly push ups. This morning was Cardio recovery which is much more relaxed but the stretches are still mad! its funny but I'm looking forward to Pure Cardio tomorrow because I just love Cardio and you sweat lots. Keep…
  • Nice to have someone who has done it before Did the Plyo Cardio Circuit this morning and I really struggled probably because my cold is not complety gone. I find that I'm hungry none stop after. Does anyone find it the same as well?
  • My cold has not gone yet but feeling better. I'm going to start on Tuesday hopefully. Good luck to both of you. We can do it
  • I started Insanity at the beginning of the week but have been struck by a terrible cold so had to stop on Thursday. Hopefully if I'm fully recovered by the 9th I will start again and this will be a nice way to encourage each other. You are more than welcome to add me as friend
  • I might start going for a walk as well as I find the moves quite hard to follow and feel like I haven't done much on that day.
  • I started Insanity on 2nd September. Age 37 Weight 127.5 Goal - To be able to finish Insanity and say I have done it. Feel healthier and fitter.
  • Count me in! Name: Yangi Starting weight: 127.5lbs
  • Feel free to add me and anyone here who needs friends please do as I need some more friends for motivation as well.
  • Yay for this. I keep starting it and stopping so hopefully with support I can finally do it. Can't wait to start it again
    in yes!!!!! Comment by yangi1 July 2013
  • Hello everyone, Sorry haven't posted much last week. I had an exam and then off camping and only got back last night. I'm back now and going back into my normal routine and you will here more from me. Despite the busyness last week I managed to lose 0.5 lbs which I'm so happy about. I didn't do any of the other challenges…
  • Hi all, my name is Yangi I'm 37 and have 3 kids 13, 5, and 2. I look forward to doing the challenge with all of you. This week is a bit of a nightmare for me as I have exams so I won't be online much. I'm then going camping for the weekend and back on Monday. from next week I will be back to routine so should hear more…
  • Hi all, sorry I haven't posted much. I have exams next week and with 3 kids, work and revising its extremely busy so I probabbly wont post much this week but will make sure I post my week 4 challenge stats for the week on Sunday or Monday. This week I have actually gained 1lb and I'm now 128.5. I'm not happy but I was…
  • I tried kick boxing today and I absolutely loved it. There were only 3 of us so I had lots of one to one with the instructor ans she really pushed me. I think it my new favourite exercise. So far: 2/4 days of exercise 1/1 new -kick boxing 100/135 crunches, 100/135 squats, 100/135 push-ups 4/7 days of 5-a-day no recipe today
  • Here is my stats so far this week. I'm hoping to try kickboxing as something new on Thursday. 1/4 days of exercise nothing new yet 45/135 crunches, 145/135 squats, 45/135 push-ups 2/7 days of 5-a-day no recipe today
  • Don't lose motivation...things will get better. Have you looked at what you were doing when you lost the 4pounds? Sometimes its the small changes that make a difference. I have found that overt time if I haven't tracked my food properly then I don't do so well as I love food and will easily eat too much.
  • I have lost 0.5lbs this week. Not as good as last week but a loss is good. 1. 4/7 sessions of exercise 2. 1/1 new 3. 1/3 bicycle crunches 4. no rest today 5.7/7 breakfast 6. No recipe posted
  • I have checked and we don't have any from the shops I looked at. You might have to bring some. Hope you had a better day today. x
  • Not doing well this week. Was out with hubby today for our anniversary last week and ate a lot of unhealthy food! So not expecting good results this so need all the advantage points! my week so far: 1. 3/7 sessions of exercise 2. 1/1 new 3. 1/3 bicycle crunches 4. Rest today 5.5/7 breakfast 6. No recipe posted
  • No I don't think we have Strawberry flavored Airborne. Never heard of it. I can check in some shops here and let you know. Couldn't you bring some over?
  • Hi all, Sorry haven't updated the last couple of days been very busy. I got to try 30DS dvd on Tuesday. To say my body hurts in places I never thought existed is an understatment but I loved it! here is my starts so far: 30/4/2013 1. 1/7 sessions of exercise 2. 30DS DVD 3. 1/3 bicycle ccrunches 4. No rest today 5. 2/7…
  • Hi Ladies, how is week 2 going. I'm really enjoying this as its giving me motivation (and I usually lose that quickly). Here is my starts so far for this week: 29/4/2013 1. 1/7 sessions of exercise 2. nothing new yet 3. no Bicycle Crunches yet 4. No rest today 5. 1/7 breakfast 6. No recipe posted Please can I have some…
  • Hi all, here is my final update for this week 1. 4/7 days of 30 min.of cardio 2. Done last Monday 3.270/350 squats 4. 2 rest days 5.2/2 fish I have weighed in and I'm now 128lbs. Lost 2 pounds very haapy with that.